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nLab Seiberg duality


under construction



physics, mathematical physics, philosophy of physics

Surveys, textbooks and lecture notes

theory (physics), model (physics)

experiment, measurement, computable physics

Quantum field theory

String theory


1. Idea

Seiberg duality (named after (Seiberg)) is a version of electric-magnetic duality in supersymmetric gauge theory.

For supersymmetric QCD it identifies in the infrared (long distance limit, and only there) the quarks and gluons in a theory with N fN_f quark flavors and SU(N c)SU(N_c) gauge group for

N f>N c+1 N_f \gt N_c +1

with solitons in a theory of N fN_f quark flavors and gauge group SU(N˜ c)SU(\tilde N_c), where

N˜ c=N fN c. \tilde N_c = N_f - N_c \,.

2. Properties

Realization in string theory

Seiberg duality follows from phenomena in string theory, where gauge theories arise as the worldvolume theories of D-branes (geometric engineering of quantum field theory). Seiberg duality is obtained for gauge theories of D-branes that stretch between two NS5-branes. The duality operation corresponds to exchanging the two NS5-branes.

  • Amihay Hanany, Edward Witten, Type-IIB superstrings, BPS monopoles and three-dimensional gauge dynamics , Nucl. Phys. B 492 (1997) 152 (hep-th/9611230).

  • S. Elitzur, A. Giveon, D. Kutasov, E. Rabinovici and A. Schwimmer, Brane dynamics and N=1N = 1 supersymmetric gauge theory, Nucl. Phys. B 505 (1997) 202 (hep-th/9704104)

See also string theory results applied elsewhere.

Formalization by derived quiver categories

Seiberg duality is formalized by equivalences of derived categories of quiver representations.

3. Examples

Toric duality

Toric Duality is Seiberg duality for N=1N=1 theories with toric moduli spaces.

From D-branes on del Pezzo singularities

  • Christopher Herzog, Seiberg Duality is an Exceptional Mutation (arXiv:hep-th/0405118)

  • Subir Mukhopadhyay, Koushik Ray, Seiberg duality as derived equivalence for some quiver gauge theories Journal of High Energy Physics Volume 2004 JHEP02(2004)

For exceptional gauge groups

Seiberg duality for gauge groups which are exceptional Lie groups:

But see

Chiral and non-chiral duals

Duality cascade

Due to

A review is in

Discussion in connection with non-conformal variants of AdS/CFT is in

With few supercharges

  • a 3d Yang-Mills Chern-Simons theory with two supercharges (N=1N = 1 SUSY in 3d)

    (Adi Armoni, Amit Giveon, Dan Israel, Vasilis Niarchos, 2009)

  • a non-supersymmetric theory in 4d4d;

    (Adi Armoni, Dan Israel, Gregory Moraitis, Vasilis Niarchos, 2008).

Discussed in

  • Adi Armoni, Two Examples of Seiberg Duality in Gauge Theories With Less Than Four Supercharges (pdf)

duality in physics

5. References

Original articles

The original article is

The “cascade” of Seiberg dualities is due to

Lectures and reviews

Surveys and reviews include

See also section 22 of

Last revised on April 2, 2020 at 12:51:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.