On the adjoint triangle theorem:
On Kan extensions in enriched category theory:
Introducing the Dubuc topos for synthetic differential geometry:
More $C^\infty$-rings and synthetic differential geometry:
Eduardo Dubuc, -schemes Amer. J. Math. 103 (1981) [[pdf](http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~jroquet/Dubuc.pdf) JSTOR]
Eduardo Dubuc, Horacio Porta, Convenient categories of topological algebras, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 77:6 (1971), 975–979 euclid; Convenient categories of topological algebras, and their duality theory, J. Pure Appl. Alg. 1:3 (1971) 281–316.
Marta Bunge, Eduardo Dubuc, Archimedian local -rings and models of synthetic differential geometry Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 27 no. 3 (1986) 3–22 (numdam)
Marta Bunge, Eduardo Dubuc, Local concepts in synthetic differential geometry and germ representability, chapter in book Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science, CRC Press 1987
E. Dubuc, Axiomatic etal maps and a theory of spectrum , JPAA 149 (2000) 15–45
On topoi:
On differential 1-forms in synthetic differential geometry:
On Galois theory:
E. J. Dubuc, Localic Galois theory, Adv. Math. 175:1 (2003) 144–167 doi
Eduardo J. Dubuc, C. Sanchez de la Vega, On the Galois Theory of Grothendieck, arXiv:math.CT/0009145
On quasi-topoi:
Maria Emilia Descotte, Eduardo Dubuc, A theory of 2-pro-objects (with expanded proofs) [[arXiv:1406.5762](https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.5762)]
Maria E. Descotte, Eduardo J. Dubuc, M. Szyld, Sigma limits in 2-categories and flat pseudofunctors, (v1:On the notion of flat 2-functors) arXiv:1610.09429 Adv. Math. 333 (2018) 266–313
On localizations of 2-categories:
Maria E. Descotte, Eduardo J. Dubuc, M. Szyld, A localization of bicategories via homotopies, Theory and Applications of Categories 35 23 (2020) 845-874 [[tac:2020](http://tac.mta.ca/tac/volumes/35/23/35-23abs.html) MR4112764]
Maria E. Descotte, Eduardo J. Dubuc, M. Szyld, Model bicategories and their homotopy bicategories, Adv. Math. B 404 (2022) 108455 [[arXiv:1805.07749](https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.07749) doi:10.1016/j.aim.2022.108455]
On MV-algebras:
Eduardo J. Dubuca, Yuri A. Poveda, Representation theory of MV-algebras, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161:8 (2010) 1024–1046 doi
E. J. Dubuc, Daniele Mundici, Extending Stone duality to multisets and locally finite MV-algebras, J.Pure Appl. Alg. 1891–3 (2004) 37–59
R. Cignoli, E.J. Dubuc, D. Mundici, An MV-algebraic invariant for boolean algebras with a finite-orbit automorphism, Tatra Mount. Math. Publ, 27 (2003) 23–43
On homotopy 2-categories of model categories (in higher variation of the homotopy category of a model category):
Revision on August 20, 2024 at 15:19:11 by colltoaction See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.