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ZEHF-er; ZEHF-uh
"west wind"

Zephyr Origin and Meaning

The name Zephyr is a boy's name of Greek origin meaning "west wind".

If you're looking for a name that's light and breezy, this could be it. A name from mythology: Zephyrus/Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind, and with its similarity in sound to the likes of Stefan or Seth, its zippy Z initial and cool Y, it is primed to rise up the US charts.

Frequently seen in computer and video games thanks to its mystical quality, it is also a character in the children's book Silverwing, and in the Babar books--as a monkey. It features in the TV series My Little Pony, the short animated film How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming, and in the manga series, One Piece.

Robby Benson and Karla De Vito named their son Zephyr in 1992, and Zephyr Benson is now an actor himself. More recently it was chosen by tech entrepreneur Sean Parker for his baby boy.

Thanks to these cultural references, and the more general interest in myhtological names, Zephyr has doubled in popularity over the last decade and was given to nearly 190 boys in the US in a recent year.

# 44 on Nameberry

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Zephyr Popularity

20 Names Similar to Zephyr

These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Zephyr.

Famous People Named Zephyr

  • ZEPHYR (born Andrew Witten)
    American graffiti artist, lecturer and author
  • Zephyr Benson
    American actor/writer/director; son of actor Robby Benson
  • Zephyr Cunningham (b. 2011)
    son of Julia Bradbury and Gerard Cunningham
  • Zephyr Emerson Parker (b. 2014)
    son of entrepreneur Sean Parker of Facebook

Zephyr in Pop Culture

  • Michael "Zephyr" Ravens
    minor character in Jandy Nelson's "I'll Give You the Sun"
  • "The Zephyr Song" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
    from the album 'By The Way'
  • Zephyr Hills
    water brand
  • Zephyr Breeze
    Fluttershy’s younger brother in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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