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A downloadable story for Windows and macOS

[This game contains mentions and depictions of alcohol use, gender dysphoria and emotional neglect; additionally, verbal abuse is implied. Proceed with caution.]

The Hext family isn't particularly emotional; through generations, they kept secrets from even their closest relatives, living as if they were lacking feelings at all. Pain accumulated through the centuries, making the Cedar Woods mansion a witness to countless broken lives and many destroyed dreams.

As the nearby town of Ivehorn faces a supernatural threat, the Hexts are facing their own demons. Meredith finds out that her niece, Blythe, decided to undergo a dangerous procedure known as convergence - an act of fusing one's body with its equivalent from the Realm of Dreams. The confrontation and its consequences lead to many things - all of which will leave a lasting impact on both Hexts.


  • about 10k words (about an hour or two of reading) of a kinetic novel experience
  • soundtrack by yours truly
  • clickable terms, if you require an explanation for in-universe terms
  • gender feels
  • generational pain
  • absolutely no biased narrator haha why would you think that

["Convergence" is the sixth game in Oneiron series. All Oneiron games can be played as standalone titles, however, if you want more from the same universe, you might enjoy the my previous year's Trans Representation Jam entry, "Tourist in the Waking World", or the previous main storyline entry, "Let's Get Bitter Together"]

Writing, coding, music: Naarel

Art: Viktor "Navypink" Sych

PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsAmare, Kinetic Novel, LGBTQIA, Transgender, urban-fantasy


Convergence+Decoherence (PC version) 87 MB
Convergence+Decoherence (Mac version) 82 MB

Development log


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Felt so many things about this. ðŸ«  I liked the way you tackled all the issues around conforming to family expectations, fitting a certain image, and everything that's engrained in us just from being raised a certain way (which makes it hard to overcome without some external push). I really feel for Blythe, the lines about looking in the mirror and loathing their reflection broke my heart. 😢 (and I absolutely understand why they'd go so far to change things)

But heartbreak aside, I enjoyed the read! The writing and world-building are great (though I guess these are kinda your trademarks at this point ^^), and props for adding the little lore pop-ups, I found them very helpful. 👌 Oh, and I feel like the warm color palette really added to the mood, it felt fitting for a late-night heart-to-heart about family secrets. 🤭

The ending was very heartwarming and felt satisfying after the whole conversation, and I'm curious to see what the future has in store for these two. ^^ (even though it's probably nothing good, haha)


This was so cool and it got me super hooked on the Oneiron worldbuilding!! I find it awesome how you managed to add so much lore into the story with only big scene/conversation! I really loved it a lot, from the great music, to the lovely art, to the brilliant writing!!

First of all, the narrator being biased and even letting you as a player "answer" whenever they explained any of the words in the lore was great. It makes the experience all the more enjoyable and intriguing. And speaking of intriguing? GOD!! You have such a knack for dialogue and foreshadowing!! The way the pacing of the whole scenario went??? Starting with a subtle small talk about how their world works in a way that's very natural, then moving onwards to less-desirable topics for both Blythe and Meredith, to the climax with big reveals sdgnsdkgjb aaahhh, it was so well done!! Blythe and Meredith are amazing characters and I really loved seeing how they got a little closer with each other after such a deep conversation. 

Also, can I just say... while I'm not trans, I could relate so much to Blythe's struggle with their identity and their whole refusal of not accepting anything but being themselves, no matter what. The whole topic about others setting expectations and being so fed up with it all and just wanting to live for themselves... it really rang close to home. 

I definitely have to play more of the Oneiron series games! I saw that Meredith and Blythe appear in other games so I'll definitely have to check those out at some point!!

Awesome job, Naarel!! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! I played Convergence and it was an experience for sure! I enjoyed the thoughts and experience of Blythe, regarding gender, expectations, family ties... The passive-agressive discussion with Meredith, eventually ending up on a brighter note, felt very nice too (especially considering Blythe's mother is what ties the both of them together, if you forget the whole Hext feels?). I got curious about the narrator, and the post-credit scene definitely made me waaaaaaaaaaaay more curious. Blythe's solitude (regarding their experience with gender, their lack of emotional support, the fact Eva was taken away from them) moved me... And the need to converge, to merge what you are in your mind and what you are outside... Let's say it spoke to me a lot, haha!

The clickable terms were a welcomed addition, the art was lovely and I absolutely adored the music too! Congrats on making this game, Naarel, I truly enjoyed it!! And, as always, I'm completely amazed by your worldbuilding, and the extent of the Oneironverse!

EDIT: I also enjoyed how everything was brownish but Blythe! Made sense thematically (Meredith trying to meet the expectations vs Blythe refusing them).




I'm left with so many feelings after playing through. Particularly as dream-like drone of theme music continues to play in my ear LOL

This was... SO MUCH. Gosh. I'm kinda left here just like... thinking about everything and trying to wrap my head around everything, because there was just SO MUCH IN HERE and SO MUCH OF IT DID THINGS TO MY HEART and then in the next moment after I thought I had recovered THERE WOULD BE SOMETHING ELSE and it just kept BUILDING and that freaking MUSIC WOULD JUST KEEP HUMMING IN MY HEAD LIKE IT WAS TRYING TO TAKE ME TO ONEIRON LADKJFASD

Ok let me try to actually be more coherent LOL

First off, particularly as I just played LGBT only a few weeks ago so it was still quite fresh in my head, I found this absolutely lovely now getting to learn more about Meredith and her whole... side of things (at least a bit). ALSO LIKE IT STARTED TO EXPLAIN AND ANSWER SO MANY OF THE LITTLE QUESTIONS I HAD LEFT OVER AFTER LGBT???? This made me incredibly excited right off the bat, like jumping into this little behind-the-scenes interlude and getting to dive even deeper into the lore (and all its dark secrets laksdjfs).

Also I LOVE LOVE LOVE BLYTHE. So many of their own thoughts and like, just kinda the way they would explain or think about things resonated with me a lot. I loved them to bits. And ofc I loved Meredith, too. I really loved seeing this new look into her and her interactions beyond what we saw in LGBT. Her opening up. Showing insecurities and tumult and just like, so much emotion?? Ok I realize Meredith is not exactly someone you'd call an "emotional person" LOL but I felt like the way you handled her here, with so much subtlety in her careful words and how she'd step back from the convo for a bit, etc., was just really effective. Like even though it wasn't "emotional" from what you'd normally expect from someone quite emotive, to me who saw Meredith in LGBT I thought it was great and a really well done approach to her character and interactions.

The dynamic between these two in general was SO GOOD UGHHHHHHHHHHH. Like. The back and forths. Opening up some but then you can tell other parts are being held back. The gradual build. The acerbic ripostes. The way you can tell that Meredith cares so so much but also how you can tell that others wouldn't be able to tell that because of how she carries herself. Blythe's overly-observant commentary. AND LMAO I LAUGHED SO HARD WHEN BLYTHE BROUGHT UP THE ROOMMATES MEME HELPPPPPPPPPPPP. Had to pause reading for a second because actual tears in my eyes LOL.

I found so much of the lore and further explanation and depth into Oneiron to be absolutely fascinating. And the idea of convergence!! I went back and forth between being somewhat terrified every time it was mentioned to then by the end being like... on a similar wavelength to Blythe where like, yeah, if you can't actually be who you want to be in all aspects of your life, is life really worth living?? Especially as someone who finds it so hard to talk about... many of these similar issues... out loud with other people, even friends and family, let alone strangers, I could completely vibe with Blythe and their thought processes. I would also want to just be able to like... do it myself... even if it took time and effort and was risky as all hell. Like. I wouldn't be able to not do it at some point, especially in Blythe's shoes where they did get to experience what it's like to actually be everything they know they truly are in the dream world and then have to come back to reality... guh. Just.  Brought out a lot of thoughts in me.

I keep rambling on about the story and chars and dialogue (because they were all fantastic) but the rest of the game was ALSO fantastic. THE MUSIC???? HELLO????? I love how it was the same theme (from what I could tell most / all of the time(?)) but just given different remixes for lack of a better word. It really tied everything together so well. From the dreamy drone of the main version, to the softer more introspective version in some of the poignant moments, TO THEN THE INTENSE ONE WHENEVER THE VIBE GOT REALLY INTENSE???? (that one always made my heart start to pick up LMAO). Absolutely in love with the sheer aesthetic it gave to the whole game and vibe.

AND THE ART WAS ABSOLUTELY LOVELY AS WELL. Both Meredith's and Blythe's sprites were delightful, and the dark, rich background really brought a sense of heavy weightiness to everything. I could feel right away that we were in some kind of weighty, dark, manor with a lot of history behind it, a kind of pristine but cold "prestige" dripping off everything. I also really loved how the last bit with them hugging shot to the close-up of the portrait and how it ended. Just a really neat choice of scene direction there to bring everything to a close.


I need to perhaps stop rambling a bit as I feel like I'm just word vomiting onto the comment box now. But this was honestly so so so great. I feel like with every game of yours I play, I learn more and more and more about this dark and surreal yet tantalizingly colorful world and I can't get enough of it lkdajfasd OH ALSO THE GLOSSARY FEATURE WAS REALLY REALLY COOL??? I forgot to mention it alkdjfads


Oh also also sobbing a little bit when I started up the game it automatically loaded my save data file from LGBT in one of the save slots?? ðŸ¤£
