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In this Issue

Table of Contents

  1. Pandemics and Political Development: The Electoral Legacy of the Black Death in Germany
  2. Daniel W. Gingerich, Jan P. Vogler
  3. pp. 393-440
  4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887121000034
  5. restricted access
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  1. The Impact of Political Apologies on Public Opinion
  2. Risa Kitagawa, Jonathan A. Chu
  3. pp. 441-481
  4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887121000083
  5. restricted access
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  1. Economic Risk within the Household and Voting for the Radical Right
  2. Tarik Abou-Chadi, Thomas Kurer
  3. pp. 482-511
  4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887121000046
  5. restricted access
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  1. Social Democratic Party Exceptionalism and Transnational Policy Linkages
  2. Petra Schleiter, Tobias Böhmelt, Lawrence Ezrow, Roni Lehrer
  3. pp. 512-544
  4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887121000022
  5. restricted access
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  1. Technological Change and the International System
  2. Helen V. Milner, Sondre Ulvund Solstad
  3. pp. 545-589
  4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887121000010
  5. restricted access
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  1. Race, Resources, and Representation: Evidence from Brazilian Politicians—CORRIGENDUM
  2. Natália S. Bueno, Thad Dunning
  3. pp. 590-591
  4. restricted access
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  1. Social Revolution and Authoritarian Durability–ERRATUM
  2. Jean Lachapelle, Steven Levitsky, Lucan A. Way, Adam E. Casey
  3. p. 592
  4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887121000071
  5. restricted access
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