Zeppelin adalah sejenis kapal udara kaku yang dipelopori oleh seorang Count dari Jerman iaitu Ferdinand von Zeppelin pada awal kurun ke-20. Rekabentuknya berdasarkan asas yang digariskan oleh beliau pada tahun 1874[1] dan diperincikan pada tahun 1893. Rancangan beliau telah dikaji oleh sebuah jawatankuasa pada tahun 1894 dan dipatenkan di Amerika Syarikat pada 14 Mac 1899. Ekoran rekabentuknya yang mendapat kejayaan yang cemerlang, istilah zeppelin digunakan bagi kepada semua kapal udara kaku.
Zeppelin digunakan oleh syarikat pengangkutan penumpang komersial pertama iaitu Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-AG (DELAG). DELAG, telah menjadualkan penerbangan sebelum Perang Dunia I. Selepas perang meletus, tentera Jerman menggunakan secara ekstensif Zeppelin sebagai pesawat pegebom dan peninjau.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Rujukan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- de Syon, Guillaume (2001), Zeppelin!: Germany and the Airship, 1900–1939, Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 0801867347
- Dooley, Sean C., The Development of Material-Adapted Structural Form Diarkibkan 2008-06-25 di Wayback Machine – Part II: Appendices Diarkibkan 2008-06-25 di Wayback Machine. THÈSE NO 2986 (2004), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Eckener, Hugo. 1938. Count Zeppelin: The Man and His Work, translated by Leigh Fanell, London – Massie Publishing Company, Ltd. – (ASIN: B00085KPWK) (online extract pages 155–157, 210–211)
- Lehmann, Ernst A.; Mingos, Howard. The Zeppelins. The Development of the Airship, with the Story of the Zepplins [sic] Air Raids in the World War. Chapter VI THE NORTH SEA PATROL – THE ZEPPELINS AT JUTLAND (online chapter)
- Smith, Peter J. C. (1991), Zeppelins over Lancashire, Neil Richardson, ISBN 1852160667
Bacaan lanjut
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Rich Archbold and Ken Marshall, Hindenburg, an Illustrated History, 1994 ISBN 0-446-51784-4
- William F. Althoff, USS Los Angeles: The Navy's Venerable Airship and Aviation Technology , 2003, ISBN 1-57488-620-7
- Peter Brooks, Zeppelin: Rigid Airships 1893–1940 , 2004, ISBN 0-85177-845-3
- Manfred Griehl and Joachim Dressel, Zeppelin! The German Airship Story, 1990 ISBN 1-85409-045-3
- Ces Mowthorpe, Battlebags: British Airships of the First World War, 1995 ISBN 0-905778-13-8
- McPhee, John, The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed, 1992 ISBN 978-0374516352
- Ian Castle, London 1914–17 – The Zeppelin Menace, ISBN 978-184603-245-5
Pautan luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- How did London civilians respond to the German airship raids of 1915?
- Zeppelin & Airships at the whistle museum. Diarkibkan 2009-06-08 di Wayback Machine
- Zeppelin NT in the World and Technical Data Diarkibkan 2008-12-20 di Wayback Machine
- Airships.net — Illustrated history of passenger zeppelins
- eZEP.de Diarkibkan 2014-11-12 di Wayback Machine — The webportal for Zeppelin mail and airship memorabilia
- Zeppelin Study Group Diarkibkan 2009-01-08 di Wayback Machine — Research group for airship memorabilia and Zeppelin mail
- Zeppelin Post Journal — Quarterly publication for Zeppelin mail and airship memorabilia
- Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH Diarkibkan 2006-05-10 di Wayback Machine — The original company, now developing the Zeppelin NT
- Airshipventures.com — Bringing Zeppelin NT airships to the USA
- zeppelintours.com — Zeppelin airship flights Needs Adobe Flash Player
- Dark Autumn: The 1916 German Zeppelin Offensive
- History of zeppelin development, Andrew Czernek (Omnivorous-GA), "Early Airship Design and Development", 9 May 2003
- Diesel engines in zeppelins, Andrew Czernek (Omnivorous-GA), "Aircraft Propulsion," 11 June 2003
- Zeppelin seeks hidden diamond stashes in Kalahari from CNET
- How the Zeppelin was destroyed Wednesday 6 September 1916 The Guardian
- Zeppelin im Krieg University of Constance, online multimedia presentation in the Zeppelin-Museum Friedrichshafen (German)