Mental health for all

California is transforming our entire mental health and substance use disorder system. The result: better behavioral health care for all Californians.

We’re delivering on the promises made decades ago for care in the community. And we’re focusing on those who are the most ill, unsheltered, and vulnerable.

Follow along as this change starts July 1, 2026 – a new day for California wellness and mental health.

Governor Newsom at a roundtable with mental health advocates. Shortly afterward, he signed the historic reform to the Mental Health Services Act.
Governor Newsom at a roundtable with mental health advocates. Shortly afterward, he signed the historic reform to the Mental Health Services Act and Infrastructure Bond.

Seeking help?

When you need support

Mental health is an essential part of your healthcare. If mental health or substance is affecting your daily life, contact your doctor. Ask for help including treatments like therapy and medication.

Don’t have a doctor? Find out how to get health insurance through Covered California.

Have coverage and can’t get treatment? Call the Department of Managed Health Care at

Staying healthy

Are you feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or worried? California offers free mental health support, wellness resources, emotional support, and more. Find free help today.

Proposition 1 implementation

Summer 2024

Bond applications for treatment sites open

Winter 2024

Bond applications for supportive housing open

Spring/Summer 2025

Bond money awarded to: 

  • cities,
  • counties,
  • tribal entities, and
  • organizations across California

Summer 2026

All counties implement new 3-year comprehensive behavioral health services plans

Happening now

Up to $3.3 billion in grant funds from Proposition 1 are available to help build treatment sites. Apply now.

Accountability for results

A key to our behavioral health transformation is adding accountability tools. This lets us see real results and better outcomes. And this means accountability from everyone, including:

  • state and local entities
  • counties and cities
  • private and public sectors


We’re debuting a new state web page with easy- to- use trackers for county and state progress. This lets you see what’s going on in your community.

In 2026-2027, all new mental health plans and reports from counties and state:

  • will be based on community input and data,
  • will include all funding, and
  • will be reviewed by the state for outcomes.
Learn more

Now is the time for counties to take action

Counties have the tools and resources they need to: 

  • take action now,
  • build more treatment centers, and
  • plan for the new comprehensive behavioral health plans to take effect in July 2026.

Here’s how to do it:


The first-ever county and state all behavioral health 3-year plans will begin July 2026.

  • We will engage Californians in county and state planning for behavioral health funding.
  • To read your county’s current 3-year plans for MHSA funds, see MHSA County Plans and Updates.