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Post-RadCon update

Posted on February 20, 2025 by Meg James

I've been keeping up on art updates here, but I've neglected to make any homepage posts. Well, RadCon was this past weekend, and we (L James and I) had a fun weekend in the artist alley. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

I have some new-ish stickers I need to set up in the shop. Hopefully there will be prints soon as well! I'll make a new post here when those are ready. I ordered some sample prints from a print-on-demand service to see how they'd turn out, and they didn't arrive in time for the con. When I have some extra funds and time to do research, I should look into options for a high quality color printer of my own. Open to recommendations for good printers that will cooperate with Ubuntu!

As always, if you want to support what I do, commissioning me is always an option. I have a Valentines special going on through the end of February. Yes, Valentine's day is over, but who cares! The special remains until February 28.

That's all for now!


Stickers and things

Posted on July 16, 2024 by Meg James

Hey! Those with an eye for detail might have noticed my website has a shop section now. I've had a few times up since February, but I've just added some additional sticker designs. If you're in the market for some cute stickers or other goodies, take a look!

Fire Danger Dragon sticker
Potion of Brilliance sticker
Defiant Dandelion sticker

The online store should be fully operational, but if you run into any problems with it, just email me (meg-james@meg-james.com) and we'll get it sorted out!


Commissions are open once again!

Posted on July 3, 2024 by Meg James

Commissions are reopened, with some changes to prices, an overhaul to the terms of service going forward (so make sure you review that!), and new offers available!

I'm excited and I hope you are, too. Take a look at all of that, and if you need some work done, get in touch!

I still have commissions marked as "closed" on my social media at the moment, but I'll be getting that stuff all updated within the week. As always, this website has the most up-to-date status regarding commissions and the queue, so if you're ever unsure, just check here or email me!


Pride Month’s coming early

Posted on April 22, 2024 by Meg James

Hello hello! As outlined in my previous update, my Pride Month icon special is starting early. For Patreon members, it's available right now! For everyone else, it'll start May 6. This means you can have a shiny new icon in plenty of time for Pride, so you're not scrambling when the occasion comes!

Pride Month (early!) Icon Special. meg-james.com/commissions; 20% off Circle Icons that have a pride flag backdrop. Patrons: Apr 15 - May 31; Public: May 06 - May 31.

All commission types will close on June 1, but commissions on the queue at that time will be finished as normal. And then commissions will open up again in July! I think we went over this in the last post.

By the way, if you're in the market for Pride stuff that isn't an icon commission, check out my shop section! I have, among other things, Pride-themed pinback buttons. I'll be adding more items as they're available. The shop is new, the styling is slightly weird in some places, but it should all work just fine. If it doesn't, get in touch with me and I'll see what needs to be done!


Heads up! Important commission-related dates

Posted on April 3, 2024 by Meg James

Hey everyone! I wanted to outline some of what's coming up with my commissions in the next few months.

April 15, 2024: Pride Month icon special open for patrons. May 6, 2024: Pride Month icon special open to the public. June 1, 2024: All commissions closed for price and info updates. Any items on the queue as of May 31, 2024, will be completed in June while commissions are closed. Patreon monthly art rewards will continue as normal while commissions are closed. July 1, 2024: Commissions reopen with new types and offers. Specific commission quotes provided since August 1, 2023, will be honored through July 31, 2024.

As you can see, I'm opening the Pride Month icon special early this year, partly so that everyone can have their icons done before Pride Month (or early therein), and partly so that I have a chance to close up shop for some much-needed commission updates. More information about the Pride Month special will be coming up closer to the time.

So what's changing with commissions? The main thing is that prices will be going up a little bit for certain things. I also plan to rework the types of commissions that are open. I'm still working out the specifics, so I can't tell much more yet. These commission changes won't affect anything about Patreon rewards or Patreon membership prices.

That's it for now!


Commission delay + site bugs

Posted on February 4, 2024 by Meg James

RadCon is coming up this month! I'll have a table with L James, as Azdion. In the interest of being prepared, I'm placing a temporary delay on commissions. They're still open, so if you're interested, don't hesitate to contact me! I will also finish the items currently on the queue within the usual timeframe. It's just that after these are done, new work won't begin until February 19, right after RadCon. I need the next week and a half or so to finish up a bunch of half-done preparations. Thanks for understanding!

Oh also also. L James has so nicely done some website updates for me! Changes are mostly on the backend, but some URL structures have changed as well, so there are broken links here and there. I'll be fixing it up as I have time; if you see something urgent, feel free to send me an email about it!


Happy holiday times!

Posted on December 17, 2023 by Meg James

oof, I really need to stay on top of updates better. Patreon rewards from the past 3 months, and other assorted art, are now up in the art section! As always, I'll try to do a better job keeping up with art posts. If you can't wait, I always post finished artwork immediately on Patreon for members.

Oh, on a slightly unrelated note, L James and I are going to have an artist alley table at RadCon in 2024. I'm excited! It will be our first convention since before the pandemic. If you're local to the Tri-Cities area, maybe we'll see you there!


Witchy Your-Character-Here!

Posted on October 7, 2023 by Meg James

This year's Season of the Witch special is open to the public! All four YCH poses are still available at this time. Check it out! They will be drawn and colored in the style of a typical full body, with a transparent backdrop.

Season of the Witch. YCH special - $175 each. Any species (biped anthro/humanoid); any body type; any gender; hat is optional. Details/props can be adjusted to suit your character if needed. Extras (backgrounds, etc) will cost more.


Art Fight and updates

Posted on September 21, 2023 by Meg James

I made another round of art uploads today! I need to keep up on it as the art gets done instead of doing it in batches. It's an assortment of stuff, mostly the past two months of Patreon rewards, but also included were some attacks I did for Art Fight this year! It was my first time participating. I chose to practice animating in Synfig for the occasion.

On a different note, there is currently a "Your Character Here" special available to Patrons, but any of the poses unclaimed by Patrons will be available publicly first thing in October.

Season of the Witch. YCH special - $175 each. Any species (biped anthro/humanoid); any body type; any gender; hat is optional. Details/props can be adjusted to suit your character if needed. Extras (backgrounds, etc) will cost more. Patrons get first grabs! Open to the public 2023-10-01.

Also, general commissions are open as always! This may actually be a good time to commission me, because either at the end of this year or the beginning of 2024, there will be an update to my prices and offerings. So if you're looking for some character art, please keep me in mind!


And now it’s summer

Posted on July 4, 2023 by Meg James

The last month or so has been quite busy. I ran a discount on icons during Pride month, and got quite a few takers on it! Take a look.

The discount has ended, but I'm willing to do Pride-themed icons at the regular price any time. I'm open for all usual types of commissions, as well!


Springtime is here!

Posted on April 14, 2023 by Meg James

I've returned home and I'm ready to get back to work! Also, something fun: I was invited to do the cover art for April's issue of Tumbleweird! We're halfway through the month so it's been out for a bit, but if you're in the Tri-Cities area, see if you can find a copy and check it out!


Is it spring yet?

Posted on March 13, 2023 by Meg James

Uploaded a lot of stuff from February and March (so far). I've been getting more work lately, which has been quite nice! I appreciate the support.

Just a note, I'm going to be out of town and only sporadically available early in April. I'm going to continue working on commissions and Patreon rewards around that, though!