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What If God ~ A Community Journal
What If God ~ A Community Journal

{What if God…}

*A shared journal of community, providence, and divine happenstance.*


The Main Idea:

There’s a saying - “What if coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous?”

This publication will have at its heart, a desire to consider how God interacts with His people. Here you can share your own stories of the small, great, peculiar, often surprising, sometimes unorthodox encounters with a loving God. With curiosity and wonder, we can consider the things that God may be trying to use to get our attention and to communicate with us. In addition, it's a place to foster creativity and whimsy when it comes to relating with God in our personal lives.

This will also be a place for friends to share their stories of how God showed up, or met them in unexpected places & ways. 

We seek to foster an open, shared journal entry, recording the times that God breaks into our mundane, finite worlds and ushers in more of Himself. 

This is meant to be a welcoming, safe space, for anyone who is interested in, or curious about God, spirituality, and Jesus. 

That said, this is not an-all-roads-lead-to-god publication. Neither is this a proponent of one method, structure, or denomination of corporate religion.

This is not a space created for arguments, debate, critical comments, or nit-picking another person’s beliefs. Not everyone will agree or get along 100% of the time, that’s a part of the uniqueness of the human race. However - courtesy, empathy and compassion go a long way. Do not judge another person until you have walked a mile in their shoes, so the saying goes. So, in the words of Thumper from Bambi, "If you can’t say something niceDon’t say nothing at all.

Sometimes silence is the best answer… Okay? Can we all do our best to be kind humans here? Great. I believe in you. 

The main idea here is that God is relational. He wants to know you, and wants you to be able to know Him in return. 


Here, our stories will focus on the God of the Bible. On the ways we believe He chooses to interact with His people, and the surprises of joy we find along the way as we learn to discover Him in this world. 

Central to this page is the belief that Jesus Christ is who He says He is, namely being The Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6) 

That He is the Only Begotten Son of God. (John 3:16.)  And that everything flows from Him and to Him alone. “Everything comes from God; everything exists by his power; and everything is intended for his glory.” (Romans 11:36)

 John 1:3: “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”


The Disclaimer:

We also recognize in this publication that humans can be pretty awful. That no one is perfect, and that no one has cornered the market on wisdom, integrity, or righteousness… and that a lot of times, people have gotten it really wrong when it comes to knowing and following God. 

Here, we understand, with humility, that we probably have been those people in the past, and there will be times in the future that we mess it up too. That’s why God sent His son in the first place. Because humans kept getting things wrong, and were messing up their own lives, and relationship with Him and others. 

We are not trying to say we have it all together, nor can we state with 100% certainty or clarity the workings of an almighty God. Nor are we here to tout our own benevolence or success at being good “Christians”… whatever the revolving definition of that may be. Because frankly, in some people’s eyes - We probably aren’t good enough. And we’re okay with that. We already know. That’s why we depend on Jesus. 


The Concept:

Here, we only hope to offer an exploration of the character of God, and to ponder how He exists in our day to day existence.

In this space, we’ll share introspections, poems, narratives, musings and thoughts about a God who is both Loving & Just. Holy & Present. Who desires mercy, not sacrifices. Who longs to draw people into relationship, not religion.  

This is not a place for arguing, name-calling, demeaning, insulting, or convincing. IF you don’t like what we write, feel free to not read it.

'Nuff said. 


The aim of this publication is to extend an invitation, and to come together in the spirit of unity that everyone is valuable. Each person matters, and there is a God who loves you, me, them, and us.

Welcome, friend.

*** For more info on writing with us, check out our submission guidelines HERE:

What If God ~ A Community Journal

A place for believers to share their stories of how God has shown up in their lives. This is an open, shared journal entry, of wonder, curiosity, awe, whimsy and encouragement gleaned from experiencing God. A safe space for anyone who is interested in getting to know Jesus.