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Belief: From Pennies to Profits on Medium

My little miracle of the quarter

Gloria Lesher
Real Insight!
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2024


A hand holding coins, with many different coins on a white background
Photo by cottonbro studio

Definition of miracle: An event that seems inexplicable by the laws of nature, held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.

Have you read the book or watched the self-help film called, The Secret? The thesis of this book and film is that people’s feelings and thoughts attract real events into their lives.

There’s some scientific basis for this. In quantum physics, both the position and velocity of a particle cannot be measured simultaneously, and the scientist cannot help but affect these properties during the very act of observing the particle. It’s called Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.

The observer affects the observed, according to quantum physics.

I have to admit, I’ve had some inexplicable experiences along these lines in my life. Let me tell you a story.

My deja vu experience as a student at C.U. Boulder



Gloria Lesher
Real Insight!

Ghostwriter Gloria Lesher is your writing ally. She focuses on self improvement and health, and promotes writing to yourself, about yourself, for yourself.