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Seeking You

Connecting with our deepest Self

The Mad Poetess
Modern Women
Published in
Aug 9, 2024


A person’s serene face surrounded by wisps of color and light
Image created by DocDocFoose using Midjourney Pro

So often we look externally for our well-being, for our validation, for confirmation that we are ‘okay’. Especially for women, our place and our worth has been defined by others for millennia. But what if the true worth and connection we seek has been right here all along, within our deepest Self?

Don’t talk to me of men
for my heart seeks no morsel

each sunrise, sunset is simply fuel
for my desire
freedom is what I seek
as I reach ever higher
and you my only thought
in this unquenchable fire

© Loddie Foose, 2024. All rights reserved.

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The Mad Poetess
Modern Women

~10X boosted mystic poet~ My passion is uncovering limitless human potential.