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Curriculum Vitae

Marquette University, Educational Policy and Leadership, Faculty Member
DR. GABRIEL MATEO VELEZ Educational Policy and Leadership Colleg e of Education Marquette University P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201 -1881 g abrielvelez EDUCATION PhD Comparative Human Development (Developmental Psychology) University of Chicago Committee: Dr. Margaret Beale Spencer (Chair), Dr. Micere Keels, Dr. Fathali Moghaddam, Dr. Enrique Chaux Dissertation Title: Conceptualizing Peace: A Study of Colombian Adolescents’ Meaning Making and Civic Development Awards: University of Chicago William Henry Memorial Fund Dissertation Award Committee on International Relations (APA) Outstanding Dissertation Award Division 5 (APA) Distinguished Dissertation in Qualitative Inquiry Award 2019 MA Comparative Human Development (Developmental Psychology) University of Chicago 2016 AB History and Literature, Magna Cum Laude Harvard University 2007 PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 2019-Present Faculty Director Black and Latino/a Ecosystem and Support Transition (BLEST) Hub, Center 2020-Present for Urban Research, Teaching, and Outreach, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI Chair Faculty Research Team, Center for Peacemaking, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 2021-Present GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS Awards Marquette University Way Klinger Early Career Award American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education Best Scholarly Paper Award Ed Cairns Early Career Award of Division 48 Peace Psychology of the American Psychological Association (APA) Collaborative Projects S.M.A.R.T. program - Success in MPS through Academic achievement, Restorative practices, & Therapeutic services (Co-PI). Milwaukee Public Schools. ($1,269,437) Building Resiliency & Improved Coping in Education (BRICE; Co-PI). U.S. Department of Education. ($509,914) 2023 2023 2022 2023-2024 2022-2023 Velez CV 2 S.M.A.R.T. program – Success in MPS through Academic achievement, Restorative practices, & Therapeutic services (Co-PI). Milwaukee Public Schools. ($836,350) S.M.A.R.T. program – Success in MPS through Academic achievement, Restorative practices, & Therapeutic services (Co-PI). Milwaukee Public Schools. ($758,032) 4 Schools Mental Health Initiative (Co-PI). Advocate Aurora Health’s Better Together Fund. ($250,000) Marquette University’s President’s Challenge for COVID-19 Response Grant, Promoting Resiliency & Improved Coping in Education (PRICE) (Co-PI). ($45,000) S.M.A.R.T. program – Success in MPS through Academic achievement, Restorative practices, & Therapeutic services (Co-PI). Milwaukee Public Schools. ($752,256) S.M.A.R.T. program – Success in MPS through Academic achievement, Restorative practices, & Therapeutic services (Co-PI). Milwaukee Public Schools. ($742,426) Black and Latino/a Ecosystem Support and Transition Hub. (Faculty Director). Employee Milwaukee. ($150,000) The Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Research Award. (Co-PI) ($35,000) 2022-2023 2021-2022 2021-2022 2020-2021 2020-2021 2019-2020 2019-2021 2018-2019 Research Grants Generation C(OVID) Heads to College: Examining Young People’s Resilience and Coping as They Transition. American College Personnel Association. (PI). ($1,750) 2022 Minoritized Adolescents’ Perspectives on Harm, Justice, and Discipline in their Schools. The Spencer Foundation ($45,509) 2022-2025 Children’s and Adolescents’ Perspectives on Accountability for Harm and Restorative Justice in Schools (Co-Investigator). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. ($99,301 Canadian dollars) 2022-2025 Marquette University Regular Research Grant ($5,228) 2022 Marquette University Summer Faculty Fellowship ($5,500) 2022 Marquette University Advancing Social Equity Research Grant ($3,000) 2021 Adolescent Coping and Response to Covid-19 and Its Impacts on Their Schooling. American Psychological Association Division 15 Education Research in The Time of Covid-19, Civil Rights, & Social Justice Movements Grant ($2,410) 2021 Marquette International Research Award ($3,000) 2019 American Psychological Association Division 48 Small Research Grant ($950) 2018 The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflict Research and Innovation Grant ($5,000) 2017 The Center for Latin American Studies Tinker Field Research Grant ($1,400) 2016 The Pozen Family Center for Human Rights Research Grant ($2,418) 2015 The Center for Latin American Studies Tinker Field Research Grant ($1,800) 2015 Other Grants Marquette University Explorer Challenge Grant. Centering Restorative Practices at Marquette ($17,800) APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists/National Register of Health Service Psychologists Convention Travel Grant Fellowships Marquette Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellow Fulbright Specialist Program. Learning outcomes: an institutional strategy for the continuing education. With Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas. Bogotá, Colombia. National Science Foundation: Graduate Research Fellow 2023-2025 2022 2023 2022 2016-2019 Velez CV 3 Chicago Center for Teaching Fellow NAEd/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship Finalist University of Chicago Urban Fellow The Pozen Family Center Human Rights Intern University of Chicago Social Sciences Division Fellow Teaching Prizes, Awards, and Certificates Inside-Out Training Certificate (for teaching in incarceration facilities) College Teaching Certificate from the Chicago Center for Teaching (CCT) The Bernice Neugarten Prize Lectureship Chicago Center for Teaching Excellence in Course Design Honorable Mention The Pozen Family Center for Human Rights Prize Lectureship PATHS/Area Centers Public Lectureship The Pozen Family Center for Human Rights Prize Lectureship 2018-2019 2018 2016-2017 2016 2014-2019 2021 2018 2018-2019 2018 2017-2018 2017 2016-2017 RESEARCH INTERESTS Adolescent and Emerging Adult Development; Citizenship & Peace Education; Restorative Justice; Transitional Justice; Human Rights; Transition to College; Social & Political Psychology; Civic Engagement CURRENT PROJECTS Emerging from COVID-19: Young People’s Health, Well-being, College Transitions, and Developmental Trajectories (Project Website) Adolescent Meaning Making: Processing What Covid-19 Means for Sense of Self, Place in Society, And Future Trajectories (Project Website) Minoritized Adolescents’ Perspectives on Harm, Justice, and Discipline in their Schools: Building a YouthFocused Understanding of the Developmental Influence of Restorative Justice Teaching “Truth”: Educators and Students’ Perspectives on the Work of the Truth Commission in Colombia Navigating Higher Education in Milwaukee: Black and Brown Student Perspectives PUBLICATIONS & PAPERS Books Velez, G. (Under Contract). Making Meaning of Justice and Peace: A Developmental Lens to Restorative Justice and Peace Education. Cambridge University Press. Journal Articles and Chapters Upcoming Velez, G., Harris, K., & Bertrand, C. O. (Forthcoming). The Student as a Developing Person in Context: Socio-ecological Theory, Intersectionality, and Social Justice. In Smith, M. C., Carney, R., and Fong, C. J. Teaching Human Development for Educators. IAP. Velez, G., & Power, S. (Forthcoming). An Action Orientation to Pedagogy Through Teaching Field Social Psychology. Qualitative Pscychology. Velez CV 4 Dinizulu, S. M., Velez, G., Morency, M., Jacobson, K., Moore, K., Carter, N., & Frazier, S. L. (Forthcoming). Lift Every Voice: Engaging Black Adolescents in Social Justice Service-Learning to Promote Mental Health and Educational Equity. Prevention Science. Velez, G., Mancheno, V., & Lopez, S. (Under Review). Mapping Ecosystems: Building an Understanding of An Urban Network of Supports and Resources for Black and Latino/a Students. Velez, G., & Idrobo F. (Under Review). From Forgiveness and Reconciliation to Social Capital and Psychosocial Well-Being: An Evaluation of a Multisite Intervention in Colombia. Journal Articles and Chapters Published Velez, G., & Herteen, M. (2023). Developing Amid COVID-19: Adolescent Meaning Making Across the First Year of the Pandemic. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 75. Velez, G. (2023). College and COVID-19: The Pandemic’s Reverberations on Adolescents and Emerging Adults on Campus. Current Opinion in Psychology. Velez, G., Hoekstra, E., Nemanich, S., Jessup-Anger, J., & Herteen, M. (2023). Bringing Covid to College: Incoming First-Year College Students’ Meaning Making of the Pandemic. Emerging Adulthood, 11(3), 748-763. Velez. G., Black, J., Lopez S., & D’Anna-Hernandez, K. (2023). From Predominantly White to HispanicServing: Latinx Student Experiences on a Campus in Transition. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. Navarro-Roldán, C. P., Mateus-Gómez, S., Botero Ruge, C., & Velez, G. (2023). Validity and reliability of Spanish version of the EQ-i: YV[S] in Colombian children and youth. International Journal of Psychological Research, 16 (1), 29–40. Pareja Conto, L., Restrepo, A., Recchia, H., Velez, G., & Wainryb, C. (2023). Adolescents’ Retributive and Restorative Orientations in Response to Intergroup Harms in Schools. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 33(1), 92-107. Velez, G. (2022). Making Meaning of peace: a study of adolescents in Bogota, Colombia. Journal of Adolescent Research, 37(3), 439-465. Velez, G. M., & Knowles, R. T. (2022). Trust, civic self-efficacy, and acceptance of corruption among Colombian adolescents: shifting attitudes between 2009-2016. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52(8), 1205-1221. Velez, G., Idrobo, F, Programa Educapaz, & La Fundacion para la Reconciliacion. (2022). The Psychosocial and Political Dynamics of Child and Youth Entering and Exiting Armed Groups. In Moeschberger, S., & Miller-Graff, L. (Eds.), Building cultures of peace: Psychological perspectives on understanding and addressing violence against children. Oxford University Press. Velez CV 5 Velez, G., & Butler, A. (2022). Taking a Developmental Perspective on Restorative Justice in Schools. In G. Velez & T. Gavrielides (Eds.), Restorative Justice: Promoting Peace and Wellbeing (pp. 72–109). Springer. Velez, G., Hahn, M., & Troyer, B. (2022). Making Meaning of COVID-19: US Adolescent Experiences and Development Amid the Pandemic. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 8(2), 269. Velez, G., & Jessup-Anger, J. (2022). Messaging and Action around Race and Inclusion at a Predominantly White Institution: Perceived Dissonance of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Students. Emerging Adulthood, 10(4), 852-858. Velez, G., Taylor, L., & Power, S. (2022). Developing in a Dynamic World Harnessing Psychology to Support the COVID-19 Generation. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 11(2), 105. Frausel, R., Velez, G., Mandviwala, T., & Kubota, J. (2022). Cultivating Empathy in High School Students through the Story Exchange. J. Charact. Educ, 18(1). Nemanich, S.T., Velez, G., Pleva, A. M., & Millard, A. E. (2022). Age and school instruction mode as factors in children’s well-being early in the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal survey study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(4). Velez, G. (2021). Teaching Truth in Transitional Justice: A Collaborative Approach to Supporting Colombia Educators. Harvard Health and Human Rights Journal, 23(1), 91. Velez, G. (2021). Learning Peace: Adolescent Colombian’s Interpretations and Responses to Peace Education Curriculum. Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(2), 146. Velez, G., Angucia, M., Durkin, T., O’Brien, L., & Walker, S. (2021). Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of Peace Education in Milwaukee (US) Catholic Schools. Journal of Peace Education, 1-24. Velez, G., Bellino, M., & Moeschberger, S. (2021). Supporting Peace by Broadening ‘Youth’ and Attending to Their Diverse Development in Transitional Societies. In Lopéz-Lopéz, W., & Taylor, L. (Eds.), Peace Processes and Transitional Societies (pp. 247-267). Spring Peace Psychology Book Series. Velez, G., Butler, A., Hahn, M., & Latham, K. (2021). Opportunities and Challenges in the Age of COVID-19: Comparing Virtual Approaches with Circles in Schools and Communities. In Gavrielides, T. (Ed.), Comparative Restorative Justice. Springer. Velez, G. M., & Gerstein, L. H. (2021). Supporting peaceful individuals, groups, and societies: Peace psychology and peace education. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(2), 103. Lunn, L., Campion, K., James, S., & Velez, G. (2021). A framework for guiding transformative growth after school shootings. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Power, S. & Velez. G. (2021). Field Social Psychology. American Psychologist. Velez CV 6 Velez, G., Hahn, M., Recchia, H., & Wainryb, C. (2020). Rethinking Responses to Youth Rebellion: Recent Growth and Development of Restorative Practices in Schools. Current Opinion in Psychology. Velez, G. & Power, S.A. (2020). Teaching students how to think, not what to think: Pedagogy and political psychology. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8(1), 388-403. Velez, G., Twose, G., & Lopez-Lopez, W. (2020). Human Rights and Reconciliation. In Rubin., N., & Flores, R. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Human Rights (pp. 835-848). Cambridge UP. Keels, M., & Velez, G. (2020). The Role of Extracurricular Organizations in Finding One’s People and Oneself on Campus. In Keels, M. (Ed.), Campus Counterspaces: Black and Latinx Students’ Search for Community at Historically White Universities (pp. 96-110). Cornell University Press. Grzanka, P. R., Flores, M. J., VanDaalen, R. A., & Velez, G. (2020). Intersectionality in Psychology: Translational Science for Social Justice. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 6(4), 304-313 Power, S.A., & Velez, G. (2020). The MOVE Hypothesis: Meanings, Observations, Viewpoints, and Experiences in processes of Human Development. Review of General Psychology. Spencer, M.B., Offidni-Bertrand, C., Harris, K., & Velez, G. (2020). Examining Links Between Culture, Identity, and Learning. In Suad Nasir, N., Lee, C. D., Pea, R., & Mckinney De Royston, M. (Eds.), Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning (pp. 41-60). Routledge. Velez, G. Colombia. (2019). In Wells, K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia on Teen Lives Around the World. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Velez, G. Peru. (2019). In Wells, K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia on Teen Lives Around the World. Santa Barbara, CA: ABCCLIO. Velez, G., Ballesteros, A., & Sanchez Meertens, A. (2019). La voz de la juventud: perspectivas juveniles sobre la guerra, la paz y la reintegración en Colombia. In E. McFee & A. Rettberg (Eds.), Implementación del acuerdo de paz con la(s) FARC y reintegración: Un balance e implicaciones para política pública. Universidad de los Andes. Velez, G., & Dedios-Sanguineti, M.C. Developmental Psychology and Peace. (2019). In Njoku, M. G., Jason, L., & Johnson, B. (Eds.), Psychology of Peace: Promoting and Sustaining Peace. Springer. Offidani-Bertrand, C., Velez, G., Benz, C., & Keels, M. (2019). “I Wasn’t Expecting It”: High School Experiences and Navigating Belonging in the Transition to College. Emerging Adulthood. Velez, G., & Spencer, M. B. (2018). Phenomenology and intersectionality: Using PVEST as a frame for adolescent identity formation amid intersecting ecological systems of inequality. In C. E. Santos & R. B. Toomey (Eds.), Envisioning the Integration of an Intersectional Lens in Developmental Science. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 161, 75–90. Power, S. A., Velez, G., Qadafi, A., & Tennant, J. (2018). The SAGE Model of Social Psychological Research. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(3), 359-372. Velez CV 7 Hope, E. C., Velez, G., Offidani-Bertrand, C., Keels, M., & Durkee, M. I. (2018). Political Activism and Mental Health Among Black and Latinx College Students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(1), 26-39. Velez. G. (2017). Building Human Rights Consciousness in Post-Conflict Societies: Peruvian Adolescents’ Understandings of Human Rights. Journal of Adolescent Research. Velez, G. (2016). Children’s Human Rights: Psychological Assumptions in Comments on the Convention of the Rights of the Child and a Phenomenological Critique. Psychology & Society, 8(2), 95-118. Velez, G. (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue: The Intersection of Psychology and Human Rights. Psychology & Society, 8(2), 1-7. Edited Volumes and Special Issues Velez, G. & Hostinar, C. (In Production). Generation COVID: Coming of Age Amid the Pandemic. Current Opinion in Psychology. Velez, G. & Gavrielides, T. (Eds.) (2022). Restorative Justice: Promoting Peace and Wellbeing. Springer Peace Psychology Book Series. Velez, G. & Gerstein, L. (Eds.). (2021). Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology. Special Issue: Supporting Peaceful Individuals, Groups, and Societies: Peace Psychology and Peace Education. Grzanka, P., Velez, G., Flores, M., & VanDaalen, R. (Eds.). (2020). Translational Issues in Psychological Science. Special Issue: Intersectionality in Psychology: Science, Policy, and Social Justice. Velez, G. (Ed.). (2016). Psychology & Society, Special Issue: Processing Trauma: Human Rights and Social Connections. Editorials, Blog Posts, and Popular Media Velez, G., Haglund, K., Durkin, T., Cashman, M., & Walker, S. (2022, August). A University and School Partnership: Building Tools for Reconciliation, Healing, and Resilience. Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education, 3, 70-75. Velez. G., Hoekstra, E., Nemanich, S., & Jessup-Anger, J. (2022, November 8). Using strengths-based frameworks to guide ‘Generation COVID.’ Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education. Velez, G., & Idrobo, F. (2022). Peace Education in Colombia: Hope, Challenges, and Lessons. The Peace Psychologist. 6762172029/Winter+2021-+2022_The+Peace+Psychologist-compressed.pdf Velez, G. (2020, September 10). Conceptualizing Peace: Adolescents’ Meaning Making and Development Amid Peace and Conflict. Global Insights Newsletter. “Adolescent Voice.” (2020, August 5). Episode 5, Season 1, COVID Conversations Podcast. Office of Research and Innovation, Marquette University. Velez CV 8 Velez, G. (2020, May 24). “Enseñando la verdad: reconociendo e incorporando las perspectivas de los educadores.” Compartir Palabra Maestra. Velez, G. & Durkin, D. (2020, January 23). “Peace Education in Urban Schools.” Peace Matters Blog. Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies. Velez, G. (2019, August 29). “Se necesita apoyar para ver y entender cómo la verdad es un proceso”: Gabriel Vélez.” Compartir Palabra Maestra. Wagner, K. & Velez, G. (2019, May 21). Positioning Your Research as a Graduate Student to Address Social Injustices. gradPsych Blog. Power, S.A. Velez, G., Qadafi, A., & Tennant, J. (2018, August 28 th). The SAGE model of social psychology research. Character & Context: Society for Personality & Social Psychology Blog. Pizano, P. & Velez, G. (2016, June 24). Colombia: Learning to Love Soccer Again. Latin America Goes Global. Republished in The Huffington Post. Velez, G. (2016, August 1). ¿Y qué piensan ellos? Jóvenes colombianos y sus actitudes sobre la paz. La Silla Vacia. Velez, G. & Ballesteros, A. (2016, August 29). How to promote the voice of Colombia’s youth in discussions on peace?. Colombia Reports. Book Reviews Velez, G. (2022). [Review of the books Introduction to peace and conflict studies, & Peace and conflict studies (5th ed.), by L. Edmund, D. P. Barash & C. P. Webel]. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Editorial Board Internet Journal of Restorative Justice Psychology & Society Translational Issues in Psychological Science 2020-Present 2018-Present 2018-2020 Associate Editor Journal of Adolescent Research Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 2021-Present 2021-Present Reviewer Emerging Adulthood Translation Issue in Psychological Science Peace and Conflict Studies 2018-Present 2018-Present 2017-Present Velez CV 9 Psychology & Society Ad-hoc Proposal Reviewer for Taylor and Francis, Cambridge University Press, & APA 2015-Present MEDIA APPEARANCES “El Profesor Gabriel Vélez aborda la medición de la calidad de la Educación Superior.” (September 8, 2023). Radio UCM. Podcast. “Milwaukee college prep programs benefit Hispanic students but Black students continue to struggle.” (August 25, 2023). Wisconsin Public Radio. Radio. “Social Media, Training, and Youth.” (July 14, 2023). WTMJ N.O.W., WTMJ Radio. Radio. “Teens should be trained before entering the world of social media, APA says.” (May 10, 2023). CBS58. Television. “BLEST Hub at Marquette is working to support Milwaukee students from middle school to a higher education.” (September 21, 2022). TMJ4. Television. “Student loan forgiveness impact will vary from borrower to borrower.” (August 23, 2022). TMJ4. Television. “Marquette University assistant professor discusses new digital ecosystem and support transition hub for students.” (October 22, 2021). WUWM’s Lake Effect. Radio. INVITED PRESENTATIONS “La potencial de la justicia restaurativa en la educación: una perspectiva desde la psicología del desarrollo.” Simposio internacional: Oportunidades para la formación de sociedades justas y equitativas en el siglo XXI. La Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Virtual. 2023 “Evaluando trajectorias: Resultados de aprendizaje y los egresados.” Unión de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe (UDUALC). Manizales, Colombia. 2023 “Medición de los resultados de aprendizaje en los graduados.” VI Encuentro Internacional de Oficinas de Graduados. Manizales, Colombia. 2023 “An Invitation for Transformative Change Through Liberatory Research.” Pacific University’s Diversity Conference. Virtual. 2023 “Tension, Conflict, Inclusion: Restorative Practices for Building Community.” Marquette University High School. Milwaukee, WI. 2023 “Profundizar, Reflexionar y Actuar sobre los Resultados de Aprendizaje.” Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas. Presentation. Bogotá, Colombia. 2022 “Una Perspectiva Evolutiva Para Informar Los Derechos del Niño.” Human Rights Day Celebration of the Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos. Keynote. Virtual. 2022 “Resilience Amid Challenge: Adolescents’ Experiences and Takeaways from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” National Catholic College Admissions Association Yearly Meetings. Keynote. Houston, TX. 2022 “Coming of Age in 2022: Leveraging Research and Development to Foster Young People’s Restoration and Thriving.” Jesuit Schools Network Virtual Inquiry Session. Virtual. 2022 “Connecting and Building from COVID-19: Resilience, Lessons, and Takeaways to Support Adolescents.” Jesuits Schools Network Yearly Principals Ignatian Colleagues Gathering. Keynote. Winnipeg, Canada. 2022 “Tension, Conflict, and Inclusion: Restorative Practices to Building Classroom and Campus Community.” Professional development session for Cardinal Stritch Faculty. Milwaukee, WI. 2022 “Educating for Peace During COVID-19: Challenges and Lessons,” as part of “One Future Direction of Global Psychology: Conflict Prevention and Resolution, and Peacebuilding.” Presidential Roundtable Discussion. APA Annual Conference. Virtual. 2021 Velez CV 10 “Coming of Age in the Age of COVID-19: Adolescents’ Perspectives on the Pandemic’s Impacts on Their Lives.” Nativity Miguel Coalition National Conference. “Peace and Democracy in the Next Generation.” Presidential Roundtable Discussion. APA Annual Conference. Washington, DC. “Restoring and Reconciling: Peace and Youth Across Borders.” Youth-Nex Conference: Dialoguing for Democracy. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. “Youth Understandings of Peace.” 16 th International Symposium on the Contributions of Psychology to Peace. Bogotá, Colombia. “Making Meaning of Peace: Colombian Adolescents’ Conceptualized Peace Amid a Societal Transition.” Boston College Lynch School of Education. Boston, MA. “Forgiveness, Reconciliation, & Youth: An Impact Evaluation of a Community-Based Post-Conflict Intervention in Colombia” Public Health, Mental Health and Mass Atrocity Prevention Conference. Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights & the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation. New York, NY. “Imagining Peace: Adolescent meaning making and civic identity in Colombia.” Harry S. Truman College. Chicago, IL. “Bogotanicemos Los Acuerdos: Bogota y los Efectos de los Acuerdos de Paz.” Bogotá Mayor’s Office. Bogotá, Colombia. “Visiones de estudiantes de colegio sobre los acuerdos, el futuro y la paz.” Foro Internacional sobre Pedagogia, Memoria y Violencia. Bogota, Colombia. “Los adolescentes pensando la paz.” Observatorio de International Organization for Migration. Bogota, Colombia. “The Path to Peace for Colombia: What’s Next?” Panel moderator. Organized by Latin America Matters Forum and the Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflict at the University of Chicago. Chicago, IL. “‘We are the Future’: How Youth Think about Peace and Human Rights in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts.” The 9th International Education Conference: Power in Transition? International Politics and Troubled Elections. Organized by the National Resource Centers at the University of Chicago. “Conducting Qualitative Inquiry and Analyzing Qualitative Data.” Training at Universidad Privada de Tacna. Tacna, Peru. “Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Investigation.” Universidad Alas Peruanas. Tacna, Peru. “Cultural Psychology and Qualitative Investigation.” Universidad Privada de Tacna. Tacna, Peru. 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2015 2015 2015 CONFERENCE AND PANEL PRESENTATIONS Organizer/Chair “Systems Change in Education in Milwaukee: Re-engaging with the Obama Foundation's My Brother's Keeper Initiative.” Panel presentation organized for Southern Development Commission Summit on Poverty. Milwaukee, WI. “Apologies, Restoration, and Responsibilities: Psychologists and Human Rights.” Symposium presented at APA Annual Convention. Washington, D.C. “Drawing Attention to Young Men of Color: Mental Health, Education, and Justice.” Panel presentation organized for Southern Development Commission Summit on Poverty. Milwaukee, WI. “A Core Curriculum for Peace Psychology: A Developmental & International Framework.” Symposium presented at APA Annual Convention. Minneapolis, MN. “Adolescent Coping and Response to COVID-19 and Its Impacts on Their Schooling.” Paper presented at APA Annual Convention. Minneapolis, MN. “Mapping Ecosystems in a Virtual World.” Virtual Workshop as part of Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities’ 2021 Learning & Sharing Virtual Series. 2023 2023 2022 2022 2022 2021 Velez CV 11 “Inequity in Higher Educational Access and Success in the Age of COVID-19: Emerging Research and Collaborative Efforts to Bolster Black and Brown Students’ College and Career Outcomes.” Panel discussion presented at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Diversity Forum. Madison, WI. 2021 “Social Justice, Human Rights, and Psychology: Foundations and Tools to Build Cultures of Peace.” Skill building session presented at APA Annual Convention. Virtual Format. 2021 “Perspectives from Field: Challenges and Opportunities to College Readiness for Black and Brown Youth.” Panel for Hispanic Serving Institutions Network of Wisconsin Summit, Advancing Racial Equity in our Colleges and Community. Virtual format. 2021 “The Potential of Restorative Practices on Child and Adolescent Development.” Roundtable discussion at the 2021 SRCD Biennial Meetings. Virtual format. 2021 “Developing Future Activists, Advocates and Practitioners for Human Rights in Psychology.” Symposium presented at the APA Annual Convention. Virtual format. 2020 “Will the Real Peace Psychologist Please Stand Up? Activating Psychologists’ Peaceful Self-Identity.” Symposium presented at the APA Annual Convention. Virtual format. 2020 “Supporting Peaceful Individuals, Groups, and Societies: Peace Psychology and Peace Education.” Symposium presented at the Psychology & Peace Conference. San Antonio, TX. (Conference canceled). 2020 “Looking in the Mirror: Defining, Modeling, and Articulating Peaceful Self-Identity.” Symposium conducted at Psychology & Peace 2020. San Antonio, TX. (Conference canceled). 2020 “Experiencing Violence: From Laboratory to Community.” Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL. 2019 “Forming Peacebuilders: Youth Identity Development Related to Peace and Citizenship Across Contexts.” APA Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. 2018 “Healing and Justice Over the Life Course: Addressing the Aftermath of Conflict in Colombia.” Peace Psychology Conference. Kroc Institute, North Bend, IN. 2018 “Remaking Peace: A Monthly Forum on the Colombian Peace Process.” Organizer of series of meetings. Pozen Family Center for Human Rights, University of Chicago. Chicago, IL. 2016-2018 “The Colombian Peace Process: A View From la Havana.” A conversation with Former Legal Counsel to the High Commissioner for Peace and current Director of the Institute for Integrated Transitions in Colombia, Juanita Goebertus.” Co-organizer. Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Chicago, IL. 2016 “Constructing Peace Amid Human Rights Violations: From Academia to Practice.” International and interdisciplinary panel discussing human rights violations from academic to applied perspectives. University of Chicago. Chicago, IL. 2016 Presenter “Partnerships for Peace and Restoration: A Peace Education Collaboration Across University, Communities, and Schools.” International Network for Peace Psychology Annual Conference. Virtual. “Demystifying the Grant Review: Tips, Strategies, and Examples from APAGS Science Committee Members” As part of APAGS symposium entitled “Seeking Out Small Grant Opportunities in Graduate School.” APA Annual Convention. Virtual Format. “Building Peaceful Societies: Human Rights and Psychology in Theory and the Classroom” As part of skill-building session entitled “Infusing Peace Education into the Psychology Curriculum.” APA Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. “Colombian Adolescents’ Trust and Civic Self-Efficacy Amid Political Challenges.” Part of symposium entitled “Trust and Youth Development in Latin America: Findings from Colombia, Honduras, and Nicaragua.” Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meetings. Baltimore, MD. 2022 2020 2019 2019 Velez CV 12 “Developmental Psychology and Peace.” Part of symposium entitled, “The Psychology of Peace Promotion.” Society for Community Action and Research. Chicago, IL. “Using Data from Multiple Methods Across Ecological Systems to Support Colombian Adolescents’ Prosocial Civic Engagement.” Part of symposium entitled, “Opportunities and Challenges in Using Survey Data in a Systematic Approach to Civic/Community Engagement.” Society for Community Action and Research. Chicago, IL. “A Grain of Sand: Colombian Adolescents’ Perspectives on Their Role in Peace building.” APA Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. “Developing Peace: Youth Identity and Civic Formation Amidst the Colombian Peace Process.” APA Annual Conference. Washington D.C. “Levels of Peace: Youth Meaning Making of ‘Peace’ in Colombia.” Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychology Association. Chicago, IL. “Cultural Psychology and the Discourse of Human Rights.” 2017 Biannual Meeting of the Society for Psychological Anthropology. New Orleans, LA. “An Examination of Political Activism & Mental Health among Black and Latino College Students.” Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychology Association. Chicago, IL. “Identity Status and Civic Engagement: Identity Development in a Post-Conflict Context,” Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychology Association. Chicago, IL. “The Universality of Human Rights in Civics Education: Psychological Assumptions.” Society for Psychological Anthropology Biennial Meetings. Boston, MA. “The Discourse of Human Rights: Psychological Assumptions on the Phenomenology of the Child in the General Comments on the UDHR.” Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology Annual Conference. CUNY Graduate Center, NY. 2019 2019 2018 2017 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 TEACHING & MENTORING EXPERIENCE University Teaching Marquette University Quantitative Methods of Inquiry in Education Teaching Practice 2: Cultivating Relationships and Communities for Learning Psychological Development of Children & Adolescents (Graduate and Undergraduate) Reconceptualizing Trauma, Resilience, and Peace Across Borders: Milwaukee and El Salvador Education in the Americas: Equity, Justice, and Social Context (Peru) 2022-Present 2020-Present 2019-Present Planned 2023 Planned 2023 University of Chicago Human Rights Policy & Practice Human Rights Across the Life Course Mind (Introductory Core Psychology Class) Memory, Reconciliation, and Healing: Transitional Justice as Human Rights Constructing a Society of Human Rights: A Psychological Framework Doctoral Dissertation Committees Thomas d’Aquin Mbatna, Peacebuilding Through Education: The Case of Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis Brian Troyer, Adolescent Meaning Making about College Choice: A Qualitative Investigation Sarah Olejniczak, Resident Assistant Meaning Making of Trauma Jacqueline Black, Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Disrupting Institutional Whiteness Mentorship Marquette University 2019 2019 2018 2017 2017 Velez CV 13 Coordinator, Educational Policy and Foundations Program Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program Scholar Mentor Summer Undergraduate Research Program MU4Gold Scholars Program Mentor University of Chicago Coordinator, Human Rights Internship Program, Pozen Center for Human Rights Preceptor, Human Rights Minor, Pozen Center for Human Rights Resident Head, Max Palevsky Dorm, Housing & Residence Life 2021-Present 2022 2022 2022 2016-2018 2017-2019 2017-2019 University Course Development Marquette University Psychological Development in Children & Adolescents Note: Also developed for online course and blended course to teach in an incarceration facility Teaching Practice 2: Cultivating Relationships and Communities for Learning Quantitative Methods of Inquiry in Education Reconceptualizing Trauma, Resilience, and Peace Across Borders: Milwaukee and El Salvador University of Chicago Human Rights Policy & Practice Human Rights Across the Life Course Memory, Reconciliation, and Healing: Transitional Justice as Human Rights Constructing a Society of Human Rights: A Psychological Framework PROFESSIONAL, UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICE Marquette University Faculty Chair, The Center for Peacemaking Faculty Research Team Center for Teaching and Learning, Faculty Fellow Hispanic Serving Institution Steering Committee Student Success Academy Poverty Research Initiative Steering Committee Family Studies Minor Steering Committee Professional American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science and Human Rights Coalition Conference Host Committee Editor of Conference Compendium (2019, 2020) APA Division 5 and Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology Program Co-Chair, APA Convention Executive Committee Member, Early Career Representative Coordinator, Mentoring Program APA Division 15: Educational Psychology Graduate Student Poster Award Committee Race and Diversity Committee Working Group Session Moderator APA Division 48: Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence Member-at-Large, Executive Committee 2021-Present 2024 2022-Present 2022-2023 2021-2022 2021 2018-Present Velez CV 14 Co-chair Psychology & Peace 2020 Conference Member of 2018 Psychology & Peace Conference Steering Committee; Chair of Student and Early Career Committee Member, Peace Education Working Group Co-founder, Peace Identity Working Group Restorative Justice Network of Catholic Campuses Planning Committee Member 2021-Present Association for Jesuit Colleges and Universities Commission on Spiritual Growth & Mental Health Member 2023-Present APAGS Member of the Science Committee Grant Reviewer: APAGS Psychological Science Research Grant, Junior Scientist Fellowship Social Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council, University of Chicago Graduate Student Representative Community Jesuit Schools Network Ignatian Inquiry Advisory Group Member United States Department of State Fulbright Program Fulbright Specialist (Approved expert in peace education and restorative justice) Nativity Miguel Network Research Consultant Milwaukee Succeeds Consultant for Design Your Fellowship Program Fundación Para la Reconciliación (Colombia) Peace Education Curriculum and Evaluation Consultant CivicLEADS Website User Reviewer (Requested by an Advisory Committee Member) Chicago Free School, Hyde Park, Chicago Secretary and Member of Board of Trustees ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIPS American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science and Human Rights Coalition American Psychological Association Division 5: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Division 15: Educational Psychology Division 48: Peace Psychology 2018-2020 2016, 2018-2019 2022-Present 2021-Present 2021-2023 2021 2019-2020 2019 2015-2016 Velez CV 15 Division 51: International Psychology Society for Research in Child Development