Flertallet af udsagn på Wikidata bør være verificérbare ved at de understøttes af informationskilder som en bog, en videnskabelig udgivelse eller en avisartikel. På Wikidata anvendes referencer til at pege mod specifikke kilder, som understøtter data, angivet i et udsagn.
Referencer består ligesom udsagn også af mindst ét par af typen egenskab-værdi (ved en reference er værdien kilden). Typisk er egenskaben, der anvendes som kilde én af to mulige: stated in (P248) (som refererer til udgivelser og medier) og reference URL (P854) (som anvendes til netsteder og databaser).
Denne vejledning forklarer, hvornår det er nødvendigt at tilføje en kilde til et udsagn på Wikidata. Den forklarer også de skridt, der skal følges for at tilføje en kilde.
Generelle, sproguafhængige principper
Hvornår skal der angives kilde til et udsagn
Wikidata er en samling af kildedata, hvilket betyder at de fleste udsagn skal indikere, hvor data stammer fra.
Wikidata includes three main types of statements: facts about the subject of the item, mappings of external identifiers and media links to Wikimedia Commons. The following applies primarily to the first type.
I visse tilfælde er kilder ikke nødvendige:
- Når værdien er almen viden, og den ikke er omstridt.
- Når emner har en egenskab, der refererer til en ekstern kilde, som muliggør, at alle andre udsagn let kan verificeres, og der ikke er behov for at nævne kilden på Wikipedia.
- Når emnet selv er en kilde til et udsagn - en bog for dens forfatter, en film for dens skuespillere.
- Når en værdi er almen viden, og den ikke er omstridt. For eksempel er det almen viden, at Earth (Q2) er et instance of (P31) terrestrial planet (Q128207)
- Når emnet har et udsagn, som refererer til en ekstern informationskilde (som en database eller en autoritetskontrolfil), som tillader nem verifikation af udsagnet. For eksempel behøver et udsagn om Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Q43361)s GND ID (P227) (en autoritetsfil, som vedligeholdes af det Tyske Nationalbibliotek) ikke en kilde (værdien, 4615979-4, er et direkte link til den relevante side på det Tyske Nationalbiblioteks netsted)
- Når emnet selv er en kilde for et udsagn. For eksempel er det for bogserien The Hunger Games (Q11679) muligt at sige, at author (P50) er Suzanne Collins (Q228624) uden at man derfor har behov for at medtage The Hunger Games (Q11679) som en reference for dette udsagn.
For flere oplysninger, se Hjælp:Kilder/Emner, der ikke behøver kilder.
Tilføjelse af en kilde til et udsagn
Der er tre grundlæggende skridt, som skal følges, når der tilføjes en kilde, uanset typen af kilden, der tilføjes.
- Tjek om der allerede eksisterer en kilde til emnet på Wikidata ved brug af Emne efter titel
- Tilføj kilden som et emne, hvis: 1. det ikke allerede eksisterer på Wikidata, og 2. det ikke er en hjemmeside
- Tilføj en reference til dit udsagn og peg på kildeemnet. For kildeemner på Wikidata anvendes egenskaben stated in (P248) og for emner, som findes online udenfor Wikidata anvendes reference URL (P854)
- Tilføj kilden og alle nødvendige kvalifikatorer
Flere oplysninger om søgning efter emner og oprettelse af emner findes på Help:Items.
Forskellige typer af kilder
Referencer skal pege på troværdige informationskilder så som tekstbøger på universitetsniveau eller på bøger, videnskabelige tidsskrifter og aviser. For flere oplysninger om hvordan man identificerer troværdige kilder, se venligst Wikidata:Verifiability.
One could differentiate between online or offline references. Both can be added to Wikidata. An internet accessible database can be an online reference. Offline references are books and other works found in libraries and archives.
References can be categorized into primary, secondary, and tertiary references. All categories can be added to Wikidata. A secondary reference being one that analyzes primary references, a compilation of secondary references is a tertiary reference. Encyclopædiæ and library catalogues are generally tertiary references. Wikidata could be seen as a tertiary (or quaternary) reference, but one can't add it to Wikidata itself.
References can be contemporary ones or historic ones. Wikidata includes both. Consider appropriate ranks for information that is no longer current.
Please note that while pages on Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia sites) can and should be added as sitelinks, they are not appropriate as sources for Wikidata statements. As per the Wikipedia policy on verifiability, the content of articles in Wikipedia must be verifiable; it should be supported by sources also (in the form of citations). However, just because something is stated on a Wikipedia page, does not mean that it is acceptable to consider the Wikipedia page itself as a source; it's much better to locate the actual citation and use that instead.
Tools that import data from Wikimedia projects generally add imported from Wikimedia project (P143) (and sometimes also Wikimedia import URL (P4656)) in the reference part of statements. Statements that are only supported by "imported from Wikimedia project (P143)" are not considered sourced statements. If you encounter one of these statements, please replace "imported from Wikimedia project" with an actual reference.
This list is not complete, and types of sources in addition to the ones found on this page may be reliable; if you would like to add a new section with instructions on how to add such sources, please do so.
In Wikidata, books are treated according to the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (Q16388) (FRBR) model, a commonly used conceptual framework in library science.
Without going into too much detail, the FRBR model allows us to make a distinction between creative works, and their different editions or translations; in Wikidata, these are known as work items and edition items respectively. For example, we can say that Hamlet (Q41567) and Bible (Q1845) are work items, while Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Q14422206) and the King James Version (Q623398) are edition items.
When sourcing statements, you should only ever use the edition item of a book. In some cases, it will be necessary to first add the work item to Wikidata in order to create an edition item. You can do so by following the steps below:
- Tjek om der allerede eksisterer et værkemne til værket på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så gå videre til punkt 4. Hvis der ikke findes et emne, så opret et nyt og gå videre til punkt 2.
- Tilføj mindst ét af de følgende udsagn til arbejdsemnet:
- instance of (P31) → book (Q571)
- author (P50) (eller author name string (P2093) hvis du ikke ved noget der er ikke-trivielt om dem)
- title (P1476) (og subtitle (P1680) hvis det kan betale sig)
- language of work or name (P407)
Add any additional properties to the work item that may seem necessary, for example:
- based on (P144), genre (P136), main subject (P921), follows (P155) and followed by (P156) (in case of a series), and others listed at Wikidata:WikiProject Books#Work_item_properties.
- Tjek om dit arbejdsemnes udgaveemne findes på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så gå videre til punkt 8. Hvis emnet ikke findes, så opret et nyt udgaveemne og gå videre til punkt 5. Vær opmærksom på at tildele en etiket til udgaveemnet på en sådan måde, at det kan adskilles fra arbejdsemnet.
Label the new edition item in a way that can be differentiated from the work item by adding the edition number with the title
Add at least the following statements to the edition item:
- instance of (P31) → version, edition or translation (Q3331189)
- edition or translation of (P629) → the Q#### of the work item
- title (P1476) (and subtitle (P1680) if applicable)
- language of work or name (P407)
- edition number (P393)
Add any additional properties to the edition item that may seem necessary, for example:
- Return to the work item and, if DeltaBot didn't do it already, add has edition or translation (P747).
- Return to the item page you were adding a reference to source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the edition item
- Add any additional properties to the reference section which can help when verifying the value of the statement:
- Work item: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Q904273), edition item: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd edition) (Q11927173)
- Used to source statement: CAS Registry Number (P231) of ethanol (Q153)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd edition) (Q11927173)
Videnskabelig, avis- eller tidsskriftsartikel
Publication articles require that both the publication and the article be added as items to Wikidata (if they haven't already been). One can use SourceMD.
- Tjek om publikationssemnet allerede eksisterer på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så gå videre til punkt 3. Hvis der ikke findes et emne, så opret et nyt og gå videre til punkt 2.
Vær opmærksom på, at mindst det følgende udsagn skal tilføjes til publikationsemnet::
- instance of (P31) → academic journal (Q737498) for akademiske tidsskrifter
- instance of (P31) → newspaper (Q11032) for aviser
- instance of (P31) → magazine (Q41298) for blade
- title (P1476) og subtitle (P1680)
- language of work or name (P407)
- Tjek om artikelemnet findes på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så gå videre til punkt 5. Hvis der ikke findes et emne, så opret et artikelemne og gå til punkt 4.
Ensure that at least the following statements are added to the article item:
- instance of (P31) → article (Q191067) (more specifically: scholarly article (Q13442814), news article (Q5707594), magazine article (Q30070590), etc.)
- published in (P1433) → (whatever the publication item is)
- title (P1476) (and subtitle (P1680) if applicable)
- language of work or name (P407)
- author (P50) (or author name string (P2093) if you know nothing nontrivial other than their name)
- You may use the Source MetaData tool to assist creation if you know the DOI of the article.
- Return to the item page you were adding a reference to source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the article item.
- Hvis det er nødvendigt, så gå tilbage til publikationsemnet og tilføj yderligere egenskaber:
If needed, return to the article item and add additional properties:
- Journal item: Geological Society, London, Special Publications (Q15817216), article item: The age of the Earth in the twentieth century: a problem (mostly) solved (Q15545344)
- Used to source statement: inception (P571) of Earth (Q2)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — The age of the Earth in the twentieth century: a problem (mostly) solved (Q15545344)
Rapporter, politik, lovgivning og teknisk dokumentation
- Tjek om dokumentemnet eksisterer på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så gå videre til punkt 3. Hvis der ikke findes et emne, så opret et nyt og gå videre til punkt 2.
Ensure that at least the following statements are added to the document item:
- instance of (P31) → report (Q10870555) for a report
- or instance of (P31) → technical documentation (Q1413406) for technical documentation
- or instance of (P31) → policy (Q1156854) for policy
- or instance of (P31) → legislation (Q49371) for legislation
- title (P1476) (and subtitle (P1680) if applicable)
- language of work or name (P407)
- author (P50) (or author name string (P2093) if you know nothing nontrivial other than their name)
- Return to the item page you were adding a reference to source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the document item.
If needed, return to the document item and add additional properties:
- Legislation item: Civil Marriage Act (Q3258612)
- Used to source statement: start time (P580) of Same-sex marriage in Canada (Q17447)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — Civil Marriage Act (Q3258612)
If there is a Wikidata property for a website, follow #Databases below.
- Tjek om hjemmesideemnet allerede eksisterer på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så kildeangiv dit udsagn med stated in (P248) og link det til hjemmesideemnet. Hvis der ikke findes et emne, så opret ikke et emne til det; gå i stedet videre til punkt #2
- Kildeangiv dit udsagn med reference URL (P854) og link det til hjemmesidens URL
Add the following qualifiers to your reference so the source can be tracked down if the URL changes:
- publication date (P577) → the publication date of the webpage. If no publication date is provided use retrieved (P813), the date when the data was taken from the web page.
- title (P1476) → title of the webpage
- archive URL (P1065) → archived webpage
- archive date (P2960) → date of archived webpage
- language of work or name (P407) → language of the webpage
- online access status (P6954) → could be open access (Q232932), registration required (Q107459441), paywall (Q910845), etc.
If needed, add additional qualifiers:
- author (P50) and publisher (P123). Please note if the web page belongs to a major web site that already has an item in Wikidata, you should use publisher.
- quotation (P1683) → exact quotation of text from the webpage
- Web page item: United States Population Clock (Q3398022)
- Used to source statement: population (P1082) of United States of America (Q30)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — United States Population Clock (Q3398022)
- Non-web page item
- Used to source statement: date of birth (P569) of Giambattista Bodoni (Q220768)
- Reference: reference URL (P854) —
Please note: this approach only applies to databases that already have a corresponding property defined in Wikidata. The property is often an identifier unique to the database such as the PubMed publication ID (P698) for PubMed or the IMDb ID (P345) for the Internet Movie Database. Consult the list of properties for authority control IDs to determine whether the database property has been added to Wikidata. You can also use the advanced options of Special:Search to search for the database and/or its identifiers in the Property namespace. If no such property exists for the database, treat the database as a webpage (see above).
- Søg efter databaseemnet på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så gå videre til næste punkt. Hvis der ikke findes et emne, så opret et nyt.
- Ensure that at least the following statement is added to the database item:
- Return to the item page you were adding a reference to source your statement with stated in (P248) and link it to the database item. The applicable value can be found through applicable 'stated in' value (P9073).
Add the following qualifiers to your reference in order to indicate the specific register of the database.
- database property → database property ID (the unique identifier for the data as per the database)
- title (P1476) → the title of the dataset in the database. This may not be needed if the database property is in the external link section of the item the statement is used on.
- publication date (P577) → the publication date for the data. If no publication date is provided use retrieved (P813), the date when the data was taken from the database. This may not be needed if the date is already otherwise included in the statement being referenced.
- Database item: PubChem (Q278487), database property: PubChem CID (P662)
- Used to source statement: InChI (P234) of ethanol (Q153)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — PubChem (Q278487)
Medier og underholdning (TV/radio/musik/video)
- Tjek om medieemnet findes på Wikidata. Hvis der findes et emne, så gå videre til næste punkt. Hvis der ikke findes et emne, så opret et nyt.
- Kildeangiv dit udsagn med stated in (P248) og link det til medieemnet
- Hvis det er nødvendigt, så gå tilbage til medieemnet og tilføj yderligere egenskaber:
- Documentary item: Man on Wire (Q1417721)
- Used to source statement: occupation (P106) of Philippe Petit (Q705289)
- Reference: stated in (P248) — Man on Wire (Q1417721)
Headstones at Commons
Add the following:
- type of reference (P3865)=tombstone (Q203443) and reference image (P10253) with the image at Commons
- Headstone image: File:Beatrice_Dowsky.jpg
- Used to source statement: date of birth (P569) of Beatrice von Dovsky (Q88821)
- Reference: type of reference (P3865) — tombstone (Q203443) and reference image (P10253) — File:Beatrice_Dowsky.jpg
Wikisource source text
Add the following two:
- As for books above, add stated in (P248) pointing to the Wikidata item of the edition with sitelinks to Wikisource + page(s) (P304) to indicate the page of the book (for bibliographic templates)
- As for websites above, add reference URL (P854) pointing to the subpage supporting the statement
Archive collections, especially vital records
- Always try to fill:
- type of reference (P3865) - e.g., birth certificate (Q83900), marriage certificate (Q1299632), death certificate (Q708653), birth registry (Q11971341), baptism registry (Q28369847), marriage registry (Q14324227), death registry (Q12029619), home certificate (Q1595673), conscription sheet (Q105921971), chronicle (Q185363), etc.
- Depending on circumstances (especially based on the structure of the collection provided by its creator or custodian), also try to enter additional identifiers, such as:
- registration district (P5564) - regional subdivision of the collection, if created in Wikidata
- volume (P478) - compact resource, such as book or documentation box that does not have a Wikidata item. May return error if not alphanumeric.
- inventory number (P217) - alternative free-form identifier
- page(s) (P304) - page in a book; sometimes it is better to enter folio(s) (P7416)
- line(s) (P7421) - row within a page or document, if numbered
- section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958) - another identifiable part of document
- Archival Resource Key (P8091) - if assigned
- Examples
- Josef J. Zapf (Q96901921) - dates of birth and death based on Austrian church books
- Hermann Mattkey (Q96694727) - dates of birth and death based on Czech church books (German-language source with Czech metadata)
Se også
For relaterede hjælpesider, se:
- Help:Sources/Items not needing sources, more information on when items don't need sources
- Help:Statements, which explains what statements are and what rules they follow
- Help:Qualifiers, which explains what qualifiers are and what rules they follow
- Special:BookSources - search for book sources by ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- Authority control identifiers, a list of database properties
- Wikidata:Zotero, which explains how to use a tool which makes it easy to create items about articles, web pages, etc. with QuickStatements
- Wikidata SPARQL queries
For yderligere oplysninger og retningslinjer, se:
- Project chat, her kan du diskutere hvilket som helst emne på Wikidata
- Wikidata:Glossary, en ordliste over begreberne, som anvendes på denne og andre hjælpesider
- Help:FAQ, ofte stillede spørgsmål, som er stillet og besvaret af brugersamfundet på Wikidata
- Help:Contents, hjælpeportalen, som indeholder al den tilgængelige dokumentation om Wikidata