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QUIC as a solution in my firewall currently

QUIC as a solution in my firewall currently

Posted Feb 4, 2018 3:59 UTC (Sun) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523)
In reply to: QUIC as a solution in my firewall currently by TRS-80
Parent article: QUIC as a solution to protocol ossification

My brother's daughter recently went to China for a school exchange program. The first week or so her parents were only getting email updates to a non-Google address. Then she re-appeared on Facebook and Gmail - local kids in China had shown her how to work around blocking.

This is how effective Internet blocking is against determined teenagers.

I understand that people still have to go through motions and pretend that precious little children are totally "protected" by filters. But I'm not seeing why this should be made any easier. It'd be good to stop this hypocrisy fest eventually.

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QUIC as a solution in my firewall currently

Posted Feb 9, 2018 15:18 UTC (Fri) by TRS-80 (guest, #1804) [Link]

Well, if you can stop our parents being rich enough to hire lawyers in the case that little Johnny sees something inappropriate using school-provided technology, I'm sure I can update our risk matrix to obviate the need for the web filter. If they do it on parent-provided technology, that's then their problem, not ours.

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