QUIC as a solution to protocol ossification
QUIC as a solution to protocol ossification
Posted Jan 29, 2018 20:51 UTC (Mon) by iwan (subscriber, #108557)Parent article: QUIC as a solution to protocol ossification
This paper seems to be quite interesting: "Taking a Long Look at QUIC. An Approach for Rigorous Evaluation of Rapidly Evolving Transport Protocols" - https://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2017/papers/imc17-fin.... It compares performance of TCP and QUIC.
Researchers claim that performance is sluggish on older cellular networks: "In the case of 3G, we see the benefits of QUIC diminish. Compared to LTE, the bandwidth in 3G is much lower and the loss is higher—which works to QUIC’s benefit (see Fig. 8a). However, the packet reordering rates are higher compared to LTE, and this works to QUIC’s disadvantage."