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(1 edit)

This looks fab! Looking forward to giving it a go. I made a character keeper for playing online, it's my first go at making one so it's not brilliant, but figured I'd share it here in case anyone else wants to use it.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SKwCPIWL0Z_IST_PKOBcQhvvtr9Fm09Ya5_hDQyv...


Hey! I'm preparing to run this game tomorrow for a group online and I'm wondering if there is an online character keeper template available?


sorry to ask but, will there be more community copies? £15.00 GBP is kinda expensive in south america ( of course I would buy if I can, sounds like a great atmospheric game)


Unfortunately they've all been claimed, and I no longer provide community copies. I'm slowly adding free text only versions of all my releases and The Hunted will be coming up soon, so you'll be able to access it that way once it's ready.


I've just found this forged in the dark horror jam - The Hunted would fit right in there.



Thanks, I'll take a loot


I had an absolute blast with this game! My regular gaming group played it last night for the first time. This was my first time trying to GM a zero prep game, so I was a little intimidated by being so unprepared. But the game is built in such a way that we almost immediately settled in and were having a great time. At no point did I feel unprepared while actually playing.

Everything from character creation all the way through the finale was fantastic! We all agreed that we want to play again soon (though all of the players were so attached to their characters after just one session they hated to see them go). 

What's more, I've had several other BoB and FitD games on my list to try. Our experience with this game (which draws on both of those systems) really sparked an interest in trying those by some of my players who were previously on the fence. 


Thanks so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.