# Circulant Weighing Matrices #
A New Branch of The La Jolla Combinatorial Data Repository
```{admonition} TL;DR
:class: warning
A data repository formerly made available via an SQL server is
repackaged as a Jupyter book, with code and data freely available.
```{admonition} Author
:class: tip
**Daniel M. Gordon**
IDA Center for Communications Research
4320 Westerra Court
San Diego, CA 92121
## Abstract ##
> A weighing matrix $W = (w_{i,j})$
is a square matrix of
order $n$ and entries $w_{i,j}$ in $\{0, \pm 1\}$ such that
$WW^T=kI_n$. In his thesis, Strassler gave a table of
existence results for circulant weighing matrices with $n \leq 200$
and $k \leq 100$. Since then, numerous papers have dealt with open
cases in the table.
> The author recently wrote a paper with K.T. Arasu and Yiran Zhang,
resolving 12 more cases. Rather than publishing a new version of
the table in that paper, the results were added to the *La Jolla
Combinatorics Repository*, an online database containing results on
covering designs, difference sets and Steiner systems. Here we give
that data in the form of a Jupyter book, in the hopes of being more
compatible with FAIR data management principles.
## Citation ##
title = {Circulant Weighing Matrices,
author = {Gordon Daniel M.},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.5072/zenodo.1055443}
## About ##
The author's website, at , has data
repositories for difference sets, covering designs, circulant weighing
matrices and Steiner systems.