Papers by Stanislaw Ledakowicz

Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa/Chemical and Process Engineering, Feb 27, 2024
The paper focused on the co-production of high-value-added product thermostable C-phycocyanin (C-... more The paper focused on the co-production of high-value-added product thermostable C-phycocyanin (C-PC) and biomass, further utilized in pyrolysis. The photobiosynthesis of C-PC was carried out by the thermophilic cyanobacteria Synechococcus PCC6715 cultivated in the helical and flat panel photobioreactors (PBR). Despite the application of different inorganic carbon sources, both PBRs were characterized by the same growth efficiency and similar C-PC concentration in biomass. To release the intracellular C-PC the biomass was concentrated and disintegrated by the freeze-thaw method. The crude C-PC was then further purified by foam fractionation (FF), aqueous two-phase extraction (ATPE), membrane techniques (UF) and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Each of the tested methods can be used separately; however, from a practical and economic point of view, a three-stage purification system (FF, FPLC and UF) was proposed. The purity ratio of the final C-PC was about 3.9, which allows it to be classified as a reactive grade. To improve the profitability of 3G biorefinery, the solid This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process which may lead to differences between this version and the version of record. Please cite this article as

Catalysts, 2019
The increasing amount of hazardous micropollutants in the aqueous environment has recently become... more The increasing amount of hazardous micropollutants in the aqueous environment has recently become a concern, especially because they are not usually included in environmental monitoring programs. There is also limited knowledge regarding their behavior in the environment and their toxicity. This paper presents results regarding the heterogeneous photosensitized oxidation of 10 phenolic compounds under visible light. All of the selected compounds are classified as pollutants of emerging concern. For the first time, the application of photosensitizing catalysts incorporated into a chitosan carrier was investigated from several points of view, namely, structure characterization, singlet oxygen generation potential, photodegradation ability, biodegradability, and toxicity assessment. It was found that compounds of different origins were degraded with high effectivity. Photoactive chitosan was stable and could be reused for at least 12 cycles without losing its photocatalytic activity. T...
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2003
Inzynieria Chemiczna I Procesowa, 2003

The heat conduction problem for a cylindrical ring reactor of finite length, filled with biomass,... more The heat conduction problem for a cylindrical ring reactor of finite length, filled with biomass, which is transported at a constant speed by means of a rotating screw, is considered. The screw is assumed to be mounted on a circular shaft and is inductively heated by the Joule–Lenz effect. The surfaces of the channel and the shaft are thermally insulated. At the entrance and exit of the channel, boundary conditions of the third kind are formulated. The surface of the screw is replaced by uniformly distributed point heat sources. The problem is solved using the decomposition of the investigated temperature into Fourier–Bessel series over space variables and the integral Laplace transform over time. It is shown that the temperature has a quasi-stationary character with a short-term transient process. A numerical analysis of the spatio-temporal structure of temperature and its relationship with the thermophysical, kinematic and geometric parameters of the screw and biomass was carried ...
Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe
The Chemical Engineering Journal, 1986
two-point boundary value problem (BVP) has been developed. The balance equations of multicomponen... more two-point boundary value problem (BVP) has been developed. The balance equations of multicomponent diffusion with chemical reactions of linearized kinetics valid for diluted species have been given in the vector-matrix form. A very convenient matrix exponential solution to the two-point boundary value problem originating from the film theory has been proposed. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT An illustrative example taken from the a bsorp tion-desorp tion process occurring in fermentation broths has been analyzed according to the approach developed.
Ozone: Science & Engineering, 2009
ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to establish the minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) of ozon... more ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to establish the minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) of ozonated sunflower oil for various microorganisms. To determine the influence of the ozonated medium on the growth of bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and yeast Candida albicans the Petri dish method was used. Chemical and physical properties of ozonated sunflower oil were additionally studied. Microbiological studies proved that these microbes have various sensibility against ozonated oil. The most resistant are gram-negative bacteria E. coli and the yeast C. albicans. Gram-positive bacteria, B. subtilis turned out to be less resistant, because no growth was observed for preparation with an ozone dose of 200 mgO3/g oil.
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1983
Bioresource Technology, 2012
h i g h l i g h t s " In this study we investigated the chemical degradation of biomass. " We det... more h i g h l i g h t s " In this study we investigated the chemical degradation of biomass. " We determined the efficiency of the process by the hydrolysates composition. " We found out that after Fenton's oxidation the delignification level is quite low. " We concluded that chemical pretreatment makes the biogas production more efficient.

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019
Gasification of the char obtained from the spent substrate after mushroom cultivation was carried... more Gasification of the char obtained from the spent substrate after mushroom cultivation was carried out in a thermobalance connected to a mass spectrometer in the temperature range from 200 to 950 °C and CO 2 concentration from 5 to 100 vol%. Under non-isothermal conditions, in addition to the char gasification process, both carbonation and calcination reactions occurred. The investigation of gasification kinetics in CO 2 was carried out under isothermal conditions. The rate of gasification reaction was determined from the shrinking core model, and kinetic constant has been calculated from Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics. On the basis of the conducted research, it was observed that the saturation of active sites on the char particles occurred above 50 vol% CO 2 , regardless of temperature. The analysis of gas composition indicates CO as the main product of gasification.
Papers by Stanislaw Ledakowicz