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Grosse, Julius, 1828-1902

LC control no.nr 99027953
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGrosse, Julius, 1828-1902
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1828-04-25
Death date1902-05-09
Place of birthErfurt (Germany)
Place of deathNago (Italy)
Profession or occupationAuthors Poets Theater critics
Found inCola di Rienzi, 1851: t.p. (Julius Grosse)
RLIN, 9/2/99 (hdgs: Grosse, Julius, 1828-1902; Grosse, Julius; Grosse, Julius Waldemar, 1828-1902; usage: Julius Grosse; Julius Waldemar Grosse)
Wikipedia, German, August 12, 2019 (Julius Grosse; Julius Waldemar Grosse; born April 25, 1828 in Erfurt, Germany; died May 9, 1902 in Torbole (near Nago), Italy; German author, poet, theater critic)
Associated languageger