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Müller, Jacob, 1594-1637

LC control no.no2018034057
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMüller, Jacob, 1594-1637
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Müller, Jakob, 1594-1637
Mueller, Jacobus, 1594-1637
Mullerus, Jacobus, 1594-1637
Mueller, J., 1594-1637
Mullerus, I., 1594-1637
Birth date1594-03-11
Death date1637-04-11
Found inSciographia solis, das ist Gründliche Beschreibung, von Nutz und Gebrauch dess Schettens, Jahr, Zeit, Monat, Wochen, Tage, Stunden und Minuten dardurch zu unterscheyden, 1618: t.p. (Iacobum Mullerum Torgensem)
Annals of Medical History, Vol. 1, 1917, WWW, searched March 7, 2018 (Jacob Müller, 1594-1637 "was professor of mathematics (1618) and of medicine (1620) in the University of Giessen, and later of both mathematics and medicine at Marburg. He wrote chiefly on mathematics)
VIAF (Virtual International Authority File), WWW, searched March 7, 2018 (hdg.: Müller, Jacob, 1594-1637 ; variants: Müller, Jakob; Mueller, Jacobus; Mullerus, Jacobus; Müllerus, Jacobus; Mueller, J.; Mullerus, I. ; born March 11, 1594; died April 11, 1637)
Wikipedia, Germany, WWW, searched March 7, 2018 (Jakob Müller, physician, born 11 March 1594; died 10 April 1637)
OCLC, searched March 7, 2018 (hdg.: Müller, Jacob, 1594-1637 ; usage: Jacobus Mullerus)