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Albert, Thomas, 1953-

LC control no.no2015017327
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAlbert, Thomas, 1953-
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See alsoFounded corporate body of person: Fiori Musicali (Musical group)
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Founded corporate body of person: Akademie für Alte Musik (Bremen, Germany)
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Associated countryGermany
Birth date1953
Place of birthBremen (Germany)
AffiliationFiori Musicali (Musical group)
Akademie für Alte Musik (Bremen, Germany)
Hochschule für Künste, Bremen
Profession or occupationViolinists Conductors (Music) Music teachers
Special noteFormerly on undifferentiated name record: n 94046766
Found inKeiser, R. Masaniello furioso, p1993: label (Thomas Albert) program notes, p. 31 (b. Bremen; conductor and violinist)
Akademie für Alte Musik Bremen website, viewed January 20, 1915 (Prof. Thomas Albert; born 1953 in Bremen; violinist, conductor; founder of Fiori musicali in 1978; founder of the Akademie für Alte Musik Bremen in 1986, integrated into the Hochschule für Künste Bremen in 1989)
Invalid LCCNn 94046766