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Ravel, Gaston, 1878-1958

LC control no.no2012015053
Personal name headingRavel, Gaston, 1878-1958
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Levar, Gaston, 1878-1958
Found inGaumont treasures. Vol. 2, 1908-1916 [VR] c2011: container (Gaston Ravel; director)
Internet Movie Database, Feb. 1, 2012 (Gaston Ravel; b. Gaston Levar, Oct. 28, 1878, Paris France, d. Feb. 24, 1958, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, France)
VIAF, Feb. 1, 2012 (BnF authority record: Ravel, Gaston, 1878-1958)