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Murska, Ilma de, 1836-1889

LC control no.no2009035213
Personal name headingMurska, Ilma de, 1836-1889
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)De Murska, Ilma, 1836-1889
Pukšec, Ema, 1836-1889
Found inIlma di Murska [graphic], mid to late 19th century (ms. note on DFo copy)
Grove music online [via www, Feb. 5 2009] (Murska, Ilma de [di] [Pukšec, Ema], b. Ogulin, 6 Feb 1834; d. Munich, 14 Jan 1889. Croatian soprano, debuted 1862, performed throughout Europe including an 8-year stint in London)