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Wendt, Amadeus, 1783-1836

LC control no.no2002059467
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWendt, Amadeus, 1783-1836
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Wendt, Johann Amadeus, 1783-1836
Other standard no.0000000110347567
Birth date1783-09-29
Death date1836-12-15
Place of birthLeipzig (Germany)
Place of deathGöttingen (Germany)
Profession or occupationComposers Musicologists University and college faculty members
Music theorists Philosophers Librettists
Found inBibliothek der deutschen Literatur, Bibliographie und Register, 1995 (Wendt, Johann Amadeus, 1783-1836)
OCLC, April 16, 2002 (hdg.: Wendt, Amadeus, d 1783-1836; usage: Amadeus Wendt)
Wikidata via Wikipedia, July 13, 2018 (sex or gender: male; VIAF identifier: 244504; LCAuth identifier: no2002059467; place of birth: Leipzig; place of death: Göttingen; country of citizenship: Germany; GND identifier: 100700411; ISNI: 0000000110347567; instance of: human; BnF identifier: 145175643; SUDOC authorities: 147704871; date of birth: +1783-09-29T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1836-12-15T00:00:00Z; occupation: composer, musicologist, music theorist, university teacher; employer: Leipzig University; given name: Johann; member of: Göttingen Academy of Sciences; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 071334637; languages spoken or published: German; CERL ID: cnp01378808; Open Library identifier: OL5826150A; FAST-ID: 480957; National Library of Ireland authority ID (P1946): vtls000487560; NLI (Israel) identifier: 000141008; work location: Leipzig; described by source: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, Riemann's Music Dictionary (1901-1904); educated at: Leipzig University; description/label: Amadeus Wendt, deutscher Philosoph, Duits componist , filosofo, German composer, Johann Amadeus Wendt, tysk komponist, tysk kompositör)
National Library of Poland via VIAF, July 13, 2018 (preferred: Wendt, Amadeus (1783-1836); variant: Wendt, A.; Wendt, Johann Amadeus.; Wendt, Johann Gottlieb.; Wendt, Johannes Amadeus.; related: Rzesiński, Jan Kanty Hieronim Stefan, (1803-1855)., Tennemann, Wilhelm Gottlieb, (1761-1819).)
German National Library via VIAF, July 13, 2018 (GAC: XA-DE; other class #: 12.2p sswd, 4.7p sswd; preferred: Wendt, Amadeus 1783-1836; field of activity: Rossini, Gioachino, 1792-1868; gender: 1; variant: Wendt, ...; Wendt, A.; Wendt, Johann Amadeus; Wendt, Johann Gottlieb; Wendt, Johannes Amadeus; related: Göttingen, Leipzig; related title: Wendt, Amadeus: Grundzüge der philosophischen Rechtslehre. - 1811, Wendt, Amadeus: Über die Hauptperioden der schönen Kunst ... - 1831, Wendt, Amadeus: Reden über die Religion für Gebildete. - 1813, Wendt, Amadeus: Über den gegenwärtigen Zustand der Musik ... - 1836, Wendt, Amadeus: Über Zweck und Mittel, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Freimaurerei. - 1828, Wendt, Amadeus: De ratione, quae inter religionem et philosophiam intercedit ... - 1829, Wendt, Amadeus: Rossini's Leben und Treiben. - 1824, Wendt, Amadeus: Ueber den gegenwärtigen Zustand der Musik besonders in Deutschland. - 1836, Rossini's Leben und Treiben. - 1824)
International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM) via VIAF, July 13, 2018 (identifier: 100700411, 244504; GAC: XA-DE; preferred: Wendt, Amadeus 1783-1836; gender: male; variant: Wendt, ...; Wendt, A.; Wendt, Johann Amadeus; Wendt, Johann Gottlieb; Wendt, Johannes Amadeus; related: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832, Kunze, Wilhelm, Schneider, Friedrich, 1786-1853, Tieck, Ludwig, 1773-1853, Wendt, Amadeus, 1783-1836)