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Stein, Tine, 1965-

LC control no.n 92083810
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingStein, Tine, 1965-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Stein, Martina, 1965-
Other standard no.0000000109124040
Birth date1965
Field of activityPolitical science
AffiliationUniversität Göttingen
Profession or occupationPolitical science teachers Political scientists
Found inDie Verfassungsdiskussion im Jahr der deutschen Einheit, 1991: title page (Tine Stein) page 426 (b. 1965)
Demokratie und Verfassung an den Grenzen des Wachstums, 1998 title page (Tine Stein) page 10 (Martina Stein)
Constitutional and political theory, 2017 title page (Tine Stein, Professor of Political Theory, University of Kiel)
Semper Reformanda, c2023: t.p. (Tine Stein) p. 382 (Tine Stein; professor of political science with a focus on political theory and the history of ideas at the Institute for Political Science at the Georg-August University of Gottingen)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 99016773