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Wynne, Brian, 1947-

LC control no.n 87876111
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Personal name headingWynne, Brian, 1947-
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Variant(s)Wynne, B. E. (Brian E.), 1947-
Found inRisk management and hazardous waste, c1987: CIP t.p. (Brian Wynne) galley (Dr., director, Centre for Science Studies and Science Policy, Univ. of Lancaster, United Kingdom) data sheet (b. 14/1/1947)
Schering Workshop on Bioscience [symbol for chemical equilibrium] Society (1990 : Berlin, Germany). Bioscience [symbol for chemical equilibrium] society, c1991: t.p. (B.E. Wynne)
His Rationality and ritual, 1982: t.p. (Brian Wynne)
Lancaster University, Department of Sociology website, March 4, 2013 (Professor Brian Wynne; professor of science studies at CSEC and at the ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (CESAGen); his education includes MA (Natural Sciences, Cambridge 1968), PhD (Materials Science, Cambridge 1971), MPhil (Sociology of Science, Edinburgh 1977); his work has covered technology and risk assessment, public risk perceptions, and public understanding of science, focusing on the relations between expert and lay knowledge and policy decision-making; he was an Inaugural Member of the Management Board and Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency, (EEA), (1994-2000) and a Special Adviser to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Inquiry into Science and Society, (March 2000). He is also a member of the London Royal Society's Committee on Science in Society; research interests: technology and risk assessment, public risk perceptions, public understanding of science, focusing on the relations between expert and lay knowledge and policy decision-making)
Wikipedia, March 4, 2013 (Brian Wynne; born January 14, 1947; professor of science studies and research director of the Centre for the Study of Environmental Change (CSEC), University of Lancaster, England)
Amazon.com, March 4, 2013 (Brian Wynne; professor of science studies; associate director of the ESRC Research Centre CESAGen at Lancaster University; recipient of the J.D. Bernal Prize, 2010; was an inaugural member of the Management Board and Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency (EEA); special adviser to the 2000 House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Inquiry into Science and Society; author of under title Rationality and ritual : rarticipation and exclusion in nuclear decision-making; and other titles)
Invalid LCCNn 87811330