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Clinton, Larry, 1909-1985

LC control no.n 85156529
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingClinton, Larry, 1909-1985
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Clinton, Larry, 1910-
Collins, Lee, 1909-1985
Carlson, Lenny, 1909-1985
Birth date19090817
Death date19850502
Place of birthBrooklyn, New York, N.Y.
Place of deathTucson, Ariz.
Profession or occupationArranger Composer Bandleader Trumpeter
Found inGarrod, C. Larry Clinton and his orchestra, 1984.
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Clinton, Larry, 1910- )
Encyc. pop. mus., 3rd ed. (Clinton, Larry; b. Aug. 17, 1909, Brooklyn; d. May 2, 1985, Deltona, Fla.)
New Grove dict. jazz (Clinton, Larry; b. Aug. 17, 1909, New York; d. May 2, 1985, Tucson; arranger, composer, bandleader, trumpeter)
Biog. encyc. jazz, 1999 (Clinton, Larry; comp, arr, lead, tpt; b. Aug. 17, 1909, Brooklyn; d. May 2, 1985, Tucson)
Ency. of American radio 1920-1960, 2000 p. 591 (Larry Clinton performed at times as Lee Collins or Lenny Carlson)