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Carr, Benjamin, 1768-1831

LC control no.n 84230214
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.C3287 Biography
Personal name headingCarr, Benjamin, 1768-1831
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Variant(s)Carr, Benjamin, 1769-1831
Birth date1768-09-12
Death date1831-05-24
Place of birthLondon (England)
Place of deathPhiladelphia (Pa.)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationComposers Tenors (Singers) Organists Music publishers
Found inHis Selected secular and sacred songs, 1985: CIP t.p. (Benjamin Carr) CIP data (b. London 9/12/1768; d. Philadelphia 5/24/1831; American composer, publisher, and organist)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Carr, Benjamin, 1769-1831)
Grove music online, June 26, 2014: (Benjamin Carr; b. London, 12 Sept 1768; d. Philadelphia, 24 May 1831; American composer, tenor, organist and publisher of English birth, son of Joseph Carr; his uncle was Benjamin Carr (1731-80), who ran an instrument-making and repair shop in London for over 20 years)