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Barduleck, Max, 1846-1923

LC control no.n 82249552
Personal name headingBarduleck, Max, 1846-1923
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Barduleck, M. (Max), 1846-1923
Barduleck, Friedrich Johannes Maximilian, 1846-1923
Barduleck, 1846-1923
Found inHis Die letzten Jahre der Münze in Dresden, c1981: t.p. (Max Barduleck) p. facing t.p., etc. (facsim. of signature: M. Barduleck; b. 11/15/1846, d. 10/7/23; facsim. of work signed: Barduleck; full name: Friedrich Johannes Maximilian Barduleck)