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Vogler, Georg Joseph, 1749-1814

LC control no.n 82217198
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.V88 Biography
Personal name headingVogler, Georg Joseph, 1749-1814
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Birth date1749-06-15
Death date1814-05-06
Place of birthWürzburg (Germany)
Place of deathDarmstadt (Germany)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationComposers
Special noteThematic-index numbers are from: Abt Georg Joseph Vogler / von Karl Emil von Schafhäutl; e.g., [Symphonies, S. 107, G. major]
Found inHis One symphony, them. index 107, 1983: CIP t.p. (Georg Joseph Vogler 1749-1814)
LC data base (hdg.: Vogler, Georg Joseph, 1749-1814)
Grove music online, June 15, 2017 (Vogler, Georg Joseph (Abbé Vogler); born Würzburg, June 15, 1749; died Darmstadt, May 6, 1814; German theorist, teacher, keyboard player, organ designer and composer)