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Smith, Warren, 1934-

LC control no.n 82054461
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSmith, Warren, 1934-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1934-05-14
Place of birthChicago (Ill.)
Profession or occupationComposers Percussionists Jazz musicians University and college faculty members
Special noteDo not confuse with: Smith, Warren, 1908-1975, no2004020104.
Found inComposers workshop ensemble [SR] 1972 (a.e.) label (Warren Smith)
Feather, L. Encyc. of jazz ... seventies, p. 312 (Smith, Warren, percussion, composer, teacher, b. 5/14/34)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Smith, Warren(, Jr.); b. May 4, 1932, Chicago; percussionist, son of Warren Doyle Smith)
Southern, E. Bio. dict. of Afro-Amer. and African musicians (Smith, Warren I., Jr.; b. May 14, 1934, Chicago, Ill.; jazz percussionist, college professor)
Not found inIJS Jazz Register and Index.