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Beck, Ulrich, 1944-2015

LC control no.n 80128974
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBeck, Ulrich, 1944-2015
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Other standard no.Q76844
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1944-05-15
Death date2015-01-01
Place of birthStolp (Germany)
Place of deathMunich (Germany)
Field of activitySociology Technology--Social aspects Risk--Sociological aspects
AffiliationOtto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg Universität München London School of Economics and Political Science
Profession or occupationSociologists College teachers
Found inHis Objektivität und Normativität, 1974.
Soziologie und Praxis, 1982: t.p. (Ulrich Beck) p. 511 (Prof. Dr.; Univ. Bamberg, Lehrstuhl f. Soziologie II)
Kürsch. Gel.-Kal., 2003 (Beck, Ulrich, Dr. phil., Prof.; b. May 15, 1944)
Das kosmopolitische Europa, 2004: t.p. (Ulrich Beck) p. 421 (teaches sociology at Munich University, Germany, and London School of Economics)
New York times (online), viewed Jan. 14, 2015 (in obituary published Jan. 4: Ulrich Beck; b. May 15, 1944, Stolp, Pomerania (now Slupsk, Poland); d. Thursday [Jan. 1, 2015], aged 70; sociologist who became one of Germany's most prominent public intellectuals by exploring the ways technology had created a new, riskier society)
German Wikipedia, viewed Jan. 14, 2015 (Ulrich Beck; b. May 15, 1944, Stolp; d. Jan. 1, 2015, Munich; German sociologist)
Associated languageger eng