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Praetorius, Michael, 1571-1621

LC control no.n 80096728
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.P79 Biography
Personal name headingPraetorius, Michael, 1571-1621
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Variant(s)Schultheis, Michael, 1571-1621
Schultheiss, Michael, 1571-1621
Schultz, Michael, 1571-1621
Schultze, Michael, 1571-1621
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1571-02-15
Death date1621-02-15
Place of birthCreuzburg, Germany
Place of deathWolfenbüttel, Germany
Profession or occupationComposers Music theorists Organists
Found inHis Syntagma musicum, 1615-20.
New Grove, 2nd ed. (Praetorius (Schultheiss, Schultze), Michael; b. Feb. 15, 1571?, Creuzburg an der Werra, nr Eisenach; d. Feb. 15, 1621, Wolfenbüttel; German composer, theorist and organist; Wetzel and Walther both stated that Praetorius was born on 15 February 1571 and died on his 50th birthday, but this could be a mistake, since according to a poem appended to his funeral sermon he was only in his 49th year when he died. Yet another date is suggested by the statement "Aō. aetat. XXXV" in the legend round the woodcut portrait of 1604 in the first part of Musae Sioniae (1605), in conjunction with the fact that his family moved to Creuzburg an der Werra in 1569. But 1571 is the most commonly accepted year of his birth.)