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Loewe, Carl, 1796-1869

LC control no.n 50077310
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLoewe, Carl, 1796-1869
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Loewe, Karl, 1796-1869
Loewe, Johann Carl Gottfried, 1796-1869
Löwe, Karl, 1796-1869
Löwe, Carl, 1796-1869
Löwe, Karl Gottfried, 1796-1869
Löwe, C. (Carl), 1796-1869
Loewe, C. (Carl), 1796-1869
Associated countryGermany
Field of activityComposition (Music) Singing
Profession or occupationComposers Tenors (Singers)
Found inHis Selbstbiographie, 1870.
New Grove (Loewe, (Johann) Carl (Gottfried); b. Nov. 30, 1796, Loebjuen, near Halle, d. Apr. 20, 1869, Kiel; German composer and singer)
MGG (Loewe, Karl)
Lieder-Album. Bd. 1, Klassische Lieder, 19--?: caption (Carl Löwe)
OCLC, Sept. 11, 2003 (hdgs.: Löwe, Karl, 1796-1869; Löwe, Carl, 1796-1869)
O du holder, süsser Knabe, c1997: caption (Karl Gottfried Löwe)
Die sieben Schläfer, 1833: t.p. (Componirt von C. Löwe)
Polus von Atella, 1860: t.p. (Componirt von C. Loewe)
Invalid LCCNno2003095940