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Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand, 1825-1898

LC control no.n 50046045
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT2432
Personal name headingMeyer, Conrad Ferdinand, 1825-1898
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Meyer, Konrad Ferdinand, 1825-1898
Meyer-Ziegler, Konrad Ferdinand, 1825-1898
Ziegler, Konrad Ferdinand Meyer-, 1825-1898
Meyer, C. F. (Conrad Ferdinand), 1825-1898
Meĭer, Konrad-Ferdinand, 1825-1898
Birth date1825-10-11
Death date1898-11-28
Found inRIAS-Kammerchor. Seele, vergiss sie nicht-- [SR] p1984: label (C.F. Meyer)
His Lirika, 1920: t.p. (Konrad-Ferdinand Meĭer)
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, c1998: p. 11 (b. 10-11-1825 in Zürich) p. 461 (d. 11-28-1898)
Associated languageger