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Huch, Ricarda, 1864-1947

LC control no.n 50029208
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT2617.U28
Personal name headingHuch, Ricarda, 1864-1947
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Variant(s)Huch, Ricarda Octavia, 1864-1947
הוך, ריקארדא
See alsoAlternate identity: Hugo, Richard, 1864-1947
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Birth date1864-07-18
Death date1947-11-17
Place of birthBraunschweig (Germany)
Place of deathKronberg im Taunus (Germany)
Profession or occupationAuthors Poets Philosophers
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inGottlieb, E. Ricarda Huch, 1914.
Farbenfenster grosser Kathedralen des XII and XIII Jahrhunderts, 1947: title page (Ricarda Huch)
Wikipedia, German, via WWW, June 25, 2015 (Ricarda Octavia Huch; born July 18, 1864 in Braunschweig; died November 17, 1947 in Schönberg im Taunus, today part of the city Kronberg, writer, poet, philosopher, and historian; also published as Richard Hugo)
Associated languageger