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Bridgetower, George Augustus Polgreen

LC control no.n 2005008505
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML418.B645 Biography
Personal name headingBridgetower, George Augustus Polgreen
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Variant(s)Bridgetower, George
Associated countryEngland
Birth date1778-10-11
Death date1860-02-20
Place of birthBielsko-Biała (Poland)
Place of deathLondon (England)
AffiliationUniversity of Cambridge Royal Philharmonic Society Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, England) Covent Garden Theatre
Profession or occupationViolinists Educators Musicians, Black
Found inPanton, Clifford D., Jr. George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower, violin virtuoso and composer of color in late 18th century Europe, 2005: t.p. (George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower) p. xiii (b. Oct. 11, 1778, Baila, Poland; d. Feb. 29, 1860, Peckham, Surrey, England)
Oxford Companion to Black British History, accessed April 17, 2015, via Oxford African American Studies Center database: (Bridgetower, George Augustus Polgreen; violinist, classical musician, educator; born 11 October 1778 in Biala, Poland; BM from the University of Cambridge (1811); was a member of the Royal Philharmonic Society; performed for British royalty at Windsor Castle and the Pump Rooms, Bath, England (1789); played at Drury Lane Theatre, London (1790); was a concerto soloist at Hanover Square (1790); performed in Covent Garden (1794); was employed by the Prince of Wales (1795-1809); met Beethoven in Europe (1803); Beethoven's Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 9 in A minor, Op. 47, was originally written for him; the tuning fork that Beethoven presented to him prior to their dispute is in the British Library; died 20 February 1860 in London, England)
BlackPast.org, Feb. 22, 2017: Bridgetower, George (1780-1860) (African violin prodigy George Polgreen Bridgetower's birth date is variously given as 1778, 1779, or 1780, most likely February 29, 1780; it is known his mother was a Polish European, his father was of African ancestry, and he was born in Poland)