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Lawnchair FAQ

Welcome to the Lawnchair FAQ! This page provides answers to frequently asked questions about Lawnchair. Note that this FAQ is mostly related to the latest version of Lawnchair, because other versions are not supported. Some parts may have instructions for older versions of Lawnchair.

Notice! This FAQ page is currently being updated to reflect newer changes to Lawnchair. Some information here might be outdated.


How to download Lawnchair?

What's the latest version of Lawnchair?

The latest version of Lawnchair that is actively supported is Lawnchair 14 Beta 2.

What's the difference between the Play Store, Telegram/Discord, and GitHub releases?

Do you still support the Play Store version?

Unfortunately not. We no longer support the play store version; issues about it won't be accepted. This is done to focus development on making Lawnchair 14 finished and making it similar to Lawnchair 2. Also, maintaining legacy code is not a focus of the developers.

What are the differences between Lawnchair V2 and 14?

V2 is the latest stable version of Lawnchair. It has many more features and is more stable, but is now outdated and unsupported. On the other hand, 11-14 is a complete redesign from scratch. Not all features have been re-implemented yet, but it does have Material You and all the new Android 11-14 features.

Can you return a feature from Lawnchair 2?

Most legacy features that are present in Lawnchair 2 will be eventually added to Lawnchair 14+. You do not need to request a legacy feature as they are already in the dev's to-do list.

When is the next ETA?

Nobody knows, not even us developers. We have other hobbies and jobs, or even school, and cannot full-time code to meet a deadline. That's why we don't give ETAs. (In case you were wondering, ETA means Estimated Time of Arrival, which means "when is the next version")

Development versions

What are these "debug" or "development" versions?

The debug versions are an "experimental" version of the latest version of Lawnchair. It has the newest features, may fix some bugs, and more. But keep in mind that it is very unstable, and it also updates frequently.

How do I download the development versions?

Go to the Actions tab, select the latest workflow run, and scroll down and click on the "Debug Apk" file, below "Artifacts". Note that you'll need to have a GitHub account to download the Debug Apk.

There's a Recents menu page, but it is not working. Why?

By default, the development versions show the Recents menu settings. Don't worry, it won't do anything unless you have QuickSwitch.

Common issues

How do I get the Google Feed (Discover)?

Note: You'll need the Google app to be installed for Lawnfeed to work.

For Lawnchair 11 and above, download Lawnfeed 3 first. For Lawnchair V2, 9, or 10, see Lawnfeed 2 instead. For the development builds, you don't need to have Lawnfeed since those builds can already access the Google Feed API.

To enable the Google Feed, go to Home Settings > Home Screen > Enable Feed toggle

Lawnfeed does not work!!!

You can try the below steps to fix your issue:

If it still doesn't work after you tried the above steps, try waiting. The issue sometimes fixes itself over time.

How do I hide applications from my app drawer?

Long-press on the app you want to hide, tap on "Customize" or the pencil icon, then select "Hide from App Drawer"

Adding widgets makes Lawnchair crash

This is a common issue (especially when the widget has a settings screen), and here's a temporary solution:

  1. Change the default launcher to your system launcher.
  2. Open Lawnchair.
  3. Add the widget.
  4. Re-set Lawnchair as the default launcher.

Unfortunately, there isn't a fix for this yet.

App shortcuts are gone!

Unfortunately, this bug hasn't been fixed yet. You can still view app shortcuts by searching the app until you see only the app and a list of its shortcuts.

How can I set the font to Google Sans?

Google Sans is a proprietary font and we are not allowed to add it. You can still search the web for the Google Sans font download, and set a custom font in Home Settings > General > Font > Add a new font.

On my rooted device, the on-device search feature does not work.

Try uninstalling all updates of Android System Intelligence. This should usually fix the issue.

On Android 13+, I can't notification access/accessibility/etc due to a popup saying "Restricted settings".

To enable restricted settings on Android 13+, head to Home Settings > Click the 3 dots in the top > App Info. After that, click the 3 dots at the top then press "Allow restricted settings". Once that's done you should be able to enable Accessibility, Notification access, and anything else that was restricted.

Themed Icons

Where can I download Lawnicons?

You can download Lawnicons on either the website or the GitHub repo.

How do I enable themed icons?

Once you have Lawnicons (or another compatible app), go to Home Settings > General > Icon Style > Themed Icons. Then choose from showing it on the Home Screen, Home Screen & App Drawer, or not showing it at all.

My themed icons look quite weird. Is there any way to fix this?

Disable force dark on Lawnchair on your phone settings.

Are there any versions of Lawnicons with better icons or something similar?

You can either use:

Note that you must uninstall the original Lawnicons to be able to install this app.

Recents screen

Why is the recent screen buggy?

Unfortunately, it is because the system launcher handles the Recents screen.

Therefore, if you change the default launcher, weird things can happen, such as:

The only way to fix this is by having a Magisk module called QuickSwitch.

The app open/close animations look buggy.

The system launcher also handles these animations. There is nothing that Lawnchair can do about it unless you have QuickSwitch.

Where's the "select" feature of the Recents screen?

Because the Select feature from the Pixel Launcher is hard to port (we have tried and failed), we replaced the select functionality with the Google Lens button (which allows for the same functionality + other benefits of Lens).

Be sure to have the Lens app installed alongside the Google app, then restart Lawnchair to enable this feature.

What is QuickSwitch???

QuickSwitch is a Magisk module that enables third-party launchers (like Lawnchair) to access the Recents (QuickStep) APIs, therefore allowing support for Recents customization and more features.

I'm experiencing lag after I set Lawnchair as a QuickStep provider. What do I do?

If you're experiencing jank/lag after setting a Recents provider you need to disable Magisk hide on com.google.android.gms. This is a Magisk issue, it happens with all modules that use overlays in /product and /vendor.

If you still wish to pass CTS, make sure to keep com.google.android.gms.unstable hidden

Feedback and contributing

I have a bug

If you want to report a bug, follow the instructions in the bug report form.

I want to request a feature

To request a feature to be added, do so in the feature request form.

I want to report a crash

Use the bug report form to report a crash. In the "Additional Information" section, please provide a crash log. Details on how to get one are listed below.

Lawnchair v12 Alpha 3+

For Lawnchair V12 alpha 3 and up, you will get a notification when Lawnchair crashes, tap the share button and share the file. A link will be added to your clipboard. Add the link in the "Additional Information" section, as stated above.

Lawnchair 11 and below

  1. Download and install the Scoop app
  2. Grant permissions to the app using either root or via ADB using the command adb shell pm grant taco.scoop android.permission.READ_LOGS
  3. Reproduce the crash Copy the stack trace, and paste it to the above section.

Note: Please attach a short explanation when sending bug reports, as it will help both devs to understand your issue better and help you.

Reporting for V10 and below: Please use this method for V10 and below as well, the built-in bug report system relies on dogbin, which is not online anymore.

I want to help translate Lawnchair

You can help translate Lawnchair using Crowdin.