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About (21 June 2007)

Note: You are viewing an archived version of my About page. This version was published 21 June 2007.

Who is this Lars-Christian guy that is so full of himself that he decided to host his blog on the domain equivalent of his name, and thinks that what he has to say is interesting enough for other people to actually read?

Well as we’ve established my name is Lars-Christian, and surname Simonsen for those interested. I’m 21 years of age, and I hail from the northern parts of this globe that we all live on, more precisely a town called Tromsø in Norway.

Here I spend my days studying economy and business management, currently at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science. I don’t have a particular interest in fish, but I chose the NCoFS because it was a way for me to get into the field I want a degree in, and still being able to go to the University of Tromsø, where NCoFS is located.

Most people who come to this blog are more interested in my online personality however, and since I first discovered this beautiful beast known to most as the world wide web, or just the internet, I’ve actually managed to accomplish quite a bit. I’ve built several websites from the ground, and earned a bit of money from these websites as well, both from monetizing the websites and selling them. These days I am more interested in writing than actually building websites, thus I don’t currently own any large ones, and most likely I will never do that again. My online efforts are focused towards this blog, where I write about what I consider to be my “fields of expertise” online; promotion, branding and networking. I also have plans to start another blog where I can further work on and enjoy my writing, but more details about this project is still to be announced.

If you want to ask me a question, or just want to get in touch with me for whatever reason, head on over to the Contact page where you will a host of different ways to get in touch with me.