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Curriculum Vitae

Lancaster University, Department of History, Faculty Member
Dr. Nicholas Radburn Department of History Lancaster University LA1 4YT United Kingdom PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2017- Lecturer in the History of the Atlantic World 1500-1800, Lancaster University 2016-17 Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the study of the Early Americas and the Atlantic World, USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute, Los Angeles, California EDUCATION 2016 Ph.D. History, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Dissertation Title: “The Long Middle Passage: The Enslavement of Africans and the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, 1640-1807” Advisor: Philip D. Morgan. 2012 M.A. History, Johns Hopkins University 2009 M.A. History with Distinction, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 2007 B.A. History with Honors, Victoria University of Wellington PUBLICATIONS Books: “Traders in Men: Merchant Capitalism and Britain’s Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, 1701-1807,” under contract with Yale University Press, forthcoming 2022 with Stephen D. Behrendt, “Liverpool, the Slave Trade, and Atlantic History,” under contract with Liverpool University Press, forthcoming: 2021 Journal Articles: and Stephen D. Behrendt, Philip D. Morgan, “African Cultures and Creolization on an Eighteenth-century St Kitts Sugar Plantation,” Past & Present, forthcoming: Nov. 2021 and Justin Roberts, “‘Gold versus Life:’ Jobbing Gangs and British Caribbean Slavery,” The William and Mary Quarterly 76:2 (Apr. 2019): 223-256 and David Eltis, “Visualizing the Middle Passage: The Brooks and the Reality of Crowding in the Transatlantic Slave Trade,” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History XLIX: 4 (Spring 2019): 533-565 “Keeping “the wheel in motion”: Trans-Atlantic Credit Terms, Slave Prices, and the Geography of Slavery in the British Americas, 1755-1807,” The Journal of Economic History 75:3 (Sept. 2015): 660-89 “Guinea Factors, Slave Sales and the Profits of the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in Late Eighteenth-Century Jamaica: The Case of John Tailyour,” The William and Mary Quarterly 72:2 (Apr. 2015): 243-86 Book Reviews: Abson & Company: slave traders in eighteenth century West Africa by Stanley B. Alpern, Slavery & Abolition, July 2020 Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean by Randy M. Browne, Journal of the Early Republic, Fall 2019 North to Bondage: Loyalist Slavery in the Maritimes by Harvey Amani Whitfield, Immigrants & Minorities, January 2018 The United States and the Transatlantic Slave Trade to the Americas, 1776-1867 by Leonardo Marques, The Journal of Social History, Winter 2017 Final Passages: The Intercolonial Slave Trade of British America, 1619-1807 by Gregory E. O’Malley, Louisiana History, Summer 2016 AWARDS AND HONORS 2019 Wayne D. Rasmussen Award for the best article on agricultural history, Agricultural History Society 2016 Richard L. Morton Award for distinguished article by an author in graduate study, The William and Mary Quarterly 2015 Yu Wu Prize for best student in Atlantic History, Johns Hopkins University 2011 Alexander Butler Prize for the best paper written by a first-year doctoral student, Johns Hopkins University GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2015-16 Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation 2015-16 Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Doris G. Quinn Foundation 2015-16 Dean’s Teaching Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University (Declined) 2010-15 Five-year fellowship for graduate study, Johns Hopkins University 2010-13 The Kagan Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University 2007 One-year fellowship for graduate study, Victoria University of Wellington CONFERENCE PAPERS 2018 “‘The remains of all cargoes are sold to foreigners: The Inter-Colonial and Domestic Slave Trades in late-eighteenth-century Jamaica,” Trans-American Crossings: Enslaved Migrations within the Americas and Their Impacts on Slave Cultures and Societies Conference, Providence, RI 2017 “American Port Cities and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1670-1808,” British Group of Early American Historians Conference, Portsmouth, England 2012 “New frontiers in the Liverpool slave trade: Business networks in the Bight of Biafra and Ceded Isles,” The American Historical Association, Chicago, IL 2 Dr. Nicholas Radburn, Curriculum Vitae 2008 “William Davenport and the British Slave and Ivory Trades at Old Calabar and Cameroon, 1756-1792,” Voyages: The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database Launch Conference, Emory University, Atlanta GA INVITED PRESENTATIONS 2020 “African Cultures and Creolization on a Saint Kitts Sugar Plantation,” Liverpool John Moores University 2019 “Connecting the Frontiers: British Merchants, Fante Brokers, and the Growth of the Gold Coast Slave Trade during the Eighteenth Century,” University of Ghana, Legon, Accra 2019 “From Compact Disc to Digital Slave Ship: Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database,” REDEHJA, Paris Diderot University 2018 “The Marine Archaeology of Slave Ship Wrecks,” U3A Archaeology Group, Preston 2018 “An Innkeeper’s Legacy: Miles Barber (1733-1795) and the Lancaster Slave Trade,” Lancaster Maritime Museum, Lancaster 2018 “Enslaved Jobbing Gangs in the British Caribbean,” Economic and Social History Seminar, The Institute of Historical Research, London 2017 “Enslaved Jobbing Gangs, Capitalism, and Amelioration in the British Caribbean,” The Stokes Seminar, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia 2017 “Ship Crowding on the Middle Passage,” EMSI-Huntington American Origins Seminar, San Marino, CA DIGITAL HUMANITIES PROJECTS 2016- People of the Slave Trade. Co-Editor 2006- Voyages: The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database ( Co-Editor 2016-19 Slave Ship in 3D ( Creator TEACHING 2019201820172018 2017 2016 2010 1791- The Haitian Revolution, Lancaster University Slavery & Freedom: North America, 1620-1800, Lancaster University The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Lancaster University Early Modern MA Pathway, Lancaster University The Dynamics of American Capitalism, University of Southern California Slavery and the Atlantic World, University of Southern California with Stephen D. Behrendt. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Victoria University of Wellington 3 Dr. Nicholas Radburn, Curriculum Vitae PEER REVIEWS William and Mary Quarterly; The Journal of Economic History; Early American Studies; Cultural and Social History; Continuity and Change Liverpool University Press; Bloomsbury SERVICE 2018- Education Committee, Lancaster University 2017- Part I Student Pastoral Advisor, Lancaster University 2017-18 Research Committee, Lancaster University ONLINE PUBLICATIONS 2020 “Slavery: new digital tools show how important slave trade was to Liverpool’s development,” with David Eltis, The Conversation, March 4, 2020, 2019 “Co-Authoring Atlantic History in the Digital Age,” with Justin Roberts, The Omohundro Institute: Uncommon Sense- The Blog, July 23, 2019, 2017 “A digital archive of slave voyages details the largest forced migration in history,” with Philip Misevich et. al., The Conversation, May 1, 2017, 2015 “From Port to Plantation,” The Omohundro Institute: Uncommon Sense- The Blog, May 13, 2015, MEDIA COVERAGE 2019 “3D slave ship model brings a harrowing story to life,” Lancaster University: News, July 22, 2019, 2019 Samuel Horti, “What Anno 1800 gets wrong, and right, about colonialism and the Industrial Revolution,” PC Gamer, June 6, 2019, 2018 Jennifer Berry Hawes, “A white woman bridged the races. Then she found slave traffickers in her family,” The Charleston Post and Courier, July 1, 2018, 4 Dr. Nicholas Radburn, Curriculum Vitae 2015 Melvin Blackman, “British financial innovation helped slavery flourish,” Quartz, September 10, 2015, LANGUAGES English Native French Reading 5 Dr. Nicholas Radburn, Curriculum Vitae