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Curriculum Vitae

University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Post-Doc
Curriculum Vitae Héctor Nieto Solana Hildursgade 13, 1 T.V. 2100 Copenhagen (DENMARK) Email: / Mobile: (+45) 2253 1771 / (+34) 655 46 49 01 Date and Place of birth: September 1979. Madrid (SPAIN) Nationality: SPANISH Passport Number: BE365312 Educational level    Ph.D. on “Cartography GIS, and Remote Sensing” by the University of Alcalá. December 2009 o Ph.D. dissertation: “Application of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Wildfire Danger Assessment”. Academic advisors: Dr. Inmaculada Aguado and Dr. Emilio Chuvieco (University of Alcala). Master Degree on “Cartography, GIS, and Remote Sensing”. University of Alcalá, June 2007 o M.Sc. dissertation: “Assessment of danger of natural-caused forest fires: development of long- and short-term probability of occurrence models in Madrid and Aragon (2007)” Academic advisor: Dr. Inmaculada Aguado (University of Alcala). Degree on Forest Engineering. Polytechnic University of Madrid, May 2004. o B.Sc. Dissertation: “Assessment of forest fire danger by means of remote sensing: Fuel Moisture Content estimation and burned area mapping in Southeast France (2004)”. Academic advisor: Dr. Joaquín Solana (Polytechnic University of Madrid) Positions held  October 2009 – October 2012.: Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Geography and Geology of the University of Copenhagen o Project: HOBE, center for hydrology. Remote sensing of water fluxes in the Skjern River basin (Denmark)  Funding Entity: Villum Kann Rasmussen Fund  Responsible of Research: Dr. Inge Sandholt (University of Copenhagen). Project coordinator Dr. Karsten Høgh Jensen (University of Copenhagen)  June 2005 – June 2009: Pre-doctoral contract at the Department of Geography of the University of Alcalá. o Project: BioSpec. Linking spectral information at different spatial scales with biophysical parameters of Mediterranean vegetation in the context of global change  Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science  Responsible of Research: Dr. María Pilar Martín Isabel (Spanish Research Council, CSIC) o Project: FIREMAP. Integrated analysis of forest fire risk using Remote Sensing data and Geographic Information Systems.  Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science  Responsible of Research: Dr. Emilio Chuvieco Salinero (University of Alcalá)  July 2003 – March 2004: "Stagiaire" (Research trainee) at the Maison de la Télédétection en Languedoc-Rousillon, Montpellier (FRANCE) o Project: SPREAD. Forest Fire Spread Prevention and Mitigation o Funding Entity: European Comission o Responsible of Research: Dr. Michel Deshayes (CEMAGREF). Coordinator of the project: Prof. Domingos X. Viegas (University of Coimbra) Management experience  Coordinator assistant of the 2nd Research Master on Geographical Information Technologies. University of Alcalá o September 2007 to September 2008. Scientific focus areas Remote sensing of land surfaces: vegetation, energy and water fluxes, forest fires, surface meteorology. Relevant scientific techniques and skills acquired Software Packages ENVI, ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine, PCI Geomatics, R, SPSS Programming IDL, MATLAB, Visual Basic, Python Languages Native Spanish and fluent English and French Teaching Lecture Seminar FIVA International PhD course in Remote Sensing and Environmental Change, 2011. University of Copenhagen: Forest fires and relation with environmental factors Lecturer Remote Sensing Seminars and Project Work, 2010-2011. University of Copenhagen: Corrections in the Thermal Infrared Domain – Evapotranspiration – Radiative Transfer Models Lecture Seminar Remote Sensing of the Biosphere, 2010-2011. University of Copenhagen: Remote sensing of forest fires. Lecture Seminar Remote Sensing of the Biosphere, 2009-2010. University of Copenhagen: Advanced methods for supervised classification Practical assistant Thematic Cartography. Geodesy and Cartography Engineering. 2008-2009. University of Alcalá Practical assistant Change Detection Techniques. 2007-2008. 2nd Research Master on Geographical Information Technologies. University of Alcalá. Lecturer Extraction of information from new sensors: LIDAR. 2006-2007. 1st Research Master on Geographical Information Technologies. University of Alcalá. Other information of interest  Visiting research scholarship: Institute of Geography and Geology. University of Copenhagen (Denmark) o September to December 2008. o Objective: Use of thermal infrared data for fire danger assessment.  Scientific referee for: Remote Sensing of Environment, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, and Applied and Environmental Soil Science. Publications International journals Other journals Conference proceedings 6 3 8 List of Publications Nieto, H., Sandholt, I., Aguado, I., Chuvieco, E., & Stisen, S. (2011). Air temperature estimation with MSG-SEVIRI data: Calibration and validation of the TVX algorithm for the Iberian Peninsula. Remote Sensing of Environment 115, 107-116 Nieto, H., Aguado, I., Chuvieco, E., & Sandholt, I. (2010). Dead fuel moisture estimation with MSG-SEVIRI data. Retrieval of meteorological data for the calculation of the Equilibrium Moisture Content. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150, 861-870 Vilar, L., Nieto, H., & Martín, M.P. (2010). Integration of Lightning- and Human-Caused Wildfire Occurrence Models. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 16: 2, 340-364 Chuvieco, E., Aguado, I., Yebra, M., Nieto, H., Salas, J., Martín, M.P., Vilar, L., Martínez, J., Martín, S., Ibarra, P., de la Riva, J., Baeza, J., Rodríguez, F., Molina, J.R., Herrera, M.A., & Zamora, R. (2010). Development of a framework for fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies. Ecological Modelling, 221, 1, 4658 García, M., Chuvieco, E., Nieto, H., & Aguado, I. (2008). Combining AVHRR and meteorological data for estimating live fuel moisture content. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 36183627 Aguado, I., Chuvieco, E., Borén, R., & Nieto, H. (2007). Estimation of dead fuel moisture content from meteorological data in Mediterranean areas. Applications in fire danger assessment. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 16, 390-397 Other Journals Nieto, H., Chuvieco, E., Aguado, I., Yebra, M., García, M., Salas, J., Martín, M.P., Vilar, L., Martínez, J., Padrón, D., & Martín, S. (2008). Propuesta de un sistema espacialmente explícito para evaluar el peligro de incendios. Serie Geográfica, 14, 109-130 Martín, M.P., Chuvieco, E., Oliva, P., Verdú, F., Nieto, H., & Padrón, D. (2007). Un ejemplo práctico de aplicación operativa de la teledetección a la gestión de riesgos naturales: Cartografía y evaluación urgente de áreas quemadas en Galicia. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 33, 19-38 Nieto, H., Aguado, I., & Chuvieco, E. (2006). Estimation of lightning-caused fires occurrence probability in Central Spain. Forest Ecology and Management, 234, S67-S67 Conference Proceedings Nieto, H., Sandholt, I., Rasmussen, M..O., Herbst, M., Ringgaard, R. & Friborg,T. (2010). Optical and thermal multiangular measurements for the estimation of evapotranspiration on an eddy covariance flux tower. In 3rd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Valencia, Spain Nieto, H., Sandholt, I., Ringgaard, R., Herbst, M., Stisen, S. & Friborg,T. (2010). Combining ENVISAT AATSR and MERIS imagery for the retrieval of evapotranspiration in a twosource resistance energy balance model. In Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010 Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming Nieto, H., Aguado, I., Chuvieco, E., & Sandholt, I. (2009). Estimation of National Fire Danger Rating System 10 hour timelag fuel moisture content with MSG-SEVIRI data. In, 7th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group (SIG) on Forest Fires. Matera, Italy Jurdao, S., Nieto, H., & Chuvieco, E. (2008). Relación entre el contenido en humedad del combustible vivo y la ocurrencia de incendios en la España Peninsular. In, XI Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía. Alcalá de Henares, Spain Chuvieco, E., Aguado, I., Yebra, M., Nieto, H., Martín, M.P., Vilar, L., Martínez, J., Padrón, D., Martín, S., & Salas, J. (2007). Generación de un Modelo de Peligro de Incendios Forestales mediante Teledetección y SIG. In, XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección. Mar de Plata, Argentina Yebra, M., Aguado, I., García, M., Nieto, H., Chuvieco, E., & Salas, J. (2007). Fuel Moisture estimation for fire ignition mapping. In, IV International Wildfire Conference. Sevilla, Spain Nieto, H., Aguado, I., & Chuvieco, E. (2006). Estimation of lightning-caused fires occurrence probability in Central Spain. In D.X. Viegas (Ed.), V International Conference on Forest Fire Research (p. 15). Figueira da Foz, Portugal: Elsevier Yebra, M., Chuvieco, E., Aguado, I., & Nieto, H. (2006). Comparación entre ecuaciones empíricas y modelos de simulación para la estimar contenido de agua en pastizales. In, XII Congreso Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. Granada, Spain