Things I wish robots could do for me:
- Order at restaurants
- Clean toilets
- Turn off the lights while I’m in bed
- Make sure my blankets never fall off the bed
- Make me toast
Things I don’t want robots to do:
- Think for me
- Replace human thought and logic
Things I wish robots could do for me:
Things I don’t want robots to do:
Me: “The food webs we try to teach children and the public are too simple to get the point across. Why do they never bother to show the more intricate relationships between specific species? It can’t be that hard to represent with basic teaching tools... I’ll make the thing!”
The thing:
Me: “....I get it now.”
I have now had several teachers ask me if they can use this image in a class presentation.
this is wrong
Yeah, she could’ve done this in her standard Sailor Moon form. Super form is overkill, really.
Sailor Moon is stronger than Goku. I don’t make the rules. Fight me about it.
I’m on a still active forum, with a solid vs debate scene. Sailor Moon vs. the God-Emperor of Mankind from 40k is one of the most treasured threads there, as Sailor Moon trashed the guy.
19 pages straight of debate over Sailor Moon vs. God-Emperor of Mankind, in which every time a 40k fan desperately brings up a new point, it immediately gets negated by another one of Sailor Moon’s powers