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The MegaScience & MegaScience Surveys:

Data Release 3

NOTICE: DR4 data products are now available! Check DR4, as DR3 data products will be superceded by the new data release (coming soon!).

Photometric catalog release

April 22, 2024

The DR3 Photometric catalog includes photometry from the combined MegaScience+UNCOVER set of mosaics. Included in the release are a "SUPER" catalog with photometry determined from optimally-selected color apertures, identification of stars and artifacts, and complete coverage of all available JWST imaging over Abell 2744.

All catalogs are based on F444W PSF-matched imaging, where the bright cluster galaxies and ICL have been modeled and subtracted. Detection was performed on a noise-equalized long-wavelength image (F277W+F356W+F444W).

In addition to photometry, the catalogs contain basic photometric redshifts and rest-frame fluxes derived using EAZY, ALMA fluxes from DUALZ (Fujimoto et al. 2023) where available, and lensing magnifications for each object based on the v1.1 lensing maps (Furtak et al. 2022).

Also included in the release is a catalog of photometric redshifts derived using Prospector-β (Wang et al 2023).

For full details, please see the README and the UNCOVER catalog paper.

Please cite Suess et al. 2024 when using any of the following data products.

Photometric catalogs (including EAZY redshifts & restframe fluxes):
Flux apertureIntended useFiles
SUPERRecommended catalog with optimally determined aperture sizes per objectCatalog     README    Regions
0.32", 0.48", 0.70", 1.00", and 1.40"Single aperture catalogs for specific science applications (e.g., small radius for compact, faint, high-z, or crowded sources; ...)Catalogs     README
Prospector-β photometric redshifts:
Prospector-β photometric redshift catalog, derived using the DR3 SUPER photometry catalog.Catalog     README
Ancillary productsDescriptionFiles
LW detectionNoise-equalized F277W+F356W+F444W detection imageImage     Segmap     Regions
Bright cluster galaxy (bCG) modelingbCG-subtracted mosaics (non-PSF-matched) and bCG modelsImages     README     Models
PSFsEmpirical PSFs for all filtersFITS files
KernelsConvolution kernels for PSF matching all filters to F444WFITS files
Filter translationEAZY zphot filter translationzphot.translate

NIRCam primary / NIRISS parallel mosaic release

April 22, 2024

The reduced mosaics from the MegaScience observations are now available! These include the remainder of the NIRCam broad- and medium-band filters not yet observed over the extended Abell 2744 cluster: the shortest two broad-band filters (F070W, F090W) and 11 medium-band filters (F140M, F162M, F182M, F210M, F250M, F300M, F335M, F360M, F430M, F460M, F480M). The parallel NIRISS imaging, overlapping the previous UNCOVER imaging over the Hubble Frontier Fields parallel pointing, includes two broad-band (F090W, F277W) and four medium band filters (F140M, F158M, F430M, F480M).

Updated UNCOVER mosaics, with the same WCS, are also available. The short- (shorter than F250M) and long-wavelength bands (F250M and longer) use pixel scales of 0.02" and 0.04", respectively. All filters have the same WCS, which is defined so that the short-wavelength pixels can be binned 2x2 to directly match the long-wavelength images. Note that the primary footprint has been expanded from the UNCOVER DR2 mosaics to fully all available NIRCam imaging in Abell 2744.

Additionally, mosaics of all existing HST data are provided, produced with the same WCS and footprint and a 0.04" pixel scale.

These mosaics include data from the following programs:
  • JWST/NIRCAM: GO-4111 (MegaScience), MAGNIF (GO-2883, PI: Sun), ALT (GO-3516; PI: Naidu & Matthee), GO-3538 (PI: Iani), GO-2561 (UNCOVER), ERS-1324 (GLASS), DD-2767
  • JWST/NIRISS: GO-4111 (MegaScience), MAGNIF (GO-2883, PI: Sun), ALT (GO-3516; PI: Naidu & Matthee), GO-2561 (UNCOVER), ERS-1324 (GLASS)
  • HST/ACS: #11689 (PI: Dupke), #13386 (PI: Rodney), #13495 (PI: Lotz / HFF), #13389 (PI: Siana), #15117 (PI: Steinhardt / BUFFALO), #17231 (PI: Treu)
  • HST/WFC3: #13495 (PI: Lotz / HFF), #15117 (PI: Steinhardt / BUFFALO)

Please cite Suess et al. 2024 and Bezanson et al. 2024 if using these mosaics in any publication.

The following scripts can be used for batch downloads:

Linux/Unix:All files, NIRCAM/Primary, NIRISS/Parallel, and the ancillary HST/ACS, HST/WFC3 mosaics
MacOS:All files, NIRCAM/Primary, NIRISS/Parallel, and the ancillary HST/ACS, HST/WFC3 mosaics

NIRCAM PrimaryFiles
F070WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F090WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F115WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F140MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F150WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F162MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F182MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F200WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F210MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F250MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F277WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F300MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F335MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F356WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F360MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F410MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F430MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F444WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F460MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
F480MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs     bCG-subtracted
NIRISS ParallelFiles
F090WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F115WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F140MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F150WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F158MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F200WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F277WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F356WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F430MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F444WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F480MMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
Ancillary HST: ACS/UV, OpticalFiles
F225WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F275WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F336WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F435WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F475WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F606WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F775WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F814WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
Ancillary HST: WFC3/IRFiles
F105WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F125WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F140WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs
F160WMosaic     Weight map     Frame WCSs