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职称: 教授 博士生导师

部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院

学科: 环境科学与工程

教学部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院

办公地址: 河海大学(本部)环境学院B322

通讯地址: 南京市鼓楼区西康路1号


邮件: baixue@hhu.edu.cn



研究方向为环境污染物的检测方法、迁移转化及归趋行为。发表在国际、国内重要学术期刊论文100余篇,其中被SCI数据库收录的第一作者论文24篇、通讯作者论文40篇,ESI高引论文(Highly Cited Paper1篇;申请发明专利26项,已授权20项,1项被评为“2017年江苏省百件优秀发明专利”,完成技术转让5项;被聘为多家国际知名学术期刊的特约审稿人或编委;主持包括国家自然科学基金(重点子课题/面上/青年)、江苏省优秀青年基金、教育部博士点基金、江苏省自然科学基金、国家博士后基金的10余项科研项目;已培养博士、硕士研究生(及留学生)40余人,指导在读博士7人、在读硕士15人。入选江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师、“333”高层次人才培养工程、大禹学者计划资助;被评为江苏省大学生千乡万村环保科普行动“优秀指导老师”。


  • 姓名: 白雪
  • 性别:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 出生年月: 1982-03-28 00:00:00.0
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校:


  • 2010.07.12-2012.06.24,清华大学,环境工程,博士后


  • 2010.07-2012.06,清华大学
  • 2012.06-,河海大学




  • 1、石墨烯修饰电极及其应用研究进展,化工新型材料,01-JAN-13
  • 2、TiO2-graphene nanoparticle based electrochemical sensor for the bimodal-response detection of 4-chlorophenol,RSC Advances,01-JAN-14
  • 3、Uniformly Distributed Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles on Graphene: Synthesis, Characterization, and Photocatalytic Application,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,01-JAN-14
  • 4、Heterogeneous Fenton degradation of bisphenol A catalyzed by efficient adsorptive Fe3O4/GO nanocomposites,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,01-JAN-14
  • 5、Immobilized Laccase on Activated Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Microspheres For Enzyme Thermistor Application,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,01-JAN-14
  • 6、One-pot preparation of graphene oxide magnetic nanocomposites for the removal of tetrabromobisphenol A,Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,01-JAN-13
  • 7、Degradation of bisphenol A by microorganisms immobilized on polyvinyl alcohol microspheres,Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,01-JAN-13
  • 8、Surface functionalized magnetic PVA microspheres for rapid naked-eye recognizing of copper(II) ions in aqueous solutions,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,30-OCT-14
  • 9、Zero-valent nanophase iron and nitrogen co-modified titania nanotube arrays: Synthesis, characterization, and enhanced visible-light photocatalytic performance,MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING,01-JAN-14
  • 10、Copper nanoparticles sensitized TiO2 nanotube arrays electrode with enhanced photoelectrocatalytic activity for diclofenac degradation,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-16
  • 11、Aggregation of TiO2-graphene nanocomposites in aqueous environment: Influence of environmental factors and UV irradiation,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-16
  • 12、beta-Cyclodextrin inclusion complex as the immobilization matrix for laccase in the fabrication of a biosensor for dopamine determination,SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,01-JAN-15
  • 13、Highly sensitive optical sensor that detects Hg2+ and Cu2+ by immobilizing dicarboxylate 1,5-diphenyl-3-thiocarbazone on surface functionalized PVA microspheres,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,01-JAN-15
  • 14、Design of multi-N-functional magnetic PVA microspheres for the rapid removal of heavy metal ions with different valence,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,01-JAN-15
  • 15、Aggregation and resuspension of graphene oxide in simulated natural surface aquatic environments,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-15
  • 16、A carbon needle microelectrode decorated with TiO2 nanosheets dominated by reactive facets as a highly electrocatalytic sensing element,TALANTA,01-JAN-15
  • 17、A facile one-step electrochemical strategy of doping iron, nitrogen, and fluorine into titania nanotube arrays with enhanced visible light photoactivity,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,01-JAN-15
  • 18、Synthesis and characterization of superparamagnetic activated carbon adsorbents based on cyanobacteria,MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,01-JAN-15
  • 19、Nitrogen-doped perovskite-type La2Ti2O7 decorated on graphene composites exhibiting efficient photocatalytic activity toward bisphenol A in water,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,01-JAN-15
  • 20、Adsorption of 17 beta-Estradiol (E-2) and Pb(II) on Fe3O4/Graphene Oxide (Fe3O4/GO) Nanocomposites,ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,01-JAN-15
  • 21、Selective colorimetric sensing of Co2+ and Cu2+ using 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol derivative immobilized polyvinyl alcohol microspheres,RSC ADVANCES,01-JAN-15
  • 22、Distribution behavior of superparamagnetic carbon nanotubes in aqueous system,Scientific Reports,07-SEP-16
  • 23、Voltammetric determination of chloramphenicol using a carbon fiber microelectrode modified with Fe3O4 nanoparticles,Microchimica Acta,01-NOV-16
  • 24、A Colorimetric sensor based on thiourea–polyvinyl alcohol microspheres for selective recognition of Hg2+ and Cu2+,New Journal of Chemistry,01-APR-16
  • 25、Heterogeneous UV/Fenton degradation of bisphenol A catalyzed by synergistic effects of FeCo2O4/TiO2/GO,ENVIRONMENTAL Science and Pollution Research,01-NOV-16
  • 26、Electropolymerization of a conductive β-cyclodextrin polymer on reduced graphene oxide modified screen-printed electrode for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,01-APR-16
  • 27、Construction of N-doped TiO2/SnO2 heterostructured microspheres with dominant {001} facets for enhanced photocatalytic properties,,CrystEngComm,01-APR-16
  • 28、Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Palladium-loaded Three Dimensional Flower-like Anatase TiO2 with Dominant {001} Facets,Journal of Colloid And Interface Science,01-APR-16
  • 29、Binary adsorption of 17 β-estradiol and bisphenol A on superparamagnetic amino-functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposites,Materials Chemistry and Physics,01-MAR-17
  • 30、An electrochemical biosensing platform based on 1-formylpyrene functionalized reduced graphene oxide for sensitive determination of phenol,RSC Advances,01-APR-16
  • 31、Biosorption of nitroimidazole antibiotics onto chemically modified porous biochar prepared by experimental design: Kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium analysis,Process Safety & Environmental Protection,16-DEC-16
  • 32、Self-assembly of different graphene-modified morphologies of TiO2: nanoparticle, nanorod and nanowire for bisphenol-A photodecomposition,Micro & Nano Letters,01-MAY-14
  • 33、烟碱类农药对水生生物的毒理研究进展,河海大学学报(自然科学版),25-MAR-17
  • 34、磁性吸附材料的制备及其在污水处理中的应用,水污染防治,22-APR-15
  • 35、半导体纳米材料修饰电极及其应用研究进展,化工新型材料,15-MAR-17
  • 36、银负载TiO_2纳米线/石墨烯的制备及光催化应用,化工新型材料,15-FEB-15
  • 37、二氧化钛/石墨烯复合光催化剂的制备及其对水中双酚A的降解,环境化学,09-JUL-15
  • 38、酚类内分泌干扰物的污染现状及处理研究进展,环境保护科学,20-APR-14
  • 39、功能化石墨烯固定酪氨酸酶修饰电极的制备、表征及其对对苯二酚的测定,分析测试学报,25-AUG-14
  • 40、二氧化钛-石墨烯纳米材料修饰电极在水环境检测中的应用研究,2014中国环境科学学会学术年会(第四章),22-AUG-14
  • 41、碳纳米管材料的释放途径、生态毒性及环境归趋,化工新型材料,15-AUG-14
  • 42、碳纳米管材料的释放途径、生态毒性及环境归趋,化工新型材料,15-AUG-14
  • 43、功能化聚乙烯醇微球对水体中铜离子的快速检测研究,2015年中国环境科学学会学术年会论文集(第一卷),06-AUG-15
  • 44、Electrochemical Synthesis of Well-Dispersed CdTe Nanoparticles on Reduced Graphene Oxide and Its Photoelectrochemical Sensing of Catechol,JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,01-JAN-17
  • 45、Electropolymerization of a conductive beta-cyclodextrin polymer on reduced graphene oxide modified screen-printed electrode for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid,JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,01-JAN-16
  • 46、Biosorption of nitroimidazole antibiotics onto chemically modified porous biochar prepared by experimental design: Kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium analysis,PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,01-JAN-16
  • 47、Synergy effects of hydrodynamic conditions and surfactant on sorption behavior of bisphenol A,Water Environment Research,01-JAN-17
  • 48、Binary adsorption of 17β-estradiol and bisphenol A on superparamagnetic amino-functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposites,Materials Chemistry and Physics,01-JAN-17
  • 49、Role of non-ion surfactants in three-dimensional ordered porous biomass carbon foam derived from the liquefied eucalyptus sawdust for metronidazole adsorption,JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-18
  • 50、Highly selective colorimetric sensing of Cu2+ using a Schiff base derivative immobilized on polyvinyl alcohol microspheres,NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,01-JAN-18
  • 51、Photoelectrochemical CdSe/TiO2 nanotube array microsensor for high-resolution in-situ detection of dopamine,MICROCHIMICA ACTA,01-JAN-18
  • 52、Electrochemical synthesis of p-Cu2O/n-TiO2 heterojunction electrode with enhanced photoelectrocatalytic activity,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,01-JAN-18
  • 53、Electrochemical Sensing Characteristics of 3D TiO2 Nanostructures with Different Crystal Structures and Morphologies,JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,01-JAN-18


  • 1、
  • 2、一种螯合功能化磁性聚乙烯醇微球的方法及应用,2013-10-23,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 3、
  • 4、用于模拟浅水湖泊风生垂向环流作用下沉积物再悬浮的装置及方法,2012-09-28,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 5、一种磁性氧化石墨烯的制备方法,2012-12-05,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 6、一种检测多巴胺的电极的制备方法,2013-01-09,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 7、
  • 8、银和石墨烯共修饰TiO2纳米线的制备方法与光催化降解废水中污染物的作用,2014-05-13,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 9、检测对苯二酚和邻苯二酚的共固定酶电极制备方法及应用,2014-05-16,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 10、一种功能化聚乙烯醇微球的制备方法及应用,2014-06-20,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 11、一种藻基磁性活性炭材料的制备方法及应用,2014-07-23,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 12、铁、氮、氟共掺杂二氧化钛纳米管阵列光催化剂及其制备方法和应用,2014-10-23,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 13、
  • 14、一种二氧化钛-碳棒微电极、制备方法及其检测血液中对乙酰氨基酚浓度的应用,2015-03-30,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 15、
  • 16、Cu2O纳米粒子敏化TiO2纳米管阵列光电极的方法,2015-07-10,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 17、
  • 18、
  • 19、
  • 20、一种显色功能化改性的聚乙烯醇微球及其制备方法与应用,2015-05-11,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3
  • 21、一种二氧化钛纳米微球及其制备方法和应用,2016-05-13,环境学院党委、环境学院,发明,3


  • 1、环境监测,本科生,20,48
  • 2、认识实习,本科生,0
  • 3、全球环境问题(外),本科生,85,24
  • 4、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,18,8
  • 5、环境监测,本科生,18,32
  • 6、环境监测实验,本科生,18,24
  • 7、环境科学家专业技能II(外),本科生,83,18
  • 8、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,29,32
  • 9、环境监测,本科生,29,32
  • 10、环境监测实验,本科生,106,32
  • 11、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,25,20
  • 12、环境监测,本科生,24,32
  • 13、环境监测实验,本科生,106,60
  • 14、遥感与GIS,本科生,18,32
  • 15、毕业实习,本科生,102,20
  • 16、环境监测,本科生,20,48
  • 17、认识实习,本科生,0
  • 18、全球环境问题(外),本科生,85,24
  • 19、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,18,8
  • 20、环境监测,本科生,18,32
  • 21、环境监测实验,本科生,18,24
  • 22、环境科学家专业技能II(外),本科生,83,18
  • 23、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,29,32
  • 24、环境监测,本科生,29,32
  • 25、环境监测实验,本科生,106,32
  • 26、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,25,20
  • 27、环境监测,本科生,25,32
  • 28、环境监测实验,本科生,106,60
  • 29、遥感与GIS,本科生,18,32
  • 30、毕业实习,本科生,102,20
  • 31、环境监测,本科生,20,48
  • 32、认识实习,本科生,0
  • 33、全球环境问题(外),本科生,85,24
  • 34、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,18,8
  • 35、环境监测,本科生,18,32
  • 36、环境监测实验,本科生,18,24
  • 37、环境科学家专业技能II(外),本科生,83,18
  • 38、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,29,32
  • 39、环境监测,本科生,29,32
  • 40、环境监测实验,本科生,106,32
  • 41、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,25,20
  • 42、环境监测,本科生,25,32
  • 43、环境监测实验,本科生,106,60
  • 44、遥感与GIS,本科生,18,32
  • 45、毕业实习,本科生,102,20
  • 46、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,22,0
  • 47、环境监测,本科生,26,32
  • 48、环境监测实验,本科生,90,80
  • 49、遥感与GIS,本科生,0,32
  • 50、毕业实习,本科生,104,400
  • 51、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,20
  • 52、环境保护:机遇与挑战,本科生,0,16
  • 53、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,29,32
  • 54、环境监测,本科生,29,32
  • 55、环境监测实验,本科生,106,32
  • 56、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,25,20
  • 57、环境监测,本科生,25,32
  • 58、环境监测实验,本科生,106,60
  • 59、遥感与GIS,本科生,18,32
  • 60、毕业实习,本科生,102,20
  • 61、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,22,0
  • 62、环境监测,本科生,26,32
  • 63、环境监测实验,本科生,90,80
  • 64、毕业实习,本科生,104,400
  • 65、环境保护:机遇与挑战,本科生,0,16
  • 66、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,20
  • 67、环境监测,本科生,20,48
  • 68、认识实习,本科生,0
  • 69、全球环境问题(外),本科生,85,24
  • 70、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,18,8
  • 71、环境监测,本科生,18,32
  • 72、环境监测实验,本科生,18,24
  • 73、环境科学家专业技能II(外),本科生,83,18
  • 74、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,22,0
  • 75、环境监测,本科生,26,32
  • 76、环境监测实验,本科生,90,80
  • 77、毕业实习,本科生,104,400
  • 78、环境保护:机遇与挑战,本科生,0,16
  • 79、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,20
  • 80、环境监测,本科生,20,48
  • 81、认识实习,本科生,0
  • 82、全球环境问题(外),本科生,85,24
  • 83、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,18,8
  • 84、环境监测,本科生,18,32
  • 85、环境监测实验,本科生,18,24
  • 86、环境科学家专业技能II(外),本科生,83,18
  • 87、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,29,32
  • 88、环境监测,本科生,29,32
  • 89、环境监测实验,本科生,106,32
  • 90、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,25,20
  • 91、环境监测,本科生,25,32
  • 92、环境监测实验,本科生,106,60
  • 93、遥感与GIS,本科生,18,32
  • 94、毕业实习,本科生,102,20
  • 95、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,20
  • 96、环境监测,本科生,20,48
  • 97、认识实习,本科生,0
  • 98、全球环境问题(外),本科生,85,24
  • 99、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,18,8
  • 100、环境监测,本科生,18,32
  • 101、环境监测实验,本科生,18,24
  • 102、环境科学家专业技能II(外),本科生,83,18
  • 103、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,29,32
  • 104、环境监测,本科生,29,32
  • 105、环境监测实验,本科生,106,32
  • 106、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,25,20
  • 107、环境监测,本科生,25,32
  • 108、环境监测实验,本科生,106,60
  • 109、遥感与GIS,本科生,18,32
  • 110、毕业实习,本科生,102,20
  • 111、环境监测课设及课程实习,本科生,22,0
  • 112、环境监测,本科生,26,32
  • 113、环境监测实验,本科生,90,80
  • 114、毕业实习,本科生,104,400
  • 115、环境保护:机遇与挑战,本科生,0,16





  • 1、2013年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_二等奖(省、部委级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2013-01-01,省、部委级,二等奖



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