United teens can make the world a better place as a community

Who we are and what is our plan?

In the world today teens are viewed as people who don’t have a desire and role in life.Teenagers might look rebellious from an adult’s perspective but what they don’t realize is teenagers are the future of this world and they are filled with endless possibilities to improve and make this world a better place.

To combat this issue, our team has come up with our main three solutions to help teens be put in a better light.

Solution 1

Our first solution was to create a link where teenagers can go to to find events that they can participate in. It would show seminars, internships in different lines of work, and programs where they can join during different times of the year. By doing this it would help teenagers network with each other and with important companies.

Solution 2

Our second solution would have schools where teenagers can go to expand their knowledge of what they specialize in or might want to learn about topics they are interested in. If they didn't know what they want to specialize in they can take a survey to see what skills they might fall into. By creating this it would help many teenagers realize their strengths and what they want to do with their future.

Solution 3

Our third solution would be to show people from the past who grew up to be successful. It can help them realize that they have so much more things that we can use to innovate what we have. Teenagers can help improve what he have now which can make people realize how great we are.

Entire Wireframe

Team Roles

Joseph R. - Coder
Jeffrey A. - Wireframe Artist
Zane-Charles C. - Graphic Artist
Chris G. - Time Manager
Akin A. - 2nd write
Sachin R. - Main Writer
Brett - Mentor

Date Created - 12/3/16

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