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InDesign x Issuu: Designing Content Experiences That Inspire Action

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InDesign x Issuu

Designing Content Experiences that Inspire Action

In today’s highly digital world, consumers everywhere are bombarded with marketing content, including brochures, catalogs, sales collateral, eBooks, and more across all channels, all day long. While people do their best to tune out sub-par and irrelevant messages, the ongoing challenge for designers and marketers is creating content that will make people tune in and keep their attention.

So, the big question is: How do these professionals get their content to stand out, engage readers, and drive measurable actions and outcomes? And how can they achieve all this in a repeatable, scalable, and cost-effective manner?

The big question is: How can design and marketing professionals get their content to stand out, engage readers, and drive measurable actions and outcomes?

The Push for Interactivity

As the push to capture audience attention within the crowded digital space becomes more competitive, the ability to create interactive content is essential to making your work stand out. Static designs can be detrimental to your efforts, particularly when content is developed and posted online with no consideration for updates. Because the traditional approach to creating content does not incorporate elements of interactivity, relying on static designs to showcase your work limits your opportunity to engage audiences and instill a positive association with your brand. Not to mention, the lack of dynamic elements can make your creations feel outdated, increasing the likelihood that audiences will consume content elsewhere.

Digital flipbooks combine the traditional page-turning experience of print with innovative multimedia elements, such as images, videos, and links to other resources. With the added benefit of tracking detailed metrics, such as reads, page views, and time spent on a page, you can alter your output to capitalize on the latest trends and increase the likelihood of return visitors, referrals, and sales conversions.

Designing Content to Drive Action

Creating stand-out designs and taking them one step further –transforming them into a range of dynamic, engaging assets – doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. In fact, the process is simple and can be done in a matter of minutes. Save time creating impactful content with smart integrations – utilize the InDesign extension on Adobe exchange to instantly export to Issuu and publish all kinds of content on the web, like flyers, eBooks, sales catalogs, brochures, gift guides, presentations, and so much more. Discover a whole suite of benefits at your fingertips and seamlessly turn your designs into unparalleled dynamic flipbooks without ever switching screens or doing extra work. If you’re wondering how to design content that drives action, follow these four tips:


Embed engaging videos. 1

Simply put: videos sell. Studies have repeatedly shown that consumers prefer video content over any other type. They capture attention, are far more likely to keep your audience engaged, and, when done right, are the best way to get your message across.

Issuu makes it easy to embed videos into content with zero technical know-how, enabling designers and marketers to create powerful marketing collateral that can showcase a moving masterpiece within the pages. Include a video in your next piece of content and watch engagement skyrocket.


Retain the page-turning delight of print.

PDFs are rumored to be older than the pyramids and aren’t engaging enough in today’s digital landscape. This is where flipbooks shine. Digital flipbooks retain the page-turning delight of print while delivering an interactive reading experience that works on every device – letting consumers read what they want when they want, even while on the go. Converting static PDFs or other file types into an immersive flipbook brings the best aspects of print and digital together.

Flipbooks created on Issuu can be easily embedded on landing pages, putting them where your audience is and delivering the paper-like feel right from your own website. They’re also highly shareable via a simple URL, so you’ll never have to send a large attachment that requires readers to endlessly scroll ever again.

Digital flipbooks retain the page-turning delight of print while delivering an interactive reading experience that works on any device.


Take the full field of view to captivate readers.

The internet is an incredibly distracting place. Capturing attention across multiple platforms and feeds is hard, but keeping it is even harder. That’s why it’s critical for designers and marketers to ensure a distraction-free reading experience with their content. And the best way to do that is to simply take up the reader’s full field of view. Issuu’s fullscreen sharing feature ensures your content is front and center and on-brand, delivering a distraction-free reading experience, so your audience stays engaged longer.

Capturing attention is hard, but keeping it is harder!

Digital Content That Inspires

From small businesses to big global brands, designers and marketers at organizations of all sizes across all industries use Adobe InDesign to design their content and Issuu to enhance, share, and market it.

We’ve curated a few examples from our customers to serve an inspiration for creating meaningful content experiences that drive outcomes:

Patagonia, Etsy, and GlobeWest turn their catalogs into digital storefronts with shopping links.

National Geographic and Greenpeace deliver an immersive page-turning experience for their digital readers with Issuu.

Want to craft content like this?

Simply upload your content to Issuu, enhance with intuitive features, and easily share or distribute. Take it for a spin.

S&D brands and Moe’s Home leverage the power of video to get their message across.

InDesign x Issuu: Driving Impact Together

InDesign is perfect for crafting stunning designs and Issuu makes it easy to bring your creative work to life - two complimentary industry-leading tools that come together to deliver reader delight. Millions of users around the world utilize InDesign and Issuu together to turn flat files into a library of dynamic content, like digital Flipbooks, mobile-optimized Articles, Social Posts, GIFs, and more. Add videos and links to your content, embed digital flipbooks on websites, share via private links or QR codes, and distribute your work across all social and web channels - right from a single full-stack digital publishing and distribution platform.

By easily exporting InDesign files to Issuu’s all-in-one platform, you can instantly publish interactive content and generate a variety of creative assets for promotion across every channel. It’s easier than ever before to drive impact with less effort.

You get a seamless workflow for creating, exporting, publishing, and sharing your best designs, and your audience gets a uniquely interactive reading experience. Elevate your projects from InDesign to flipbook publications on Issuu with the click of a button. Book a demo to see how.

About Issuu

Issuu is the world’s leading content publishing and marketing platform that empowers people to convert, host, and share engaging content in a variety of dynamic formats across all digital distribution channels. With 60M+ publications, Issuu makes it easy for its 1M+ global users to transform a piece of content once, and share it everywhere.

The Issuu Story Cloud turns a single document into a uniquely immersive reading experience by converting static documents into marketing assets – including flipbooks to embed in websites and blogs, mobile-optimized articles, motion-graphic stories for social media, GIFs for email, and more. Each day, more than 300,000 pages of content are uploaded to Issuu, allowing readers worldwide access to discover and engage with more of what they love, from magazines and newspapers to portfolios and catalogs.

Enterprise marketers and individual creators alike choose Issuu for its user-friendly platform that puts their message front and center without requiring a single line of code. Issuu is headquartered in Palo Alto, CA, with global offices in Copenhagen, Berlin, and Braga.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.