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Gratitude and Happiness: a path to happiness

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Gratitude and Happiness

How To Be Happy lessons from the Happiness Alliance happycounts.org

Gratitude is a path to Happiness.

But here is no one-size fits all for gratitude practices. Explore gratitude practices to find the one that fits your personality type.

Eight Personality Types Extroverts Introverts Intuitives Realists Logical Pleasers Guardians Improvisors

Each of us has traits of these personality types, some more strongly than others. Throughout life you change, and your personality traits can also change. You may become more introverted or extroverted, more of an improviser or a guardian. Your personality traits can also change when you life circumstances change. Depending on your state of life and what is happening in your life, different ways of practicing gratitude can be more helpful than at others.

EXTROVERTS Extroverts are talkative and outgoing. They may think out loud. They get energized by being around people.

Go Social. Give yourself a challenge to post a gratitude message everyday on Facebook, twitter, Instagram or your favorites social media site for one week. If you enjoy it, challenge yourself on a monthly basis

Host a 15 minute gratitude break with your colleagues or coworkers once a week where each person takes a turn telling what they are grateful for that week and why.

Pretend you are in front of an audience every morning in the bathroom, as part of your morning routine. Take a bow and tell you audience what you are grateful for today.

INTROVERTS Introverts are reserved and generally do not seek the lime-light. They recharge from quiet time.

Take A Gratitude Walk. Walk for 15 minutes or more, especially when you are down. As you walk, consider what you are grateful and tell yourself, silently if you like, that you re grateful for that thing or person in a full sentence.

When noting comes to mind, because maybe you are having a bad day, express your gratitude for little things you see that are pleasing – a tree, a bird, the sky, the coffee shop where you sometimes treat yourself.

On some days, you might enjoy the walk more if you take it with another person, whether in person or while talking on the phone.

INTUITIVES Intuitives are big-picture and idea people. They think conceptually. They may seem dreamy but their perceptions are often spot on.

Take a Gratitude Break. Stop what you are doing for 20 minutes each day, and sit quietly in a calm space.

Say a silent thank you for every part of your body, from head to toe. When an idea, thought or feeling pops up, express a silent thank you for it, and then bring yourself back to the body part you last remember being thankful for.

If you end before the 20 minutes, start again, but this time for focus on gratitude for what is inside the skin including your muscles, bones and organs, from the brain to the tips of your toes.

REALISTS Realists tend to be focused on specific and literal things. They pay attention to detail. They are often focused on reality.

When you find yourself griping or complaining to yourself or someone else about something or someone, turn it around and find something positive about the person or situation. Say or think a full sentence about that positive trait. Be genuine in your thought or word. Don’t use sarcasm or irony.

Take a vow not to complain or gossip for three days.

If you catch yourself complaining or gossiping, take a breath, gather your willpower and change the subject or say something positive. See how you feel at the end of the three days.

LOGICAL Logical minded people uses logical reasoning. They are level headed and hold fairness & justice highly.

Keep a gratitude journal. Your journal can be an actual journal that you keep and write in every day, or you can use your to do lists or backs of envelopes and other slips of paper that you do not keep.

Everyday, write a list of at least three things, people or activities that you are grateful for and, if you want, why you are grateful. Challenge yourself to not repeat the prior day’s items, but it’s okay to list the same things too!

Once in a while, review your lists and see if you notice patterns. Find what is good about you in those patterns and think about ways to increase or strengthen experiences or situations that make you grateful.

PLEASERS Pleasers are warm, empathetic and forgiving/ They seek harmony. They see the best in people.

Write a thank you notes. Call or text someone to just tell them thank you and what you are grateful for about them. call or chat. Make sure you write yourself thank you notes too!

At work, get in the habit of writing at least one thank you note a week to someone for something specific and hand deliver it to that person.

At home, once a week write a thank you letter to someone who had a positive impact on your life telling what they did and how it helped you in as much detail as you can. Hand deliver it if you can. If that person is gone or unreachable, consider delivering it to someone who was close to them if it would be beneficial.

GUARDIANS Guardians are rule followers. They do not like ambiguity or surprises.

Make a habit of gratitude.

Say Thank You more often. Take the time to say thank you to all who do things for you, from the grocery teller to your loved one. When you can, take the time to look that person in the eye and give them a smile with your thank you.

If you have a morning or evening ritual, such as making coffee or tea, or having a drink of wine, go through the motions with silent statements of gratitude for each element (such as “I am grateful for the coffee pot, grateful that my hands work this way, thankful for the workers who planted and then picked the coffee, grateful for clean water, etc.).

IMPROVISORS Improvisers are open minded and spontaneous. They like surprises and new situations.

Try a different gratitude practice everyday and create new gratitude practices.

Get some chalk and express gratitude on your sidewalk or favorite park’s path.

Write or draw affirmative messages (like “you are wonderful just because of who you are!”) on little cards and post them on your neighborhoods community bulletin board or pass them out to strangers on the sidewalk.

Every night before you go to sleep, thank your loved ones for being in your life, and thank your self for all the good things you do in a day.

Gratitude and Happiness is a tool from Happiness Alliance’s How to Be Happy © 2015 Laura Musikanski

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