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Buyer's Guide- Welty

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Buyers Guide

A higher st andard of service & expert ise for Seatt le East side home buyers

YvonneWelty?smissionat Engel&Völkersmirrorsher missionin

life - to thrive beyond mediocre service and soar to new heights with passion,authenticity and genuineenjoyment for investingin people and their happiness. This mission combined with over 25 years of experience in client relations, customer support, event planning, and property preservation makes Yvonne a powerful advocate for anybuyer or seller

She chose to partner with Engel & Völkers, a distinguished and premium brand, understanding that this brand would allow her to not only meet, but also exceed her client's expectations and reach her highest potential.?Ibelievethat withEngel&Völkers strongand globalnetworkonmyside,theskyistrulythe limit!?

In her free time, she enjoys boating with her family, watching football, traveling, game nights withfamily and friends,or mingling at communityevents

Yvonne Welty

Engel&Vö kersSeatt eEastsdeRealEstateAdvisor

(206)972-4060 - yvonnewelty@evrealestatecom - yvonnewetycom


Successfully Sold

122 Duane Lane NW, Ba nbridge Island, WA 98110

An inviting foyer opens to great room & adjacent private homemgmt center withh gh-techf ber optic,Cat-6 wring,& custom cabinetry Man open concept l v ng, chef?s island kitchen wth smart SS Miele app ances & d ning. Add t onal f exroomfor movien ghts& r suitefor guests/l vein A arge bonusroom & util ty room complete the upper eve Walk to ferry,restaurants,shopping&more

16812 1st Place S, Burien, WA 98148

Locat on cannot beany better, ust m nutesfrom thearport, 15 min to downtown Seattle, & near restaurants & shopping!

The covered front porch f ows into an invit ng foyer, w/views of the forma din ng room (or opt ona home management room)&largegreat roomw/overszedwndowsthat f oodthe home w/natural l ght A well-appo nted k tchen w/an over-sized center island is open to the great room, and covered outdoor iv ng area, making this home perfect for entertaning

5760 EMason LakeDr W, Grapev ew, WA 98546

Exper encethetranquil tyof ashyacrewthover 100 ft of low bank waterfront onaqu et MasonLakecove Oneof thebest akes n Washington wth 1,000 acres of c ear water ust an hour from Tacoma, perfect for boating, fish ng and recreation Significant y updated andscap ng adding a park- ike recreation sett ng, an expansive v ew, pat o pavers, gravelandaf repit on2combinedparces

260 Go denrod St, Port Orchard, WA 98366

Exper enceeveryday l ving inth sbeautiful home,wth al the conveniences nearby Impressive 4 bed/2 5 bath l ves large wth a thoughtful y open concept design, engineered hardwoods, and vaulted celings creat ng the u t mate living n the heart of town Primary room wth vaulted cei ings, soaking tub, and WIC Ut l ty room, 3 n cely szed bedrooms complete upper level Minutes from the mi tary base, shopping, and Southworth Fast Ferry Th s residence seamlesslyblendsfunct onandsoph stication

What My ClientsSay

"Being located in Rhode Island, we have several clients who move out West to Seattle and the surrounding areas. After interviewing several of our advisors in the E&V Seattle Shops, I chose to work with Yvonne. Yvonne has a genuine passion for helping her clients, deep market knowledge and the experience you want when working w th a real estate advisor. Thank you Yvonne, for taking care of my clients over the past couple of years!!"

"Yvonne was incredible when helping me buy my home It took place over the holidays and she was still on the ball and responsive and kept the process moving so we could close quickly. She made sure I had al the info I needed and even told me about things I didn? t know about such as a rate buy-down option to ask of the seller which made the first couple years have a lower payment for me I can? t speak h ghly enough of her She?s incredibly kind, hard working and brilliant She has now helped me and my brother buy our homesand helped my other brother sell his You will definitely get top rate service if you go with her "

"Best home buying experience ever! Yvonne knows her stuff, does the research a will find you whatever you are looking for Except onal at communication an amazing at negotiating Highly recommended If you give her a chance you will not be disappointed!"


The Engel & Völkers Buying Experience

rom starter homes to dream homes, at Engel & Völkers we provide unparal eled and personal zed buying experiences for every cl ent We believethat buynga homeisone of the most mportant dec sons you wll make, and t?s an honor and our passion to be part of ths ourney with you As trusted advsors, we make it our responsib l ty to understand your home buyng goas ? from your overal visionand budget, to neighborhood ament es and architectural details ? and help you discover the right space to cal your own To us,luxury is about the richness of ife that beginsandends nthemost mportant spacewe know? home


The Power of Invest ing in Ownership

Therearebothfinancialandemotionalbenefitstoowningahome After al ,ahomeisthe center ofyour wor d


Whenyouownahome,youareinvest ng your money nto your future Homeequtyhas theab l ty toincrease each time you make your monthy mortgage payments, as wel as when you make smart home improvements In a strong economy, home vaues can ncrease each year The greater your equity, the more you can capitaize on your home?s valueover time



Seek professona advce from your tax consutants about your financ ng options (if you are financing) to tai or your nvestment commitment toyour specif c needs.


Ownng a property alows you to surround yourself with an aesthet c that reflects your personal ty and brings you oy Thepossibi itiescanbeend esswhenit comestoturningyour home ntoyour dreamspace


A home should be a place of comfort and happiness With homeownershp comes a sense of secur ty in an nvestment andaspacewherememoriesaremade

Part ner wit h an Engel & Völkers advisor

Enge & Vö kers is known throughout the world for the unm stakab e servce experience our advsors provde ther c ients Our advisors offer more than a typ ca real estate agent, representing an elevated leve or service, expert se, andperformance

Enge & Vö kers attracts rea estate professionals who are well respected within their communities, as wel as those who have a deep understand ng of cl ent servce We know the peop e, the p acesand the nuances of each cul-de- sac, community and country we represent As trusted advisors, we guide you through your home journey wth n depth neghborhood expertise, dist ngushed care ? and a bit of fun


The Value of t he Buyer's Agent

Hir ng a buyer's agent can offer several advantages to individuals looking to purchase a property Here is a l st of reasonswhyhr ngabuyer'sagent canbebeneficia toyou

Market Knowledge

Buyer s agents are fami iar wth local rea estate markets and can provide valuable nsights nto current trends, property vaues,andneighborhooddynamics

Negotiation Skills

Exper enced buyer's agents are ski led negotiators who can help yousecurethebest possbledea Theycannegotiateon your behalf toget afair priceandfavorableterms

Access to Listings

Buyer s agents have access to multip e l sting servces (MLS) and can hep you find propert es that match your criter a moreefficientlythan f youweresearchngonyour own

Save Time and Effort

By outsourc ng the property search to a buyer s agent, you can save significant t me and effort. They can narrow down options based on your preferences, schedule showngs, and handlepaperwork

Objective Advice

Buyer s agents work for you and have your best interests n m nd They can provide ob ective advce, heping you make nformed dec sions without being inf uenced by the seler or ther agent.

Legal and Contractual Expertise

Real estate transactions nvo ve complexlegal documents A buyer sagent cangudeyou throughthe paperwork,ensur ng that al thenecessarydocumentsare proper ycomp etedand submitted

Professiona Network

Buyer's agents often have a network of professionas, includ ng nspectors, mortgage brokers, and real estate attorneys Ths can be valuable in stream inng the buying processandconnect ngyou withtrusted serviceproviders

Understanding of the Buying Process

If you're a first-t me homebuyer or unfami iar with the buying process, a buyer s agent can educate you on the steps involvedandprovidegudanceat everystage

Property Evaluation

Buyer's agents can assesspropert es basedon your spec f c needs,preferences,andbudget They can po nt outpotential issues and help you make an nformed dec son about the property'svalue

Streamlined Communication

Acting as a buffer between you and the sel er s agent, a buyer s agent can fac l tate communcation, ensur ng that your interests are protected and that negotiat ons remain professional

Risk Management

A buyer s agent can help you ident fy potent al r sks associated with apropertyandadvise you on how to mitigate them This includes ssuesreated to the property condition, legalaspects,andpotent alresalechal enges


Breaking it Down: TheBuying Process

The reasons for buying a home are persona, so the f rst thing to consder s what you want to acheve in purchasngahome.

Buyng a home s fi led with both strategic thinking and emotions With ever-chang ng market conditions and other variab es, various factors may affect the path you takeinf ndingthepropertythat?sright for you

Asyour consultant,anEngel & Völkersadvisor helps you understand the market andscape anddetermine, based on your goas, if now isin fact the r ght t me to buyand then dentifyngthecorrect approach

Asfar astheproperty tsef,it?swse to invest thetime to outline the key factors and features relat ng to your search,includ ng(seenext page):



It?s mportant to ident fy what you are able to afford when it comes to a home and how much a lender is wi ling to loan based on key factors such as income, debt, expenses etc Your advsor can hep you work within that budget and take into account other considerationsas t reatestothepropertyyouseek


Identify your must-havesand ist them out in priority, for both you and whomever you may be purchasing your home wth Make a list of your non-negotiables whenit comestoahomeand takethat withyouwhen youarevst ngproperties


Areyoulooking for a sing e-fam lyhome,townhouse, condom nium, co-op or a multi-family bui ding? There aremanyoptions andconsiderations for each that wil impactyour search


Thsisoneof the most mportant factors to consider when you?re ooking for your new home, because unike structures, paint colors, and flooring, the ocation of your home cannot be changed Beyond the physical locat on of the home wthin the city or town, you should also think about ts locat on in the neghborhood, communty, and/or the build ng, as thistoowi lhavean mpact onyour home?svalue


The Buying Process

hether you are ook ng to purchase your f rst home,avacat onhome,or aninvestment property, our advisors mantain an active list of available local homes, and also have access to l st ngs wor dwidethroughtheEngel&Vö kers?globa network

Wetakep easure nwork ngwithyou,andprepar ngyou,for thehome buyngprocessthroughthefollowingsteps:

Seect anadvsor

Gainmortgagepre-approval(if financ ng)

Have an nitial consultation wth your advisor with your pre-approva n-handtoset upyour strategytogether

Shopfor your newhome

Work with your advisor to present a wel-crafted offer and al owthemtonegotiateonyour behaf

Home nspection



Fna WakThrough



Packing Tips

1 Separateyour vauab esandimpor an documents andkeep hemwthyoudur ng themove

2 Preparea?Start-upK ?of temsandbox thoseuptotakewthyouaswel Th swayi your beong ngsarr ve a e,or youare delayedinunpack ng,youw havewhat you needimmediateyonhand

3 Labe boxesbyi emsandroomtomake unpack nganeaser process

Moving Checklist



Before you beg n pack ng up boxes, take nventory of your furnture and other beong ngs to dec de what to keep and what to purge If tems are not worth the effort of pack ng, moving and unpack ng, consder dona ng,sel ngor discard ng hem


A smooth and successfu move isonly possb e wi h a p an Seec a movng day to work toward Ident fyandengageamovng company as soon as possb e ? Enge & Vö kers s happy tomakea oca recommenda on


Purchase your moving supp ies nc uding boxes, moving abels, bubble wrap etc

Beg n packing i ems tha won? t be needed between now and your move da e nc uding hings l ke decorat ons, photos and of season clothng Then, schedue t me to pack remaining items based on room or category o make t easy ounpack


Make sure to not ony upda e your address wth fr ends, fam y and service provders, but aso any mal ng clubs subscript ons and ut i y companies for both end ng services and ac vat ng hem at your newaddress


This s he day when your movng strategy pays off and your focus can be on sayng goodbyes and enjoying the exci ng eemen s of your new home Once you get into your new home one of the firs thngs you should do s to have new locks instal ed andextrasetsof keysmade

As ong asyouhave everythng n order,the closng process shoud be smp e and s raightforward

Closng day typ ca y happens four o six weeksaf er thepurchase andsalescon ract s executed and includes the buyer and seler, aong with ther respective agen s a representat ve from the t t e company, closng agent,or a torney,andlender

The closng process swhere the buyer and seler execute and sign al remaining egal documents and pay closng cos s and escrow tems Besure to br ng twoformso den fication, certif ed funds or any remanng costs, and any add t ona documentsrequested bythelender

Once al paperwork s executed you wl receive thekeys oyour new homeand hen althat?s e t todo scelebrate


At Enge &Völkers,webel eve nclientsfor ife.Not only dur ng, but wel after the purchase of ahome, our advisors connect you with experts to hep you cont nue making the most of the wal s and community that surround you Luxury found in the little moments that when combined create the essence ? and the ntangib e qualities ? that makeahouse,?home?


Welook forward to theopportunity to demonstrate our process, precision and passion for service, so that you can focuson living your luxury


yvonne.welty@evrealestate.com - yvonnewelty.com

©2024 Enge &Vö kers Allrightsreserved Eachbrokerageisindependentlyownedand operated Al informationprovidedisdeemedreliablebut isnot guaranteedandshould be ndependentlyverif ed If your propertyiscurrently representedbyarea estatebroker thsisnot anattempt tosol cit your list ng Enge &Vö kersand its ndependent LicensePartnersareEqualOpportunityEmployersandfullysupport theprinciplesof theFair HousngAct

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