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BC Food & Wine Trails Magazine may june 2014

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e v e n t s


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Food &

WineTrails w w w. w i n e t r a i l s . c a

British Columbia

M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 4

Where to Eat, Drink & Play Wine Country Events Restaurant NEWS Spring Wine RELEASES

Vanilla Pod Restaurant Delights

Legend Distilling Opens in Naramata

Experience Diner en Blanc Okanagan

fabul ous f ood & fr iends


June 14


2014 Safe Ride Home with Audi Kelowna Proceeds Benefit Educational Programs at the Rotary Centre for the Arts

Tickets Available Now! $89/each, Groups of 10: $80/each 421 Cawston Ave. Kelowna, BC RotaryCentrefortheArts.com 250-717-5304 SelectYourTickets.com

Kelowna wine Country Half MaratHon presented by Newton Running

Sat. Sep 6, 2014 destinationraces.com/runbc “Incredible Canadian hospitality, world-class course and great wine. It’s a stellar addition to the race series.” - Janet from Sonoma, CA Page 2 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


◆ Contents

◆ Features/Events

◆ Editor’s

Book Review - Okanagan Slow Road......................................................46 Diner en Blanc...........................................................................................4 Eat Drink Tweet.......................................................................................17 Flower Power Garden Tour......................................................................13 Natures Trust Fund - Earth Wind Fire.....................................................14 On the Cover - Karolina Born-Tschümperlin................................................47 RCA WAM..................................................................................................2 Wine Country Marathon............................................................................2

◆ Wine,

Beer & Spirits

Adega On 45th................................42 Ancient Hill.......................................12 Black Hills.........................................35 Burrowing Owl.................................41 Cannery Brewing..............................20 Clos Du Soleil...................................46 Church & State.................................39 Desert Hills.......................................38 Dirty Laundry....................................18 Eau Vivre..........................................45 Fairview Cellars................................38 Forbidden Fruit ...............................45 Gehringer Brothers..........................43 Gray Monk.......................................13 Hester Creek Winery........................37 Hillside Winery & Bistro...................27 Howling Bluff....................................31 Kalala................................................15 Kraze Legz........................................31 Larch Hills...........................................5 Legend Distilling..............................30 Little Straw.......................................16 Lock & Worth...................................28 Meyer Family Vineyards...................33 Moraine............................................28 Mt.Boucherie....................................16

Naramata Bench Winery Assc.........26 OK Falls Winery Association............32 Oliver Twist.......................................41 Perseus.............................................22 Poplar Grove....................................25 Quails’ Gate.....................................15 Quinta Ferreira.................................40 Recline Ridge.....................................5 Red Rooster.....................................29 River Stone.......................................42 Sandhill.............................................11 Serendipity.......................................30 Seven Stones...................................44 Silver Sage.......................................40 Spierhead.........................................10 Stag’s Hollow....................................33 Squeezed...........................................9 Summerhill.........................................8 Therapy............................................23 The View............................................6 Tinhorn Creek..................................43 Upper Bench Winery & Creamery...21 Vine Glass........................................44 Volcanic Hills....................................17 Wild Goose......................................34

◆ Restaurants/Catering Basketcase Picnics...................................................................................................9 Bonfire Grill at The Cove.......................................................................................12 La Bussola..............................................................................................................14 Poppadoms..............................................................................................................6 RauDZ Regional Table/micro bar.bites....................................................................7 Smack Dab at Manteo Resort............................................................................. 10 Terrafina at Hester Creek..................................................................................... 36 The Bench Market................................................................................................ 21 The Vanilla Pod .....................................................................................................26

◆ Wine

Country Services

Bead Trails.........................................18 BC Wine Museum & VQA Wine Shop.19 City Palate...........................................4 Constellation Laboratories................36 Cormier’s Studio................................27 DeLong Studios................................19 Discover Wines...................................7 Forest Green Lavender.....................24 Forgotten Hill B&B............................47 www.winetrails.ca

Grape Escapes Wine Tours...............20 Naramata Heritage Inn.....................24 Poplar Grove Cheese........................28 PostNet.............................................47 Skyler Lighthall..................................47 Steve Jones - Musician.....................47 Strictly Cellars....................................47 The Food Angel/Snacker Cracker....47 Valentinos..........................................47



ut on your party hats food and wine lovers because from now until fall wine festival there are amazing events galore to attend in wine country! From Wine, Art, Music festivals, pop-up picnics in white to wine sipping marathons, there is something for everyone. Read about all of these events and more inside this issue and check our events calendar online at winetrails.ca. Until our next issue readers, remember to eat and drink local and shop direct. Don’t miss out on meeting your hardworking local farmers and artisans at your local farmers markets or visiting them at their beautiful farms and

studios! On that note, check out this awesome new online resource to find a local food and drink producer near you: soilmate.com

Jennifer Schell ◆ Contributing


Writers: Cassandra Anderton, Roslyne Buchanan, Kim Cameron, Natasha Chuydk, Tracy Clark, Lorne Eckersley, Courtney Fossett, Sue Harper, Laura Lushington, Allison Markin, Deanna Merrick, Kathy Michaels, Chef Giulio Piccioli, Terry Meyer-Stone, Dona Sturmanis, Erin Trainer, Luke Whittall, Sarah Willard. View bios of our wonderful team at www.winetrails.ca

WineTrails Food &


Published 4 times/year: March/April, May/June, July/August and September/October by

2250 Camrose Street, Penticton, B.C. V2A 8R1 Tel: (250) 492-6036 Fax: (250) 492-9843 Email: winetrails@blackpress.ca

Subscription rate Canada $16.00 per year (HST Incl.) U.S. $18.00 U.S. per year International $20.00 Can. per year

Publisher: Don Kendall Editor-In-Chief: Jennifer Schell Creative Director: Kirk Myltoft Circulation: Sue Kovacs

Check the B.C. Food & Wine Trails website on the Internet: www.winetrails.ca ISSN 1188 - 1348 Publications Mail Registration No. 10195

BC Food & Wine Trails articles, columns, pictures and illustrations are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any other publication without the expressed written consent of the Publisher. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of information received and printed in BC Food & Wine Trails, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, E&OE.

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 3

city palate t H e

F l aV O U R


c a l G a R y ’ S


S c e N e

the wine issue citypalate.ca

More wine, more food, and more great reads! Our annual wine issue is out!

May JUNe 2014

The flavour of Calgary’s food scene is bursting on newstands and online at citypalate.ca

Thursday, July 10, 2014 From global phenomenon to highly sought after ‘secret’, Diner en Blanc returns to the Okanagan for its 2nd official year. To register to attend or for more information about Diner en Blanc Okanagan, visit www.okanagan.dinerenblanc.info

Page 4 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


◆ North

Release Party & More Awards for Recline Ridge


he Shuswap’s Recline Ridge Vineyards and Winery celebrated its new vintage 2013 Bacchus with a spring release party in April. “This is our fourth vintage of this very popular white, with its crisp, fresh flavours,” says Graydon Ratzlaff, who owns the winery with his wife Maureen. Bacchus and other Recline Ridge wines were promoted at the release party, held at a local restaurant, which was a resounding success. Other events are planned for the summer. Recline Ridge continues to win awards. “So far, we’ve received great results from the Savour Northwest Wine Competition” says Graydon. Seven wines were submitted—Marechal Foch, Hawk’s Heaven, Make Me Blush, Hummingbird’s Kiss, Siegerrebe,

Kerner and Shuswap Serenade— with each winning an award. Recline Ridge’s wines, produced from some vines that were planted as far back as 1994, are known for their clean, sound structure, intense flavours and perfect balance. Graydon says winemaker Jesse Steinley “continues to work hard at developing quality wines of the region” emphasizing varietal flavour development as well as preserving their highly aromatic nature. Summer is the perfect time to visit Recline Ridge and enjoy a glass of wine on the patio or in the picnic area while drinking in the scenery of the region. The tasting room, popular not just in the summer but year round, was remodeled last year. “We installed a new, large bar top and counter, improving

avour the flavours of our unique, award-winning vintages, and experience the harmony of our wines and this peaceful setting in the beautiful Shuswap.

commented on both the look and feel of the new bar as exceptional!” ~ Dona Sturmanis

Winemaker Jesse Steinley.

Larch Hills Readies for Summer


Opening hours:

By appointment

r our new Vintage Releases November to April site at www.recline-ridge.bc.ca

#1, S12, C16, 0E 2X0 5-2212

the capacity and flow of the tasting bar. Everyone coming in has


san Smith invite you to visit 10-5 July - September and enjoy the award winning 12-5 May, June & October es of the Shuswap!

aily in Sept. in Oct.


Skimikin Rd.

Shuswap Lake

Tappen Valley Rd.


Hwy #1 west of Salmon Arm

Salmon Arm

2640 Skimikin Rd., Tappen, B.C. V0E 2X3 Phone 250-835-2212 Visit our website at:

www.reclineridgewinery.com N

here is great news for fans of Larch Hills Winery near Salmon Arm. Many loyal aficionados were disappointed last fall when several wines sold out but as of now, all their vintages are available again! Proprietors Hazel and Jack Manser are hard at work producing some of the northernmost wines in British Columbia. “We are a small winery and we’re not located in the Okanagan. We were pioneers who believed you could grow grapes this far north and high up. There were many who thought it would be impossible but we have proven that we can grow grapes, make fantastic wine and it doesn’t have to cost $24 or more for a bottle of good wine,” says Hazel. Nestled in a stunning setting overlooking three valleys, Larch Hills has a loyal following both locally and throughout Western Canada. Recently they’ve released their 2011 Madeleine Angevine. A cool climate grape, it is fruity and delicate and goes very well with chicken or fish. The 2013

Siegerrebe, a blend of Madeleine Angevine and Gewürztraminer, is tropical, flavourful and pairs well with red meat dishes. It is also a great sipping wine. Their signature wine is the 2012 Ortega, which goes great with any food. Drop by the winery to taste some of their delicious and unique wines. ~ Deanna Rainey

1_6 Horizontal * enlarged size 4c Winter 2011/2012 issue

Jack & Hazel Manser 110 Timms Road, Salmon Arm, BC 250-832-0155


Larch Hills’ delicious Sparkling Ortega.

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 5

◆ Kelowna

What’s New at The View


he View Winery is budding with fresh faces, products and events this spring. Jill Hanson is the new wineshop manager and already boasts an extensive collection of red shoes for every occasion. Jill moved here from Vancouver after becoming a sommelier to continue her career in wine. Loving life in the heart of BC wine country, she looks forward to sharing The View Winery experience

The View’s new Divas( l-r) Karly & Jill.

with guests. Under her inspiration and direction, a “Vine Tingling Tasting Experience” was created this year. Booked in advance, this intimate tour features wine education, food and wine pairings and a stroll through the vineyard and orchards. Karly Pauls is the new Wine Ambassador. A huge zest for life and great wine, Karly is responsible for sales and marketing and keeps her red shoes busy travelling throughout Interior BC and the Lower Mainland promoting The View wines. New to the collection this vintage is Well-Heeled. True to winemaker Kristy French’s Australian roots, it’s a fortified “Sticky”, a unique blend of Müller-Thurgau and Ehrenfelser picked late in the 2013 harvest. Warm notes of apricot, orange blossom and caramel on the nose and palate make this a succulent and deliciously-rich dessert wine. Also new is Hail Mary, a tonguein-cheek tribute to the devastating hail storm that ravaged parts of South East Kelowna August 2013. A marriage of Riesling and MüllerThurgau, it is dry with notes of

Poppadoms – Beat the Heat and Please Your Palate


ith its Indian-spiced inspired farm-to-table cuisine, count on Poppadoms to delight your palate as the changing seasons herald in fresh new ingredients. Soon the summer menu filled with Okanagan sunshine will be launched. Speaking of bright light and things to draw you outdoors, the patio reopens with its exclusive BBQ menu. Experience how the Dosanj family (owners) would have barbecues including such favourites as Tandoori Chicken or Paneer, cold cashew rice, Bombay Aloo (a cold Indian potato salad), leafy green salad or

Bar manager Harry Dosanj.

Chicken Tikka Burger. Occasionally you might find the servers adorned with fake Indian-looking mustaches and bopping to disco and Indian jazz numbers circa 1920-70s. Alternately, if you can’t escape your office, Tuesday to Friday, consider a tiffin lunch option. Just as in India, where hot lunches are brought to hungry workers using a stainless steel lunch kit called a tiffin, Poppadoms is delivering freshly made, wholesome lunches to workplaces all over Kelowna. For complete details and set menu, see its website. When you’re working in peak season it’s a great way to get a replenishing meal and just as in South India eating spicy food is just the thing to cool you down. To cool your thirst, Bar Manager Harry Dosanj constantly enhances the beverage program adding more tantalizing homemade creations in both the spirited and nonalcohol selections. Besides pleasing customers, Harry has wowed judges and just won his third bartending competition in a row. I love his HarryBerry Sour, Gindian Mule and first barrel-aged cocktail – Richard Parker. ~ Roslyne Buchanan

Page 6 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

tropical and citrus fruits and a hint of honey blossom. BLING and PINK BLING Sparkling Wine Spritzers will be the guests of honour at The View’s inaugural BLING FLING Release Party, 4-9 pm, Friday, June 20th. Enjoy tasty

bites paired to the new releases and smooth sounds of local Jazz Diva, Anna Jacyszyn. Contact the winery for tickets to this upbeat mixer: $10 in advance; $15 at the door. ~ Roslyne Buchanan

We invite you to join us for our Bling Sparkling Wine Spritzer launch

June 20th from 4-9pm at the View Winery

• Local Jazz Sensation Anna Jacyszyn Performing • Appetizers Served • Wine and Bling Tastings

Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door ~ Call or email for more information:



May 1st – Oct 15th - Daily – 11:30am – 7 pm Oct 16th – Apr 30th – Weekdays – Noon – 5pm

The View Winery 1-2287 Ward Rd., Kelowna, BC (p) 250 860.0742 or (c) 250 215.1331


◆ Kelowna

RauDZ Regional Table – Pioneers of the Farm-To-Table PhiLosophy


s Spring instills renewal to the Okanagan Valley, you can count on RauDZ Regional Table to bring fresh new things to our dining. RauDZ lived the farm-to-table philosophy even before others

embraced those values. RauDZ is “committed to working in partnership with regional farmers, ranchers and artisans.” With its comfortable ambiance and open kitchen, watch Chef Rod Butters and his culinary

To p s h e l f s p i r i t s , w i n e s f r o m a r o u n d t h e w o r l d craft beers on tap, innovative tapas Open daily at 3 til late

mic ro bar bi tes • &

Creatively Simple 1500 Water Street, Kelowna www.microkelowna.com Connect with us on facebook, twitter and instagram @microkelowna

EVERYTIME I OPEN A BOTTLE OF WINE, IT’S AN AMAZING TRIP SOMEWHERE.- dean josé andrés Although we proudly pour only BC wines, their flavours come from around the world. With a variety of sun and soil conditions through the valley and winemakers from France, New Zealand, Germany and Australia, each wine brings a story to the glass. Sip and dream of a Tuscan villa, a French bistro, or the architecture of Spain all without leaving home. - Chef Rod Butters and Audrey Surrao


Open 7 days a week from 5 p.m.

1560 Water Street, Kelowna



Proud members of RauDZ Creative Concepts Ltd.

The Best Selection Of BC Wines, Cheeses and Local Artisan Foods! Kelowna, BC 2080-C Springfield Rd. Orchard Plaza 250.868.3990

Kamloops, BC 416-500 Notre Dame Dr. Columbia Square 250.828.9933


Open 7 Days A Week Both Locations

Voted Best Wine Store by EAT Magazine readers 2012 Voted Best Local Wine Shop by Okanagan Life Magazine readers 2009 created by LittleIdiot.be


team feature local ingredients from approximately 40 farmers, ranchers and food artisans. If you’ve been watching Top Chef Canada or Chopped Canada, you’ve see Evelynn Takoff giving her all in the spotlight. Chef’s Butters named her lead at micro bar bites “to unleash her creativity and obvious culinary talents”. At RauDZ Robyn Sigurdson is now chef de cuisine. Co-owner Audrey Surrao is putting her taste buds to the test this spring, too. Her wine expertise was summoned to judge at the Okanagan Spring Wine Festival and Oliver Osoyoos Oyster Wine Festival. At RauDZ, she’s launching new red and white wine lists, which she adds are “all Okanagan, all delicious.” Available by the bottle and by the glass, the wines are 100 % local except you can purchase a bottle of France’s Moet & Chandon Champagne. The wine lists feature 34 wineries located from Lake Country to Keremeos/Cawston and everywhere in between with 49 bottles from which to choose. If you can’t decide and like surprises, try the brown bag selection handpicked by Audrey. “Field to Glass” cocktail anyone? At a place like RauDZ, you didn’t expect the bar menu to be an af-

ter thought, did you? The new list is “utilizing locally distilled and farmed ingredients.” Audrey adds, “You’ll find spirits from both local spirit makers – Urban Distilleries and Okanagan Spirits and an Okanagan twist on pretty well everything that comes out from behind that bar!” ~ Roslyne Buchanan

Co-owner Audrey Surrao of Raudz/micro bar & bites. Photo credit Spatula Media

Find the wine that’s right for you at Discover Wines


ew wines from the incredible 2012 and 2013 vintages are being released almost daily, notes Tracy Gray, owner of Discover Wines in Kelowna and Kamloops. Many of these are hardto-find wines and from small wineries, not sold in government liquor stores. “And what’s also great for the consumer is that the prices of BC wines have come down a lot.” In fact, out of approximately 800 BC wines carried by Discover Wines over the course of a year, they currently have over 150 wines under $15. Tracy says fruity aromatic whites and dry rosés will continue to be popular with Discover Wines’ loyal customers this summer. Whether it’s these or others, they can easily search for the wine that’s right for them at discoverwines.com. The Wine Club has really been

growing in popularity. “It’s excellent, we have happy new members joining all the time. Customers love that they can get a hand-picked selection of different wines from different wineries. We have also just launched a Super Premium Red Three Bottle Club. This is offered only twice per year and in limited availability.” Contact Discover Wines for details. Some notable events and incentives took place in the spring at Discover Wines. A Wine Tasting Boot Camp was held in March at the Kamloops store in preparation for the Kamloops Wine Festival. The same happened at the Kelowna store at the end of April before the Okanagan Wine Festival in May. And to celebrate the first anniversary of the Kamloops store, in-store contests were held and prizes given out. ~ Dona Sturmanis

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 7

◆ Kelowna

Creating Canada’s First Kosher Wine At Summerhill Pyramid Winery With the release of Tiferet this spring, Summerhill Pyramid Winery continues to be a leader in the Canadian wine industry. Tiferet (“beauty”), a blend of the vineyard’s finest red grapes, is the first uncooked Kosher wine produced in Canada.

(L-R) Stephen Cipes, Ari Cipes, Rabbi Levy Teiltebaum & Rabbi Shmuly Hecht.


“The desire to share a great wine with my dear friend Rabbi Shmuly Hecht was the original inspiration to create Tiferet,” says Summerhill CEO Ezra Cipes. “Rabbi Shmuly would invite me over to taste these kosher wines that had all been cooked. In my opinion it ruins the wine, and I realized that Rabbi Shmuly didn’t know what wine is supposed to taste like. “To make uncooked kosher wine that can be used within a Jewish ceremony, it must be made by those who live their lives as Sabbath-observant Jews. We set out to make the best wine possible. With hands off coaching by Eric von Krosigk, the most awarded winemaker in Canada, we used the best organic grapes in a vintage year – Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc – and aged the wine in 100% new French and American oak barrels.” A garage on the Summerhill property was converted into a tiny winery, small, Page 8 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

simple winemaking machines were borrowed and Rabbi Shmuly went to work. Once fermentation started, he visited the winery twice daily, except on Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest. Fermentation was done in small containers, which slowed the process. “It changed the nature of the wine,” says Ezra. “The proof is in the pudding—it turned out beautifully. It might be the best red wine we have made.” Summerhill isn’t only about wine, though. In the gardens below Sunset Organic Bistro, Gabe Cipes and his crew spent the spring preparing the soil, planting seeds and working out plans for a productive growing season. All work is done according to the biodynamic calendar. On one portion of the property, an entire log cabin was buried. The logs will provide a home to beneficial fungi and insects while adding nutrients to the soil. The Summerhill gardens are unlike traditional gardens that have long, arrow-

straight rows and tilled, weed-free paths. In fact, a visitor has to look twice before what seems to be a hodge-podge of repurposed double glass units, haycovered mounds and teepeed bamboo beanpoles begin to look anything like a garden. Spread around the property, and even between rows of grapevines, are plants like quince, plums, Saskatoon berries, hawthorns, soapalali, herbs of every description, and indigenous cattails and nettles. Thirteen bee colonies remain at rest until warmer weather stirs them into action. The produce will become part of the Bistro menu. Some will make their way into tinctures and other products, all part of a grand plan to make Summerhill a viable, sustainable, ecologically balanced business endeavor - a managed oasis from which arises life-enhancing food and wine. ~ Lorne Eckersley www.winetrails.ca

◆ Kelowna

Squeezed Wines – Approachable, Sociable Wine


own tasting room. Stay hen you grow tuned for the wineshop’s up in an agriopening late this spring cultural famor summer at the propily, spending summers picking and packaging erty on Tucelnuit Road. fruit in your parents’ Michael is also winepackinghouse as sibmaker at Quinta Ferreira lings Christina, Nicole and apprenticed under and Michael Ferreira Michael Bartier, one of the Okanagan’s leading did, you learn early Winemaker Michael winemakers. Bringing his about work ethics. Ferreira award-winning skills to You also discover how to squeeze in some fun in the daily Squeezed Wines, Michael views it as routine. So when the trio decided to a way to create another style of wine embark on an exciting new venture with the same principles of quality together, it makes sense that they’d and consistency. Nicole is the number leverage the farming in their blood. cruncher and looks after administraWhy not blend that with their over 10 tion and sales (Lower Mainland and years experience in various areas of Vancouver Island). the wine industry to create a winery Watch for Squeezed Wines and the with a bit of pizzazz and playfulness? talented team at events throughout “Our wines,” says Christina, market- the season such as the Oliver Osing and sales (Okanagan and BC in- oyoos Oyster Festival, spring wine terior), “are meant to be fun and easy festival, Bacchanalia at Penticton drinking patio sippers.” There are Lakeside Resort, Feast of Fields and three blends – a red, pink and white Oliver’s Festival of the Grape. Best and a new 2011 Merlot varietal to be way to keep up with this approachlaunched at the spring wine festival. able and sociable brand is on FaceSqueezed wines are available in VQA book and Twitter. ~ Roslyne Buchanan and other wine stores, and soon you’ll be able to sip Squeezed Wines in its

it’s picnic time with Basketcase Picnics


icnics are trending worldwide and with more sunny days on the horizon, it’s time to enjoy this nostalgic outdoor dining tradition once again. The Okanagan’s Basket Case Picnics has been creating portable, thoughtfully crafted four-course menus inspired by the region’s seasonal harvests since 2011. The customized picnic baskets are made using local organic produce, hormone and antibiotic-free meats, sustainable seafood, artisan cheeses and scrumptious baking. “Just the word ‘picnic’ evokes a desire for relaxed al fresco dining that is fun and fanciful for families and friends; or romantic and intimate for couples,” says Kelsey Galt of Basket Case Picnics. “It’s a feel good activity that is the perfect accompaniment to all Okanagan activities,” she adds. Last year, Basket Case Picnics was the official picnic provider for the Okanagan’s first Diner en Blanc and will be featured at this year’s exceptional event too. Basket Case Picnics also www.winetrails.ca

offers catering options, along with a food truck to help make your own event spectacular. From weddings to corporate meetings and community events, Basket Case Picnics is mobile across the Okanagan and can accommodate groups of all sizes. Basket Case Picnics has also teamed up with tour operators like MJO Tours for indulgent wine-paired picnic experiences. They continue to form on-site partnerships with wineries like Ancient Hill, breweries, distilleries and adventure (instead of ‘other’) attractions promoting culinary tourism and expanding their reach across wine country. Great for an afternoon on the lake; lunch at over 80 regional picnic licensed wineries; or biking Kettle Valley, the fresh and flavourful feasts are available to order for pick up to take your day over the top! Follow Basket Case Picnic’s on Facebook and Twitter accounts for up to date information on where to find them. For more information visit basketcasepicnics.com ~ Laura Lushington

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 9

◆ Kelowna

foodie fridays at SpierHead winery


pierHead Winery is rolling out the red carpet for a series of exciting events in this summer, a newly expanded outdoor reception and event area and some fabulous longawaited new releases. SpierHead is open weekends in May and daily starting June 1. Enjoy their picnic area with your own foods and SpierHead wine, and remember you can take home any wine you don’t consume! The picturesque new outdoor area is ideal for small receptions as well. Call or email SpierHead to book your intimate events in these beautiful natural surroundings. They’ll work closely with you to ensure that your event is filled with delicious memories! An enhanced entrance and improved signage at SpierHead means it will be much easier access for cars and buses. On May 2nd, SpierHead is launching the summer’s Foodie Friday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. On the first Friday of every month from May through October, they’ll pair their most popular wines with unique appies

prepared by Kelowna chefs and restauranteurs. May 3rd, SpierHead joins forces with their neighbours in Amuse-Bouche, featuring small food samples with select wines. The Fab Five wineries - SpierHead, House of Rose, Vibrant Vine, Camelot and The View, will be offering free wine tastings and appies. This year SpierHead teams up with The Harvest Golf Club restaurant. Also on May 3rd, enjoy their spring releases at the WestJet Wine Tasting. Celebrate Mothers’ Day weekend with The Fab Five, who will all be offering a special gift for Mom and complimentary tasting at each of the wineries. And on May 22 at the Vancouver Convention Centre, SpierHead will again be featuring their new releases at the Bloom BC VQA event. Don’t miss SpierHead’s muchanticipated new releases, the 2013 Rosé and Pinot Gris. Both sold out last year, and the sumptuous 2013 vintage promises to be as popular as ever. ~ Deanna Rainey

Celebrate Smack Dab’s Second Successful Year on the Patio

Best New Winery ~ 2012 BC Wine Awards

Linger over a glass of one of our award winning wines and enjoy the view from our picnic area. Open for tastings and sales from 11am to 5:30pm: Weekends starting at Easter, and daily starting in June. Member of the Kelowna Fab Five Wine Trail.

3950 Spiers Rd., Kelowna 250.763.7777 info@spierheadwinery.com spierheadwinery.com


mack DAB, the lively kitchen and lounge located in the heart of Manteo Resort, celebrated its first birthday March 18th. “We’ve had a very successful year,” says Manteo general manager Heather Schroeter. “Our guests have really enjoyed our premium casual dining menu and Kelowna’s largest selection of craft beer.” Smack DAB frequenters also enjoy the incredible lake views that can be seen from the 120-seat lounge and restaurant, the 24-seat private dining room and Kelowna’s largest lakeside patio seating up to 150 guests. Large folding glass doors allow for an open-air environment in the summer months and protection from the elements when the weather doesn’t cooperate. Over $1.5 million was dedicated to build-out the open concept space that was under construction after the Wild Apple Restaurant closed in January 2013. The idea of Smack DAB was to create a neighbourhoodgathering place that locals could enjoy as much as hotel guests, an experience that couldn’t be found anywhere else in the city. “We are pleased that the locals are enjoying Smack DAB and we truly appreciate the support.”

Executive Chef Brad Horen designed the premium casual menu featuring new style classics with big bold flavours. A new summer menu was rolled out at the end of April which will include a wide array of flavour-packed appetizers, sharing plates, forno oven pizzas, signature entrees and fresh desserts prepared in-house and suited for all members of the family. “Our guests range from tourists who want to cleanse their palate between wineries to locals who want to grab a great pizza and beer after work,” says Heather. Any time of day is the perfect time to visit Smack DAB—it’s open daily for breakfast buffet, lunch, happy hour and dinner. And then of course there’s Kelowna’s largest lakeside patio.... ~ Dona Sturmanis

Page 10 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


◆ Kelowna

Sandhill’s Single Focus here’s something special going on at Sandhill Winery, and you can taste it with every sip. From single vineyard to Small Lot series, Sandhill’s winemaking philosophy is all about allowing the true expression of the fruit to reveal itself in your glass. And if you’re lucky enough to encounter Sandhill’s winemaker Howard Soon on your visit to their downtown Kelowna tasting room and boutique, he’ll tell you all about it. “It’s a bit like asking yourself, what is the grape saying to me? What does it need to do to make a great glass of wine,” grins Soon, a winemaker for more than 30 years, who notes, “It isn’t necessary to interfere with the expression of the vineyard itself.” The answers to Soon’s questions are the foundation of Sandhill’s winemaking philosophy: single vineyard, credit to the grower, and showcase what each vineyard gives you with the wine.


Award-winning Dedication Six different vineyards produce grapes exclusively for Sandhill: King Family, Phantom Creek, Osprey Ridge, Vanessa, Hidden Terrace, and Sandhill Estate. Soon, and two of their growers, Robert Goltz and Richard Cleave, have worked on the grapes together from day one, earning top recognition for their


efforts along the way including 10 Lieutenant Governor’s Awards, among others. “In 2009 we won the Canadian Winery of the Year from Wine Access. We won Red Wine of the Year for Phantom Creek Syrah, and White wine of the Year for our Viognier from Osprey Ridge,” says Soon. “It’s very poetic, and what other winery has won all three awards? There isn’t one!” Opening Soon – the Sandhill Store Sandhill’s new 8,000 sq. ft. downtown tasting room opens in mid-May in time for the summer sipping season. Sample what Soon says will be some excellent summer sippers in their inventive tasting stations featuring a virtual visit to each of their six Vineyards. “All of our 2012 reds are going to be killer! We’re just getting ready to bottle them and they’ll be out this summer. Our 2011 Pinot Blanc is good, and the Hidden Terrace Pinot Gris is lovely.” Soon suggests comparing each of their two Sauvignon Blancs, two Pinot Gris and two CabMerlots to determine if you can distinguish the distinct nuances of each Vineyard represented. Whether you taste Soon’s recommendations or any of their other award-winning wines, you’re sure to taste the difference a single vineyard can make. ~ Kim Cameron

Legendary winemaker Howard Soon.

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 11

◆ Kelowna

Ancient Hill Winery Radiates Welcome


ust down the road from Sunset Ranch Golf & Country Club, a European-style warmth awaits at Ancient Hill Winery. The panoramic valley views from the picnic area and intricate gardens allude to the gracious reception that you’ll receive. From the substantial wood-carved doors with wrought iron accents to the stone fireplace and lighting that whispers of bygone castles with fine paintings by Jitske Kamphuys adorning the walls, the wineshop radiates welcome. After touring the museum-like surroundings, sidle up to the massive wooden tasting bar to taste firsthand the approachability of the wines. The Rosé 2012 is an excellent summer choice with more intensity than most thanks to Baco Noir in the blend. It’s that fine grape experienced as well in its barrel-aged flagship red, the Ancient Hill Baco Noir. It is a top seller and consistently popular, a tradition sustained in the recently released 2011. Look forward to

the 2011 Ancient Hill Pinot Gris release, an ideal summer sipper. Only the second owners of this property in the last 67 years, Jitske and Richard Kamphuys have lived here for 22 years. It is distinguished as one of the pioneer sites where grape growing began in the Okanagan in the 1920s and ‘30’s. They are proud to have put in a lot of sweat equity to return this charming, rural property back to its roots as a vineyard. While Ancient Hill is located in the Ellison area just across from the Kelowna Airport, you don’t notice its proximity to an urban area as you feast on the contents of your picnic basket from its deck and picnic area. If you didn’t pack a lunch, select from its cheese and cracker baskets to enjoy with its wine. As you sip from your glass, see how many raptors you can count soaring overhead or species of wildlife roaming the grounds. ~Roslyne Buchanan

Here Comes the Sun at The Bonfire Restaurant at The Cove


ust in time for the warm weather, the Bonfire Restaurant at the Cove in West Kelowna is planning some wonderful meal specials, hotel packages and exciting events. Their 90-seat patio is expected to open in early May, and as Chef Grant deMonteuil says, “even if the temperature is a bit brisk under sunny skies, their patio heaters do a terrific job!” On May 10, they are hosting Reds, Whites and Blues, an evening of award-winning local wine, gourmet cuisine and live music featuring Sherman Doucette & Tankful of Blues. Start the evening with hors d’ouevres and Summerhill Cipes Brut at a waterfront reception, followed by a full gourmet mix and mingle dinner highlighted by individual chef action stations. Sample fine local wines and delight in the decadent desserts and dancing for just $89 per person. The Bonfire Restaurant is the place to enjoy live music as you sip your Okanagan wine or enjoy a craft beer. Drop by for great entertainment on the May long weekend, or anytime from July

through to the Fall Okanagan Wine Festival. The restaurant is ramping up their private garden…last year’s 1,000 tomato plants will increase to 2,500 this year, featuring 80 varieties. They are also expanding their herb garden as well as lettuces and vegetables. All these delicious locally grown foods will be reflected on their seasonal menu. The Bonfire will reintroduce their fabulous buffet-style weekly Sunday brunch starting Easter Sunday, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at a cost of $33.00. They’re also setting up a bistro-style coffee shop featuring fresh juices, smoothies, coffees and pastries. If you’re enjoying a stroll along the waterfront, drop in for a treat! “We are 100% committed to delivering exceptional customer service from the time the doors open.” promises Director of Sales Amber Hall. The Bonfire Restaurant and the Cove are about making memories.

Page 12 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

~ Deanna Rainey

OLD WORLD QUALITY QUALITY. . . . . . in a beautiful, rural setting

• wineshop • picnic area • special events • weddings Open: Daily 10.30 am - 5.30 pm 4918 Anderson Road, Kelowna, 250 491 2766 www.ancienthillwinery.com

e g l u d In



Untitled-7 1

13-02-12 4:07 PM

◆ Kelowna

Winery pioneers George and Trudy Heiss.

TLC at Gray Monk Estate WInery


17th Annual Kelowna Garden Tour

Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:00 - 4:00

A self-guided tour of private gardens big and small, bright and beautiful, from colourful blooms to farm fresh produce, grown with love for you. Artists, food and wine tasting, and demonstrations complete this visual, cultural and culinary feast. Funds raised support local gardening initiatives including Growing Chefs: a classroom gardening and cooking programme in elementary schools sponsored by the Okanagan Chefs Association. For tickets and more information www.flowerpowerylw.ca


oin Gray Monk Estate and five of their neighboring wineries for the second annual “Taste Lake Country (TLC)” event held on Saturday May 3rd. This is an opportunity to indulge yourself and visit Lake Country’s six estate wineries for a multicultural food and wine experience. All six wineries feature tastings paired with cultural small bites. Tickets are $25 and are available at www.grapevinerestaurant.ca And the festivities just keep coming at Gray Monk, an iconic estate winery filled with some of the most beloved and successful wines in Canada. ‘Celebrate the Arrival of Spring’ on May 9th , where their culinary team presents a fusion of rustic wine country and classic French cuisine in a superb five course wine-paired dinner. Also, in the works is a plan for a monthly Chef’s Table, an opportunity for a delicious meal with the finest wines, in the company of both

the chef and proprietor. In this intimate setting, tickets will sell fast! Spring is an exciting time at Gray Monk, especially with all the fresh, aromatic white wines being released. Of great interest, is the Pinot Gris which has historically been the #1 selling Pinot Gris in BC. The Heiss Family was the first to import and plant this celebrated varietal in Canada. It is well worth your time to plan a trip to visit Gray Monk – ‘Home of the Pinot Gris’ and try all the new releases! With the arrival of new vintages, it also marks the end of some favorite wines. Sadly, they are almost sold out of the highly acclaimed 2011 Riesling, which won triple honours at the WineAlign World Wine Awards of Canada. This classic Riesling was crowned Category Champion, Best of Country and Best in Top 25 Value Wines. The winery still has a small allotment available for Wine Club members and visitors. ~ Deanna Rainey

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 13

◆ Kelowna/Event

La Bussola - A Legendary 40 Year History on Kelowna’s Restaurant Scene

Luigi Coccaro Sr. circa 1975

Enjoy a sensory experience where each course is savoured, every aroma enjoyed and taste treasured. Open for dinner.

1451 Ellis Street, downtown Kelowna. Reservations: 250-763-3110



elebrating 40 years, La Bussola opened in Kelowna in 1974 when Jim Croce’s song “Time in a Bottle” got lots of radio play. While the restaurant has changed location, what remains is the family’s passion for excellence. For many customers who have celebrated milestones such as engagements, weddings and anniversaries, the lyrics resonate: “I’d save every day like a treasure and then, Again, I would spend them with you.” Owners Francesco and Lauretta Coccaro were born in the quaint village of Valle dell’Angelo, Salerno, Italy. Growing up in an agricultural tradition of homecooking, learning your way around a kitchen was mandatory. Children Ersilia and Luigi spent summers in Italy at their grandparents immersed in the culture of producing olive oil, wine, cheese and fresh produce. Even today some of the produce on your plate comes from Lauretta’s garden, and in Italy, Nonna still makes olive oil. Naturally La Bussola focuses on fine Italian cuisine.


Join us on Saturday, June 21st Earth Wind Fire 2014

La Bussola translates to compass. With the iconic ship’s wheel which decorated the restaurant from the beginning, a good compass seems fitting as Franco shares his passage to Kelowna via Germany, France, Australia and cities such as New York City, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles and San Francisco. And the restaurant was magnetic north to the children after school. Lauretta laughs that after his birth, Luigi was brought straight there from the hospital. Luigi tells how he and his friends sidetracked to the restaurant during phys-ed classes on his mom’s bread baking days to mooch some before continuing their run. Now a certified sommelier, Luigi prides in keeping up and modernizing the amazing wine list Franco started. Anniversary celebrations include the launch later this summer of a second space just down the street. With a casual ambiance, it will focus on comfort food. Its authentic Forno oven will offer Neapolitan-style cooking including pizza.

Page 14 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

~ Roslyne Buchanan

at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort in Kelowna. Proceeds from this event featuring outstanding food prepared by chefs, sensational wine and live music will benefit the land conservation work of The Nature Trust of BC in the Okanagan. $175 per person. Contact details below


1-866-288-7878 www.winetrails.ca

◆ West


Celebrating 25 Years at Quails’ Gate Winery


ill Wightman, Hospitality Director at Quails’ Gate Winery, says he has the best job in the Okana-

gan. “Look outside of my office,” he says, gesturing at endless vineyards sloping down to Okanagan Lake. I work for a great family, and we have outstanding wines.” Outstanding indeed. In fact, Quails’ Gate is amongst Canada’s top agritourism sites and this year they will celebrate their 25th anniversary. Wightman says their spring releases will be just as spectacular as their predecessors. Quails’ Gate currently has 165 acres in production and they are planting another 35 acres this year. While their wines traditionally receive critical acclaim all round, Wightman points to three that are amongst the most popular. Their perennial best seller is the

Quails’ Gate Chasselas, which was the first wine they produced. Considered a classic patio wine, the Chasselas is extremely versatile, best shared with friends mid-afternoon with a good selection of mild cheeses. This light, fresh “off dry” wine is a true crowd pleaser. The Quails’ Gate Estate Pinot Noir is their flagship product. Made to be elegant with grace and finesse, the Pinot Noir appeals to wine aficionados who desire a sophisticated style of Pinot Noir that exhibits rich, complex fruit flavours. The Estate Chardonnay is another Quails’ Gate Classic, which beautifully balances the acidity of stainless steel fermentation with the elegance of French oak. Look for a bright and complex wine with rich, biscuit, buttery notes. Quails’ Gate will herald the return of Dinner in the Vineyard on July 15th

and August 7th. They will also host a Spring Release Dinner Series from May 1st to May 14th, which features a four course wine paired dinner for just $75 plus tax and gratuities.

Drop by their wineshop anytime between 10 am and 7 pm, and be sure to treat yourself to a sumptuous meal at Old Vines Restaurant. ~ Deanna Rainey

From Chef to Winemaker: Kalala’s Tibor Erdelyi

3303 Boucherie Rd. West Kelowna 1-800-420-9463 | quailsgate.com

Team Kalala (L-R) Karnail, Tibby and Julie.


ibor “Tibby” Erdelyi became Kalala Organic Estate Winery’s winemaker last year, assisting since 2008. Food, wine and the business of making them successful have been his lifelong passions: first becoming a chef, then a winemaker, with years of wine retail and marketing experience in between. His passion for food led him to become one of Vancouver’s star chefs, working at many fine-dining establishments in the city. When he moved to the Okanagan to work at Summerhill Pyramid Winery, little did he know that his friendship with then Summerhill vineyard manager Karnail Singh Sidhu would later evolve into Kalala. Like many of the Okanagan’s finest winemakers, Tibor completed his winemaking studies at the Okanagan University College, continuing to learn under well-known winemaking consultant, Dr. Alan Marks. www.winetrails.ca

Tibor’s vast experience in cooking makes him one of the most knowledgeable local winemakers to discuss food and wine pairing with. The numerous prestigious awards from the 3 brands of Kalala, Dostana and 3 Cru wines demonstrates his talent for making all things tasty. Whatever his medium, Tibor delivers beautiful harmony within all of his creations. This Spring Wine Festival, satisfy both your taste buds and your conscience by participating in Kalala’s popular annual event, “Where East Meets West.” Sample their delicious wines exquisitely paired with East Indian tapas... with Dawn Boys (www.dawnboysyoga. com) providing yoga in the vineyard! Saturday May 10th, 11am - 4pm at the winery. Admission for food and wine pairing by donation to the West Kelowna Food Bank, please bring cash or non-perishable food items. ~ Sarah Willard B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 15

◆ West


Kick-off Spring Sipping Season at Mt Boucherie


t Boucherie Family Estate Winery kicks off the spring sipping season with some new hardware; the winery was recently honoured with two Silver Medals at the 2014 Chardonnay du Monde international wine competition. Competing against 34 other countries and over 900 samples, Mt Boucherie won Silver for their 2011 Family Reserve Chardonnay and their 2012 Family Reserve Chardonnay. Perfect pairings for BC’s spot prawn

Spring Open House Mt Boucherie launches sipping season with their Spring Open House on May 3rd, an Okanagan Wine Festival event. Explore wine country your way - unwind, relax, and drink in the views above Okanagan Lake while sampling Mt Boucherie’s newest releases and a selection of hors d’oeuvres. Raise a glass with their talented winemaker, Jim Faulkner, who will share his grapesto-glass stories while you sample. The free event takes place from 11 am – 3 pm

Little Straw VineyardWhere foodies & Oenophiles can indulge their senses


ressed in his trademark board-shorts, speaking exuberantly about locally sourced foods and the wines with which they’re best paired, chef Trevor Mayhew perfectly embodies the nouveau Okanagan vibe that can be found at Little Straw Vineyard. Passionate about the place they live and the lifestyle it affords, Mayhew and the Slamka family, have created a cozy atmosphere on the lower slopes of Mount Boucherie, where foodies and oenophiles alike can indulge their senses and soak in some valley views. “I have my own garden and everything on the menu is based on what’s available to me,” Mayhew said, noting that the wines are also figured in to menu development. Combine those factors with a raft of trade secrets he employs with delectable precision, and the results are worth writing home about.

Summer Events Mark your calendars, and pick your outfit - Lobster Fest is coming to the winery on June 14th! You can look forward to many more events this season, showcasing foods paired

with Mt Boucherie’s wine and a full line-up of entertainment. Watch the winery website or follow them on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news. ~ Kim Cameron PHOTOGRAPH BY MARCIA ROTHFIELD

season, both are in stock – get them before they’re gone! Taste their whole line-up of awardwinning wines at Mt Boucherie’s warm and welcoming wineshop on the famed Westside Wine Trail in West Kelowna. Their iconic red banners wave you in to their Douglas Road location, an inspired setting perched high above Okanagan Lake with views that stretch down the lake and across vineyards and rolling mountains. Pair their stunning location with their exquisite wines and your own picnic, and you’ve got the makings for a great day in wine country.

at the winery, West Kelowna Tickets available at http://mtboucherie-lobsterfest.eventbrite.com $60 / 2 for $110 Wine Club Members $55 / 2 for $100

More information at www.mtboucheriewinery.com

And, he explained, this year there are a few new tricks up his sleeve. He’s built his menu making sure that people who have dietary requirements don’t lose out. In particular, he’s considered the needs of vegetarians and people with celiac disease. “What I’m working on is, as opposed to taking something away when someone says they’re celiac, what if we substitute?” he said. Signature sides could be wrapped in lettuce or another tasty solution that doesn’t dilute the nature of the meal he’s concocted. Mayhew also pointed out that meat products won’t be laden with bread fillers. It’s something that will ease the minds of a vast number Grill visitors. The kitchen opens May 1st and dinner service kicks off mid-June.

Page 16 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

~ Kathy Michaels www.winetrails.ca

◆ West


Wine tourism on the other side of the world



By Allison Markin

or months now, my colleague Erin Korpisto and I have been repeating the mantra: “Yes we’re going to Georgia. No not that Georgia.” Nothing against the southern US state, but in April we returned from Tbilisi, Georgia and the International Wine Tourism Conference full of knowledge and three suitcases topped out with wine and spirits. To give you some perspective, we traveled 10,000km. Both ways. We selected a number of BC wines to pour at our presentation, which gave an overview of where we are, what we produce, and our wine tourism challenges. Of course, when we asked our audience what they first thought of when we mentioned Canada, the answer was” hockey”. When we mentioned Canadian wine? The answer... icewine. After pouring

and sharing ten wines - whites, reds, sparkling, and one icewine - we’re pretty sure that the tasters were impressed with what we had to offer. In fact, our Georgian hosts graciously took our wines to their own tasting tables and encouraged conference attendees to come give them a try. The Georgians, if nothing else, are the most hospitable people I have ever met. And when it comes to wine tourism? They get it. Georgia has been making wine for 8000 years, and has 525 native varietals. Wine touches almost every aspect of their culture: food, dance, music... even accommodation. The majority of the hotels we stayed at on an extensive media tour had art or sculpture dedicated to grapes, one with a bona fide wine spa. Winemaking is everywhere.

Granted, Georgia has a vast history to draw from for its storytelling, but the BC wine industry can certainly steal and adapt some ideas. Yes, we have more than wine when it comes to tourism in our region, but if we are to promote the Okanagan as a wine and food destination of choice, then we need to embrace our own history, as short as it may be, and integrate our wines into other aspects of tourism: festivals, events, menus, resorts. Do we need a signature grape? Maybe. A signature dish? Probably impossible. But we have a story to tell, and the challenge for the industry is to figure out what that story is, be consistent with it, and then tell the world who we are, what we do, and why the Okanagan should be on at foodie’s bucket list of destinations.

Volcanic Hills Winery – ready to host large events


B ith four years of accolades to their credit, the operators of Volcanic Hills Winery are confidently moving


into new territory and welcoming the community to come along. In fact, the more the merrier. Picture yourself leaning against the bar in

their tasting room sipping on an inviting Gamay while your friends share their first dance as a married couple. Or, enjoying a Pinot Gris and soaking in the views of Okanagan Lake while mingling with some of the up and coming members of the business community. Those inviting scenarios are soon to be a regular occurrence at the West Kelowna winery, as they’re ready to start hosting large-scale events. “We’ve done a few events in the past where we’ve used the wineshop and we can hold up to 200 people,” said Bobby Gidda. “We haven’t really promoted it a lot, because we wanted to focus on the wines, and make sure they were sound and consistent first.” That’s a humble interpretation of what Volcanic Hills has been producing, considering they’ve raked in numerous awards at various industry competitions. But Gidda said it’s the palate of their customers that means the most and they’ve been able to tantalize that by tapping into the power of consensus. “We taste with a panel of myself, our winemaker, a few of my sales staff and, if they are available, my dad and my wife,” he said. That customer-centric ethos is at the heart of everything at the

Bobby Gidda

winery, and Gidda said their events will be no different. “We will customize a menu based on what the client wants and what their budget is,” he said. There’s also another benefit that Gidda is excited to explore. Now people will be able to take time to really soak in what the winery has to offer. “Now they can come here to spend time with family, friends, co-workers to enjoy the food and wine of the Okanagan.” For more information go to www. volcanichillswinery.com ~ Kathy Michaels

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 17

◆ Summerland

Every bead has a story – Follow the Okanagan Bead Trails


ead Trails was created by Summerland’s Karen Griggs to promote Okanagan businesses and communities. People start with a map and bracelet obtained from South Okanagan Visitors Centres and other participating locations. The brochure lists locations with their own signature beads to find, collect and purchase, adding to a Bead Trails bracelet. “It has become the thing to do in the Okanagan, especially for wine lovers coming to the region,” says Karen. There are now over 50 wineries as well as boutiques, restaurants, artists and non-profit organizations, totaling more than 125 locations involved in Bead Trails. Jewelry designer-creator Karen

was the artist-in-residence at the Summerland Art Gallery when she decided, if you can have a wine trail, why not a bead trail? “With the support of Community Futures, here we are now with 7 community bead trails and more to come.” “The success of the business is due because everyone loves a story, exploring and finding little treasures,” says Karen. “Each bracelet is meaningful because it is unique to the bead trailer who made it.” West Kelowna was added to Bead Trails this year, and more communities in the Okanagan and beyond are interested in joining in on the fun. ~ Dona Sturmanis

Have yo

Have ytoheuBubebaeedeeTnnraooinl nyet? the Bead Trail yet?

Get started on the Bead Trail with a map and a bracelet available at South Okanagan Visitor Info-centres and all participating businesses. Each business has its own unique bead for youwith to finda and collect! started on the Bead Trail map and a bracelet

Get started on the Bead Trail

Get the Bead Trail Quail... available at South Follow Okanagan Visitor Info-centres and all participating businesses. Each business has its own unique bead for you to find and collect!

Have youwithba emapenandoa nbracelet available at South Okanagan Visitor theInfo-centres BeadandTrallaparticipating il yet? Follow the Bead Trail Quail...

businesses. Each business has its Get started on the Bead Trail with a map and a bracelet own unique bead for you to find available at South Okanagan Visitor Info-centres and all andbusiness collect! has its own Bead Trails creator, Karen Griggs. participating businesses. Each unique bead for you the towww.beadtrails.com find collect! Follow Beadand Trail Quail... www.beadtrails.com

Old Vines, New Wines (& Winemaker) at Dirty LaundrY


inemaker Mason Spink has a lot to be happy about. 2014 will be a year of celebration for Dirty Laundry Vineyard’s (DLV) new full-time winemaker – he’s got a puppy, he’s getting married, and he’s having fun creating and improving fantastic wines for the coveted DLV brand. The team behind the cellar at Dirty Laundry Vineyard a(l-r) Lee Holland, Adrian Smits & Mason Spink.

The hands-on craftsmanship at Summerland’s famous boutique winery holds great appeal for Mason. The former head winemaker at See Ya Later Ranch winery appreciates the opportunities of his new position, experimenting with ‘secret’ tools steeped in a rich history of international winemaking, such as unique blends and co-fermenting. “It’s not so much about pushing boundaries, but about looking ‘outside-the-box,’” explains Mason. “DLV has a fun vibe: it’s a fun wine, fun brand, and everyone knows the winery. We’ve got a great cellar team. Everyone is on the ball. It makes my job easier.” Currently, the hard-working cellar boys are making a big push for a mid-June bottling of all DLV’s summer releases, including their coveted ‘Woo Woo Vines’ Gewürztraminer, ‘Hush’ Blush, and their hot new white blend, ‘Secret Affair’. Grab your tickets for DLV’s second annual Rock & Troll hot tub party on May 10th at the winery, $89.99 plus tax (note: hot tub is only for the lobsters!) Visit www.dirtylaundry.ca for all the juicy details, on-line shopping, foodpairing videos and more.

Merlot.” It’s an easy-drinking red perfect for restaurants and those transitioning from fruit-forward whites. Take that, ‘Apothic’! ~ Sarah Willard

Follow the Bead Trail Quail...



''2013 Dangerous Liaison $19.99 Deep, juicy, ripe fruit make up this very approachable red blend of Merlot, Malbec and Syrah. Designed to enjoy on it’s own, it pairs especially well with friends, soft cheeses and charcuterie. Sales and marketing manager Judi Skinner says that it’s about “recreating Page 18 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


◆ Summerland/Penticton

The DeLong Studio experience


he beautiful community of Summerland is renowned for it’s pristine beaches, awardwinning wineries, golfing, sailing, and scrumptious fruit stands. But this little slice of Okanagan heaven has an

even more exceptional reason to visit: the world class handcrafted jewellery and accessories boutique, DeLong Studio. Located in the quiet lakeside Trout Creek area on the southern end of

Fine Silver Jewellery Unique H a n d c ra f t e d D e sig n s • O p en D a ily 1 0 - 5


Visit DeLong Studio: Turn off Hwy 97 at Travel Land, onto Wharf St., Right on Nixon, Right on Williams. 4420 Williams Ave., Summerland (in Trout Creek)

w w w. d el o n g s t u dio . c o m

Summerland, proprietors Anita and John DeLong and co-working hostess Sue run this unique boutique that can only be summed up in one word: stunning. Each winter, the DeLongs travel to visit their silversmiths. John cuts the stones and designs with Anita. They collaborate with these silversmiths to create their final pieces. In addition to their own work, the Delongs support many gifted small designers. They know each artist personally: their story, their vision and their style. With the discerning eyes of experienced artists, they hand-select each designer and piece. From the delicate and ethereal, to show-stopping numbers, they’ve found something for everyone. Anita with her gorgeous creations. “We are buying the best ing to see,” explains Anita. “Many in the world,” says Anita. “We work alongside these artists, and people are mass marketed out. They every season brings something new want an individual, personalized experience. That’s our specialty.” and exciting.” One of the Delong’s greatest joys is Visiting DeLong Studio is like going seeing people’s reactions when they on an inspiring world journey through art and design. No one pushes a sale find that ‘perfect something’. “When a customer looks into the mir- on anything; it’s about helping peoror wearing a piece that looks great ple find that special ‘something’ that on them, they truly have an ‘A-ha’ makes them feel good. ~ Sarah Willard moment. For us, that is very reward-

Penticton’s one stop wineshop – BC VQA Wine Info Centre


here are so many new local Okanagan wineries popping up it is hard to keep track of them all! One of the best places to easily spot them is on the shelves of the BC VQA Wine Information Centre in Penticton. There are over 700 wines in stock from a huge selection of wineries and they are all at the same price as the winery. There are even rare wines from small producers who don’t have wineshops of their own! Friendly staff are extremely knowledgeable about local wines and have lots of suggestions to help plan your tours, making this store the perfect place to start your day’s adventures in the vineyards. At this time of year, new whites and rosés are being released from the wineries and are arriving daily at www.winetrails.ca

the Wine Information Centre. They are the perfect wines to kick off the summer season in the Okanagan. As well as wine, there is also a huge selection of new cookbooks, local cheeses, food items, wine accessories and gifts available. The BC Wine Information Centre is operated by the non-profit BC Wine Information Society and all proceeds are reinvested back into the community for education in the wine industry and wine tourism. The Society recently donated $300,000 to Okanagan College to construct the new Wine Sensory Lab in Penticton opening in May 2014. The BC VQA Wine Information Centre is open 7 days a week 9am to 6pm ~ Luke Whittall

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 19

◆ Penticton

Grape Escapes – NEW Chef-Led Farmers’ Market Tours


riving you to drink... legally...and loving it!” This Penticton tour company offers educational wine tours for every palate and experience level. “Chief Cork Dork” Dino Vino has spent a lifetime cultivating a passion for the vine and now he is out and about in the Okanagan sharing that love with as many people as he can. He and all of his guides are more than simply bus drivers or tour guides; they are wine educators. They are certified through the Wine & Spirit Education Trust and the UBC Okanagan Wine Ambassador program. This year has seen the addition of a brand new luxurious 21 passenger bus to accommodate larger groups. Whether you’re a couple or a group of 50, they’ve got you covered. Grape Escapes offers a range of tour packages throughout the area, as well as having different themes. You can even enjoy a “happy hour” themed tour that will pick you up after work on a Friday and take you to visit three wineries in the immediate area of Penticton. They will even have you

Award Winning


South Okanagan


Recognized 3 years in a row for Business Excellence in: Dino Vino, Okanagan Tour Guide Extraordinaire.

• Hospitality & Tourism, Service Excellence and Community Support • 5 Star Rating from TripAdvisor 3 years in a row

home in time for dinner! A new tour package has been designed in concert with The Bench Market Chef Stewart Glynes that has a food and wine focus. The day begins with a trip to the Penticton Farmers’ Market with Chef Glynes to pick up the ingredients for the picnic you will get to enjoy at one of your winery stops later in the day. Why not sign up for the Great Spirit Beer Experience?

Cannery Brewing Releases Skaha Summer Ale eading into those “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer”, look forward to the new release from Cannery Brewing called Skaha Summer Ale. Debuted at Okanagan Festof-Ale, it’ll surprise you as a refreshing summer drink because it’s an ale rather than a lager. Using Australian Topaz and Ella hops, the brewers achieved a big round mouth which isn’t heavy and offers a lift in the middle with delicate scents of tropical air. Those laidback summer days aren’t in the cards for Cannery though as the growth and excitement in the craft-beer industry takes flight. Says Patt Dyck, co-founder, “It’s truly a great industry to be part of right now. We’ve been having an awesome time with our colleagues collaborating at events like Brewski, Murderers Row and Fest-of-Ale.” During Fest-of-Ale, Cannery hosted a

let Dino and his staff show you around? Visit them online today to sign up for a tour at www. GrapeEscapes.ca. ~ Courtney Fossett

Enjoy stops at all of Penticton’s micro-breweries including lunch at the Barley Mill Brew Pub. There is so much to experience in this wonderful valley. Why not

reception for all the brewers in its facility, where Patt noted they felt right at home amid brewing aromas and equipment. “We’re also excited about Vancouver Craft Beer Week, May 30th to June 7th.” Cannery participated in a number of sold-out brewmasters’ dinners when it wasn’t busy planning its entry into the first Oyster Craft Beer Competition at the Osoyoos Oyster Festival or selling out of its successful inaugural Artisan Creations series, an Estonianstyle Baltic Porter. Watch for the second Artisan Creations instalment to launch in early July. Such exclusive offerings are “one batch and it’s gone”. To get your hands on these and seasonal brews, visit their website and sign up to receive their emails with the latest news. ~ Roslyne Buchanan

Page 20 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


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112-1475 Fairview Rd., Penticton, BC www.CanneryBrewing.com 250.493.2723 www.winetrails.ca

◆ Penticton

Cork dorks & curd nerds unite at upper bench

Cyclist Friendly, Community Minded (& Donut Makers!) at The Bench Market


L-R: Chef Mark Filatow and cookbook author Anita Stewart enjoying the Upper Bench patio with Shana and Gavin.


pper Bench Winery & Creamery has already paired two our favourite things. Now, imagine those things just showed up at your door every few months. It doesn’t get much better than that. At Upper Bench they call it the Curds and Corks Club. Unlike any other club you’ve belonged to, this club’s winemaker Gavin Miller selects a mix of seasonally appropriate wines from his portfolio and his wife Shana perfectly pairs it with one of her decadent cheeses. With four annual membership options, you can choose the right club for you. A full member of the Curds & Corks Club will receive six wines and three perfectly paired cheeses for $180 per shipment, while a half corked member enjoys three perfectly paired wines and cheeses for $105 per shipment.

If you’re more partial to wine or to cheese, there’s a club for you too; a Cork Club member receives six bottles of a mix of reds and whites for $140 per shipment and a Curd Club member receives three artisan cheeses for just $35 per shipment. “Our wine clubs are a great way to expand your wine taste, knowledge, and culinary repertoire because we pair our wines with our cheese and also provide wine and cheese recipes for our members,” says big cheese Shana. “It’s also a great excuse to get together with your friends and impress them with your perfect pairings.” Looking for a full wine and cheese immersion in a memorable setting? Pull up a chair at the Upper Bench patio starting May 1st and enjoy a wine flight and cheese platter while the sun sets. ~ Tracy Clark

hether you’ve just finished a leisurely ride on the Kettle Valley Railway Trail, a hard mountain bike ride on the Mice or a road ride to Naramata and back, the Bench Market offers the perfect reward for all your efforts. “Our focus on fresh, healthy local food is a fit for outdoor sports enthusiasts and food and wine tourists alike,” says Chef/Owner Stewart Glynes. Located just down the hill from the KVR Trail – and at the entrance to the Naramata Bench wine route – cyclists can simply rack their bike out front and select from a variety of healthy (or indulgent!) meals and snacks available at the Market. Sit on the sunny patio and enjoy a fantastic cup of locally roasted organic coffee along with a breakfast burrito, yogurt and homemade granola, grilled Panini or salad. Or seriously treat yourself with one of Chef Stewart’s fresh-baked goods – including artisan doughnuts, made from scratch every Friday morning. Cyclists will also get the opportunity to enjoy the Bench Market’s fare during the Prospera Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan. An assortment of delicious wraps will be awaiting riders at La Vieux Pin Winery, the halfway point in the July 13th Granfondo. “We are happy to be able to spon-

sor such a high-quality cycling race that shows off our amazing Okanagan region with its beautiful scenery,” says Glynes. “We’ll be ready to help re-fuel athletes along the course and also fuel the volunteers, who are so integral to an event like this.” ~Tracy Clark The Bench chef/owner Stewart Glynes with fresh donuts! YUM!


local fresh flavours Open 7am-5pm Mon - Fri 8am-5pm Sat, Sun & Holidays www. thebenchmarket.com OPEN DAILY FROM 10AM TO 6PM 170 UPPER BENCH ROAD SOUTH, PENTICTON T. 250 770 1733 WWW.UPPERBENCH.CA www.winetrails.ca

368 Vancouver Ave., Penticton

250-492-2222 B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 21

◆ Penticton

Great New Team at Perseus Winery


ith the introduction this spring of two new talented additions, Perseus Winery is starting to have the makings of an all-star team. CEO Rob Ingram has added winemaker Jason Parkes and wine wizard Jesse Harnden to the group. “We are very excited to have Jason and Jesse with us,” Rob says. “They are hard working, creative men with excellent reputations in our industry.” The Peachland-born Parkes makes wine under his own label and has consulted for some the Okanagan’s finest wineries. Harnden is a certified sommelier, and also has winemaking and vineyard degree to his credit. He was a popular fixture at Mission Hill for many years, and becomes the director of sales and marketing for the Terrabella group. Mica Knibbs has also been brought in as the marketing and social media co-ordinator. “Three idea people,” as Rob describes them, Parkes, Knibbs, and Harnden will offer plenty of options for creativity while they pursue fine wine farmed in the Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys. Perseus Winery continues to position itself as the gateway to the Naramata Bench and renovations are underway to build it into a wine education centre featuring private tasting rooms and vineyard tours. They

have also brought in Chef Paul Cecconi to offer his “simply fresh food” for guests looking for a casual bite on their large patio overlooking Lake Okanagan. Ample parking allows visitors to leave their cars behind and hop on the Okanagan Wine Shuttle, which makes scheduled stops all day long at wineries along the Bench. Perseus kicks into full-time operation on May 1st, opening 7 days a week through October 31st. Visitors will enjoy the winery’s best-selling Pinot Gris, Viognier, Cabernet Franc, Syrah and their flagship “Invictus” Bordeaux blend. Great values can be found in the popular Bag in Box wines, which include Cabernet Shiraz and Pinot Blanc. With the construction this year of a winemaking facility in Kelowna, Ingram expects production to reach 14,000 cases in 2014, and that will increase as the enterprise gradually moves toward its plan for three strategically located wineries. The Kelowna winery will be built over the next year and a half, but there is a plan in place to open a temporary tasting facility this summer. It will be set right beside Sunrise Vineyard and offer guests a great chance to taste multiple brands in a fun, causal setting amid the vines. The momentum that started at Perseus continues to grow. ~ Lorne Eckersley

Winemaker Jason Parkes (L) with Jesse Harnden.

Start Start your your Naramata Naramata Tour Tour with with Us! Us! Enjoy Enjoyaaglass glassof ofwine wine while taking in the while taking in theviews. views. Tour Tourthe thevineyard vineyardand and enjoy enjoypicnic picnicsnacks snacksfeaturing featuring Chef ChefPaul PaulCecconi’s Cecconi’s “simply “simplyfresh freshfood” food”from from April: April:Saturdays Saturdaysand andSundays Sundays10-5 10-5 May: May:77days daysaaweek week10-7 10-7

134 134Lower LowerBench BenchRoad, Road,Penticton, Penticton,British BritishColumbia Columbia||250.490.8829 250.490.8829||1.888.880.6605 1.888.880.6605 11 PerseusWineTrails-April2014.indd PagePerseusWineTrails-April2014.indd 22 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

/perseuswine /perseuswine

@perseuswine @perseuswine perseuswinery.com perseuswinery.com 3/25/2014 3/25/2014 8:10 8:10AM AM www.winetrails.ca

◆ Naramata

The Prescription for a Perfect Summer at Therapy Vineyards ometimes a change in your prescription can be the perfect remedy, and at Therapy Vineyards change is just what the marketing team ordered. This summer, the winery is rebranding its labels. Not surprisingly, “prescription-style” labels will replace the winery’s iconic “ink blot” labels. (Wine collectors take note: make sure to pick up an “ink blot” bottle before they’re gone for good!) “The new labels are more classic looking,” says marketing manager Daphne Tomkins. “The fun part about them is the back. You can fill out the prescription and give it to a friend.” An image of a younger-looking Freud will grace the front of the whites, and an image of Freud in his later years will cover the reds. On the back, you’ll find the prescription. The Gewürztraminer is the first to get the new look, and will be available in Therapy’s wineshop at the beginning of June. In other news, the winery is set to launch its annual “artist series” bottle. “Every year we ask local artists from around BC to submit their artwork to be



featured on our label,” says Tomkins. “This year’s theme is Dog Days of Summer, and the winning entry is by graphic designer Gerald Alexander from Langley.” Tomkins says the artwork will be printed on 1000 bottles of Viognier, and will provide Alexander with a unique opportunity to showcase his talent. The wine is popular with collectors who look forward to the new releases each year. The winery will be hosting an “artist series” party on Saturday, June 28th. Customers can pick up a bottle of Viognier and get it signed by Alexander and winemaker Steve Latchford. Finally, you’re invited to chill out on the patio with a glass of wine, and indulge in some “music therapy” this season. Back by popular demand, Okanagan singersongwriter duo Aidan Mayes and Mandy Cole will perform several Saturday afternoon shows throughout the summer. “We’re trilled to have Aidan and Mandy. We’ve had such a positive response to their music in the past, and several customers requested to see them again.” For dates and more information visit therapyvineyards.com. ~ Erin Trainer

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 23

◆ Naramata

Naramata Heritage Inn – Steeped in Good Taste

The Inn’s food and beverage team Chef A.K. Campbell (L) & Jordan Fairmen have created a delicious food and cocktail menu for the new season.


he two of them arrived on the doorstep of the Inn together last spring”, explains Innkeeper Toni Bloomfield who, with her husband Julius, has been happily running the Inn since purchasing it last year, “they are our f & b dream team!” She is speaking of chef A.K.

Campbell and Jordan Fairman whose enthusiasm makes for a perfect match for the Bloomfields, who themselves have poured their hearts and love into this beautiful property that first opened in 1908 – and it shows. From the first moment you stroll across the southern style veranda, you will be

seduced by the romance and splendor that sighs from every corner. The Bloomfields are excited to start the spring season at the Inn (which is now open year round) and are kicking things off with A.K.’s delectable new menu. I love the unique flavour combinations introduced throughout the menu. With dishes focusing on local ingredients, he offers an international array of flavours that he describes as “adventurous”. For instance, the mussels are served in an amazing saffron, vanilla and roasted fennel sauce. There is a wide range of dishes to choose from so “whether you would like a burger and a beer or a five-course wine-paired menu, the Bistro has it all”, says Julius.

And don’t forget the cocktail menu! This is where Jordan’s expertise shines. The liquid chef in the house also focuses on local ingredients and makes all of his syrups in house. He loves the cocktail classics and offers them all alongside some new creations like the Sour Cherry Drop that is topped with Jordan’s version of a maraschino cherry (his is a dried cherry from a farm up the road that has been soaked in amaretto- delicious!) Go to our website www.winetrails. ca to check out The Slammin’ Seared Salmon with Paella Inspired Risotto that chef A.K. has shared with us! ~ Jennifer Schell

A Construction Bloom at Forest Green Man Lavender Farm


here’s something about the smell of fresh lavender that makes you want to crawl into a big bed with crisp white sheets, and drift off into a glorious afternoon nap. It’s that “deep breath in ahhhhhh” feeling that makes lavender a favourite scent. So it’s a good thing that Doug Mathias and Karolina Born-Tschümperlin, owners of Forest Green Man Lavender Farm, have an abundance of the delicate purple shrub to lower their stress during their shop expansion. The couple has been operating out of a 30 year-old building on Doug’s family property for several years. This spring, it was time for change. “We’re going from 180 to 400 square feet,” says Karolina. “We’ll be able to welcome more visitors, and we’ll finally have space to display everything.” Doug and Karolina’s 5-acre farm has 2500 lavender plants. From these, they make more than 30 products including oils, soaps, and lotions. They also sell bunches of lavender for bedside and decorative table displays. “Everybody wants lavender,” says Karolina. “Girls want it in their weddings. People want it in their

food. It smells so nice.” It also makes you feel good. “Clinical trials that show lavender helps reduce cortisol and has a calming effect on the body,” says Doug. This summer, treat yourself to an authentic Okanagan afternoon, and plan to finish your wine tour on the Naramata Bench with a stop at Forest Green Man Lavender Farm. But keep in mind – it may put you in the mood for a siesta! ~ Erin Trainer

Karolina & Doug at their heavenly lavender farm shop.

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◆ Naramata

Poplar Grove - A Wine Club with Benefits any of us join clubs for a sense of belonging, to give back and to challenge us. Whether it’s running, reading or service – clubs bring like minds together. But sometimes, we need a club that’s all about discovery and good times. That’s what being part of the Poplar Grove wine club is all about! What does it mean to be part of this wine club? For starters, you’ll receive six bottles of wine delivered to your door three times a year. Expect to unbox pre-releases or themed groupings. Recently, lucky wine club members



received a vertical collection of Poplar Grove’s 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Merlots. The winery cellars these wines specifically for its club. “Being a member is another way to be part of the Poplar Grove family,” says general manager Jacquie Carlson. And here’s the exclusive part: “We make some wines just for our club. Our winemaking team comes up with different and fun blends from small lot varietals that you won’t find anywhere else.” While you can join at any time, if you sign up by June you’ll be invited to attend Poplar Grove’s an-

nual wine club barbeque in July. This soiree brings together more than 300 members and guests who indulge in vino and mingle between stations of mouth-watering edible pairings. At this event, you’ll meet the winemakers, ask questions and learn more about your favourite wines. Finish off the night with a little dancing under the stars. And if you think wine clubs are just for a certain few – think again. Poplar Grove’s wine club is made up of the young and young-atheart, the new and experienced. “We’re finding people with all lifestyles and incomes are joining

us. And we have several options. You can choose only reds, only whites or a mix of both. We’ll cater to your palate,” says Carlson. Join the club through Poplar Grove’s website or in person. And while you’re visiting this summer, plan to stay a while. The tasting room will be open until 9 pm daily. It’s the perfect opportunity to grab a chilled bottle of the winery’s 2013 Blanc De Noirs – a spicy blend of Malbec and Syrah with hints of berries and rhubarb. Then, take a seat on the patio for a relaxing and stunning sunset view like none other. ~ Erin Trainer

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 25

◆ Naramata

Food & Wine with a View at Vanilla Pod Restaurant

Proprietor Paul Jones


he Vanilla Pod Restaurant, under the loving guidance of its owners Paul and Sheila Jones, has thrived (to say the least) since it’s opening in 2006. From a small eatery employing two staff in Summerland to last year housing a team of 36 at their stunning new location inside Poplar Grove Winery on the Naramata Bench, you might say that they are enjoying great success. Part of that success comes through the important partnerships that Paul

and Sheila have forged through their business. Firstly their relationship with executive chef Bruno Terroso, who has been with them almost since day one, has resulted in a loyal friendship as well as the creation of a unique menu that has grown a loyal fan base. Exercising a farm-to-table cooking philosophy, chef Bruno sources locally and seasonally and his wife grows most of the tomatoes for the restaurant. He also has an herb garden off the restaurant patio to keep his dishes as fresh tasting as possible. Chef Bruno’s innovative Sushi Pizza has attained an almost cult like status for food lovers. This coveted dish will be back on the dinner menu in April for a limited time only. Their other partnership with Poplar Grove Winery is based on that perfect pairing between food and wine. Owner Tony Holler and the Joneses have known each other for years with their relationship following Paul’s impressive career past in restaurant and hotels from Kelowna to Whistler, Vancouver and back to Summerland. When Tony decided to build a restaurant space within his state-ofthe-art winery in 2011, he knew just the man to call – Paul. Paul says there is a “great synergy” between the two and that they have enjoyed an

“excellent partnership”. By the way, no stranger to the wine world, Paul’s advanced knowledge and studies in wine are very impressive. He says, “I love to promote the local wine industry -it is important to me. I have

watched it grow up!” The Vanilla Pod has become a destination restaurant in wine country and a top choice for events and weddings. ~ Jennifer Schell

Naramata Bench Wineries: Enjoy the Wines, Experiences and People


Story in Every Bottle” rings true when you think of the wineries in the Naramata Bench Wineries Association. When drinking a bottle of Naramata wine, the memories from your visit come pouring out along with the wine. This winery association is committed not only to creating renowned wines, but also to having fun and offering a warm and personal welcome to their visitors. Visiting Naramata Bench wineries is more than just tasting great wines; it is also about enjoying the experiences and the people that this spectacular wine region has to offer. 25 member wineries are dotted along a gentle country road with spectacular views of Okanagan Lake. Check in advance for events and experiences to enhance your wine holiday. Member wineries offer a variety

of individual events throughout the summer and fall, many of which are free to come and enjoy. There are music performances, art events, live theatre, fashion shows, winemaker tastings, and more. Watch for opportunities to get behind the scenes of wine making or into the vineyards. In addition to the individual events, the association presents their Annual Tailgate Party, scheduled to be held this year on September 13 at Poplar Grove Winery. This year the event will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the iconic Canadian film, My American Cousin, which was shot in Naramata by a Naramata filmmaker. The last two years’ Tailgate Parties sold out a month in advance with 500 attendees, so check out their website at www.naramatawineries.com to get your tickets today.

Page 26 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

~ Dona Sturmanis


A Story in Every Bottle Winery Events & Experiences All Season


Join us for the Party of the Year!

NaramataBench.com naramatawines @naramatawines

JOIN OUR WINE CLUB Be a part of the Story


◆ Naramata

Celebrate Mom & Dad at Hillside Winery & BIstro


hey say you are what you eat. Well, if you want to be friendly and well balanced be sure to pick up a bottle of Hillside Winery & Bistro’s 2013 Gewürztraminer and Rosé. Winemaker Kathy Malone’s

newest releases have found a way to be just that – these juicy “drink me now” wines will have us all begging for sunshine and patios. Marketing manager, Lisa BaxterBurke, who says these are not sur-

Located on the beautiful Naramata Bench, experience exceptional and unique wines, creative, locally-inspired cuisine and striking views.

Tasting Room & Gift Shop Open Daily 10-5 The Bistro Open for lunch and dinner Wednesday-Sunday! Check out our delicious Spring Menu!

prisingly a staff favourite, describes the spring sippers as the perfect embodiment of Malone’s style: “balanced, fresh, crisp and most of all, fun.” But these are not the only wines in the portfolio to taste this spring. May 3rd Hillside is offering the opportunity to raise a glass of Pinot Gris at their new Pinot & Pearls event, as part of the Okanagan Spring Wine Festival. With a focus on Ocean Wise sustainable oysters, guests will be invited to sip wine and slurp oysters. Tickets are just $45 and are very limited. The following weekend, it’s time to celebrate Mom. One of Hillside’s signature events, the Mother’s Day Brunch and Lunch sit on the patio, or dine indoors, surrounded by local art. Chef Robert Cordonier and his team will put their always-delicious spin on amazing favourites like Eggs Benedict and quiche. Brunch wouldn’t be completed without bacon – try the double smoked bacon, potato hash and of course, it goes without saying, chef’s famous cinnamon buns. About a month later, it’s time to re-

Winemaker Kathy Malone

turn for that other important person – Dad. On June 15, celebrate Father’s Day by pairing your favourite red with a big prime rib dinner. Dad is sure to go home happy. For details on these events and everything else happening at Hillside Winery & Bistro this summer, go to www.hillsidewinery.ca. ~Tracy Clark

Fresh Summer News at Cormier’s B&B and Art Studio


awrence and Kena Cormier, owners of Penticton’s Phone: 250 493 6274 Bistro Phone: 250 487 1350 Cormier’s Bed and Breakfast and Art Studio, are honToll Free: 1 888 923 9463 info@hillsidewinery.ca oured because in October www.hillsidewinery.ca 2013, they were nominated as a top 10 North American Art Inn for the year through BedandBreakfast.com. Cormier’s B&B and Gallery is ideal year round because the beach, marina, festivals, Farmer’s Market and downtown amenities are within walking Hosts and artists at Cormier’s Studio distance, but especially in the with Lulu. summer when traffic in town can it always has new art. “Currently I am be a bit heavier. Of course, summer brings with it fresh and abundant working on a series of quail, sunflowproduce, which B&B guests also find ers, roosters, and of course, wine! Lawrence has just completed a ‘funcat the Cormier breakfast table. A cultural tourism feast! Indulge yourself in our luxurious B&B and enjoy A cultural tourism feast! Indulge yourself in our luxurious B&B tional fun’ bench with an Okanagan enjoy a yummy in theoverlooking art gallery Okanagan overlooking Okanagan Lake.“We are continually re-landscaping aand yummy breakfast inbreakfast the art gallery Lake. wine and music theme. He has also the gardens in an effort to provide Lawrence andcreates Kena creates Open most days 11-5. Lawrence sculptssculpts and Kena mixed mixed media media wallart!wallart! Open most days 12-5. more privacy on each guest’s patio,” finished another in his series of sculpsays Kena. “Our deer fence, which at tural wall hung trees.” Lawrence & Kena Cormier 495 Vancouver Ave.,Penticton BC V2A 1A4 A cultural tourism feast! Indulge yourself in our luxurious B&B Lawrence & Kena Cormier first I was not too impressed with, has Lawrence and Kena are entering their 250-493-3273 and enjoy a yummy breakfast in the art gallerywww.cormierstudio.com overlooking Okanagan Lake. lkcormier@shaw.ca 495 Vancouver Ave., allowed me to plant whatever my lit- 14th year in the bed and breakfast Lawrence sculpts and Kena creates mixed media wallart! Open most days 11-5. tle heart desires...I now love my deer business and their 5th in their new Penticton, BC V2A 1A4 Lawrence & Kena Cormier 495 Vancouver 250-493-3273 Ave.,Penticton BC V2A 1A4 fence. Can’t wait to add some veg- “digs.” Cormier’s is definitely worth gies to my herb garden this year— the visit, be it to appreciate art for a 250-493-3273 www.cormierstudio.com lkcormier@shaw.ca www.cormierstudio.com few hours or stay for a few days. that is exciting!” lkcormier@shaw.ca As for Cormier’s Art Studio, Kena says ~ Dona Sturmanis yourself in our luxurious B&B Contact us to inquire about weddings & corporate events.

gallery overlooking Okanagan Lake. media wallart! Open most days 11-5.

www.winetrails.ca uver Ave.,Penticton BC V2A 1A4 dio.com lkcormier@shaw.ca

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 27

◆ Naramata

Moraine’s Magnificient Pinot Noir


acq Kemp and Pinot Noir are turning out to be a great match at Moraine Winery. The New Zealand-born winemaker clearly has an affinity for Pinot Noir grown on the Naramata Bench vineyards. Since its release in January 2014 Moraine’s Pinot Noir since its release in January 2014 has been selected three times as one of the top nine BC VQA wines to be served at a Visa Infinite Dining Experience. Already in 2014 it has been featured in Calgary and Vancouver Visa Infinite dining events, a clear sign that Jacq’s passion for the Heartbreak Grape is showing up in her wines. Once a nutritional research scientist, Jacq earned her winemaking degree in New Zealand in 2000, and has since gained experience working in Burgundy, Western Australia, New Zealand and Canada. She and her family have settled in the Okanagan, where her goal is “to make vineyard-focused wines that are balanced, elegant and distinctly varietal.” Wine critics like David Lawrason have embraced the 2012 Pinot Noir, Jacq’s first vintage at Moraine Winery. After a tasting in February, he described it as having “nicely

Moraine’s fabuous winemaker Jaqueline (Jaq) Kemp


from our vineyards,” Oleg says. “Our customers have responded enthusiastically to our wines and it’s great to see that the critics agree.” ~ Lorne Eckersley



ripe cherry fruit, complexity and balance”, adding “it is a gutsy Pinot that Pinot fans will like to dig into, it has character and excellent length with cranberry-currant fruit.” The grapes for the 2012 vintage were picked from Sophia’s Vineyard (named for a daughter of owners Oleg and Svetlana Aristarkhov) on October 14th, and fermented in small bins to allow bright fruitiness and lovely aromas to develop. The wine was aged for 10 months in premium French oak from the

Lock & Worth: Balanced Fresh Wines (& Cheese!) Overlooking the Lake ur goal is to make extremely high quality wines that do not cost a fortune,” says Matthew Sherlock of Lock & Worth Winery. “Or as we like to say— ‘Single Vineyard Wines. Everyday’.” The name of this Naramata Bench winery is derived from the last names of Matthew Sherlock and Ross Hackworth, who is also sole proprietor and winemaker at Nichol Vineyard. At Lock & Worth, their wine making is very “hands off”— there is minimal intervention in the winery with a focus on wines that are balanced and fresh as opposed to heavy and rich. They started in 2011 and completed their third harvest last fall. Matthew and Ross make about 1400 cases of wine annually with a focus on Merlot and Cabernet Franc for reds and a Sauvignon Blanc (90%) and

Troncais forest, which produces wood with exceptionally tight grains. “It is exciting for us to see the success Jacq is having with fruit

Semillon (10%) blend for their white. They also make a very limited Rosé from Cabernet Franc. The winery itself is on the original Poplar Grove property and the home vineyard for the reds is the original Poplar Grove vineyard planted in 1995 on the Naramata Bench. The tasting room is a shared space with Poplar Grove Cheese. Visitors can sample all the wines as well as a selection of cheeses. “We have a lovely picnic area overlooking the lake,” says Matthew. “Visitors can buy a glass of wine and some cheese and crackers and enjoy the afternoon on the grass or picnic tables.” Lock & Worth is open weekends until the May long weekend, and every day after until October, 11-5.

Page 28 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

~ Dona Sturmanis


Open daily 10am - 6pm May through October www.morainewinery.com

T: 250 460 1836 1865 Naramata Road, Penticton, BC, Canada V2A8T9

Wine & Cheese Together - Both Located Just Off Naramata Rd., Penticton

poplargrovecheese.ca • Delicious Handcrafted cheeses • Wine & Cheese Tastings

Single Vineyard Wines. Everyday.

• Cheese Making Classes Open 7 Days A Week June to October 11 to 5

Find Us At : 1060 Poplar Grove. Rd. 250-492-4575 www.winetrails.ca

◆ Naramata

Wine 101 & Cooking Classes from The Pecking Room at Red Rooster Winery ith so much to learn in the world of wine, Red Rooster Winery is offering many great ways to learn about wine and food in a fun and friendly atmosphere. With their landmark winery near the beginning Naramata Road, it’s the perfect place to begin! Start off your day with a session called “Tasting Room Lingo” to learn how to expertly sip, swirl, and spit your way through wines like a pro. It’s a great way to start out on a wine tour and is offered daily at 10am beginning in May. Best of all, it’s a free experience! Also beginning in May is an educational series that will explore different topics relating to wine. This series promises some unique and exciting tasting opportunities. With session titles like “What Did Chardonnay Ever Do To You?” it’s sure to be a ton of fun as well. Both of these experiences are held upstairs in The Coop, Red Rooster’s private tasting boutique. Sessions will be scheduled daily



throughout the summer. Be sure to book your time well in advance if possible as space in The Coop is limited. A complete schedule of these fun and informative sessions is available on the website. Lunch at The Pecking Room Patio Grill is a Naramata experience you won’t soon forget. Chef Darin Patterson is returning for his 3rd season with a delightful new menu prepared using a coal-fired grill. The focus is on using the freshest, locally-sourced ingredients for a diverse menu that is sure to satisfy your hunger on your wine tour. Of course being right next to the wineshop means that you’ll have access to many of your favourite wines to pair with your meal. If enjoying lunch on the patio with a stunning view isn’t enough, this year Chef Patterson will also be conducting cooking classes on the grill. This is a unique and truly hands-on experience where Chef Patterson will personally coach you through making your dinner. It’s a

Winemaker Karen Gillis

great way to learn new culinary tips and techniques! Courses will be held on select weekday evenings in July and August. New releases are happening frequently at this time of year. The best way to keep up is with Red

Rooster’s e-Blast that gives you the opportunity to purchase wines even before the wineshop gets them! Check out information on this great service on the website at redroosterwinery.com. ~ Luke Whittall

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 29

◆ Naramata

Incredible Edibles & Drinkables at Serendipity

Mother-daughter team Katie O’Kell and Judy Kingston.


erendipity Winery’s Katie O’Kell tore herself away from the fourday job of removing bird nets from the vineyard to report on the winery’s exciting developments. “All of our single varietal reds are now bottled and the whites are next,” she said. “They will all be ready for our opening on May 1st.” The conversation quickly turns to

incredible edibles. In the works are three food-related events this year. A food truck will be at the wineshop every Saturday so visitors can either stroll through the vineyard or grab some perfect picnic food and wine. This will be the first move in a plan to open a restaurant adjacent to the winery next year. As well, a follow-up to last year’s Naughty or Nice Party is set for August 2nd. The theme builds on tonguein-cheek Serendipity wine names like White Lie and Devil’s Advocate. The theme reached greater heights last year with the release of Red Handed, a red wine created to help pay for Judy’s divorce settlement! The event includes wine and food pairings and admission is free. The third event is the second annual bring-your-own blanket movie night in the vineyard. There will be pizza, popcorn and wine pairings. Not all events are food-related. In July, Judy and Katie will once again don Western duds, Stetsons included, to spend 10 days at the Calgary Stampede, where Judy will once again serve as winemaker in residence. She will be pouring special

editions of Syrah and Serenata, the wonderful Bordeaux blend, in bottles with suitable Western themed labels playing on the familiar apple tree. With production still at a modest level—only 45 cases each of Pinot

Noir, Merlot, Cab Franc and Cab Sauv, for example—we can only recommend that fans consider joining the wine club. These wines don’t grow on trees! ~ Lorne Eckersley

B.C. Winery of the Year - 2013 New York International Wine Competition

Order Online at: www.serendipitywinery.com

Legend Distilling – The Spirit of the Naramata Bench


fter spending years each running their own successful business, hers a popular local grocery/eatery and his a construction company, Dawn and Doug Lennie had a “spiritual” epiphany and made a decision to collaborate. Legend has it that Doug has joked around for years about rescuing all the guys being dragged around on wine tours and take them to whiskey still in the hills for a wee dram. Well, they have done just that! After locating a gorgeous property overlooking the lake in Naramata - which incidentally used to be the local doctors office - the Lennie’s have built beautiful new Legend Distilling and will be prescribing their own tonics this spring. Dawn says, “Out of the gate we will be offering vodka and gin. We will also be producing whiskey that will age for at least three years in barrel. From there we have many other ideas for unique products using locally available ingredients...but you will have to stay tuned for what will be next!” Obviously the building design is gorgeous with Doug able to utilize his years of construction expertise, and there are plans for an outdoor patio where guests will be able to linger

Open for the season May 1, 2014. Open 10am-5pm, 7 days a week. Before May 1, please call for an appointment: 250-486-5290 990 Debeck Rd., Naramata, BC

serendipitywinery.com Serendipity Winery

info@serendipitywinery.com @Winespiration

Owners Dawn & Doug Lennie

over a cocktail with amazing views of Giant’s Head Mountain and Okanagan Lake. Timely as well, the local spirits industry has exploded lately with the new liquor laws having a dramatic effect. Dawn explains “The liquor changes back in March 2013 allowing craft distilleries using 100% BC raw ingredients to sell direct to the consumer from the tasting room as well as to private liquor stores and restaurants was the big turning point for this industry”. Congratulations Dawn and Doug! We can’t wait to sample your spirits – we have a good feeling that they will become legendary. ~ Jennifer Schell

Page 30 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


◆ Naramata/Kaleden

Howling Bluff Releases new Semillon


Our Vines, Our Wines On the Naramata Bench

Dedicated to producing small lots of fine wines. 1086 Three Mile Road, Penticton 250-490-3640 www.howlingbluff.ca Howling Bluff Estate Winery @howlingbluff


decade into producing wines, Howling Bluff is like a champion marathon runner. Long, confident strides take it straight to the finish line, where customers eagerly await new releases each year. “We have been experimenting for 10 years now and outside of variations that Mother Nature will dictate, we have now established the distinctive style for Howling Bluff wines,” says owner Luke Smith. Especially exciting for Luke this spring is the release of his Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon wines. The 2013 vintage will include the Sauv Semi blend that has be-

come his perennial bestseller, as well as single varietals. This will be only the fourth release in 10 years of Sauvignon Blanc and the first ever for Semillon. “Point blank, I am really pumped for folks to try these new white wines,” he says. “I think Howling Bluff has found our stride and style, and I am enthusiastic for people to try them.” These spring releases will first be available at the May 2nd Naramata Bench Wineries Association Spring Release event in Vancouver. And, while supplies last our 2011 Reserve Pinot Noir and 2010 Suma Quies Sin Cera, will be available

in the wineshop starting with the Okanagan Spring Wine Festival. ~ Lorne Eckersley

Luke & Jen Smith

A POS-I-TIVE-LY Memorable experience awaits at Kraze Legz Winery


walk toward the door at Kraze Legz Winery, but instead of pushing it open I take a moment to look out over the vineyards. Kaleden is the hidden gem off Highway 97, on the drive between Penticton and Oliver. Small farms

and holiday cabins dot the landscape and the view to the north extends to Skaha Lake and the City of Penticton. If this isn’t heaven, I think, it might be as close as I’ll ever get. Breaking my reverie, I push through the door to be welcomed by the smiles of owners Gerry and Sue Thygesen, the brains behind an innovative marketing strategy (Kraze Legz: crazy, eh?) and the brawn behind 2,000+ cases of very nice wines. “Gerry and I do everything,” Sue says. “And with most of our wines sold here at the winery, it’s paramount that we give people a pos-i-tively memorable Okanagan experience.” That experience includes being taken through tastings by the owners, learning about the stories behind wines like The Bee’s Knees Pinot Blanc, The Lindy Hop white blend, The Cakewalk Merlot, Speakeasy Rosé and All That Jazz. When the wineshop opens in May, visitors will find a completely new dessert wine. A Madeirastyle wine, fortified with alcohol produced from their estate-grown Merlot grapes(only 50 cases). “This site produces high

quality fruit,” Gerry says, “and thus some really big surprises”. Big, but good. Stay tuned. A few days after our visit we paired a bottle of Kraze Legz 2012 Pinot Blanc with curried chicken potpie and a salad, and it was fantastic. Pinot Blanc, which so often is highly acidic and very apple-y, has never been our favourite. But this version is so creamy and delicious that we became instant fans. It certainly is The Bee’s Knees! ~ Lorne Eckersley

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 31

The Heart of Wine Country wraps around the Okanagan Falls area stretching from Skaha Lake to Vaseux Lake. The area is famed for some of Canada’s top wine production with the highest quality wines in the valley. What has largely been kept a secret only sought out by those wine lovers in the know, these hidden gems of small wineries offer a taste of some of the finest wines, wonderful people and the heart of the Okanagan wine experience. Call each winery for wineshop hours. Blasted Church Vineyards 378 Parsons Rd., OK Falls 250.497.1125 www.blastedchurch.com


Blue Mountain Vineyard & Cellar 2385 Allendale Rd., OK Falls 250.497.8244 www.bluemountainwinery.com Kraze Legz Vineyard & Winery 141 Fir Ave., Kaleden 250.497.6957 www.krazelegz.com


Vancou - by invit

Liquidity Vineyards 4720 Allendale Rd., OK Falls 778.515.5550 www.liquiditywines.com Meyer Family Vineyards 4287 McLean Creek Rd., OK Falls 250.497.8553 www.MFVwines.com Noble Ridge Vineyard & Winery 2320 Oliver Ranch Rd. ,OK Falls 250.497.7945 www.nobleridge.com

Call for wine shop hours & look for our wines in your favorite liquor stores!

Painted Rock Estate Winery 400 Smythe Dr., Penticton 250.493.6809 www.paintedrock.ca See Ya Later Ranch 2575 Green Lake Rd., OK Falls 250.497.8267 www.sylranch.com Stag’s Hollow Winery 2237 Sun Valley Way, OK Falls 250.497.6162 www.stagshollowwinery.com Synchromesh Wines 4220 McLean Creek Rd., OK Falls 250.535.1558 www.synchromeshwines.ca Topshelf Winery 236 Linden Ave., Kaleden 778.515.0099 www.topshelfwine.ca Wild Goose Vineyards & Winery 2145 Sun Valley Way, OK Falls 250.497.8919 www.wildgoosewinery.com

For the latest information on all happenings in the heart of wine country, contact us www.ofwa.ca info@ofwa.ca Page 32 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014



2014 EVENTS Fri, July 11

5:00pm to 9:00pm

Party in the Park at Kenyon Park, Okanagan Falls

Everyone Welcome! Tickets and info: www.ofwa.ca _______________________________

Sat., Nov. 29 & Sun., Nov. 30 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Holiday Cheer Open House Wineries of the Okanagan Falls Winery Association


◆ Okanagan


It Pays to Specialize: MFV’s Award-winning Pinot & Chardonnay


eyer Family Vineyards in Okanagan Falls specializes in superlative Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. This specialty is underscored by the awards won by their wines. “Based on our rankings

at the 2013 WineAlign National Wine Awards, we placed #10 winery in Canada and #5 winery in BC,” says JAK Meyer who owns Meyer Family Vineyards with his wife Janice Stevens. “We’ve had the #1




New Release Micro Cuvée Pinot Noir

94 points, John Schreiner 93 points, WineScores.ca 91 points, (17.5 points) Steven Spurrier 2 Silver Medals

2014 Global Pinot Noir Masters 2011 Reimer Vineyard Pinot Noir 2011 McLean Creek Pinot Noir

“crafting single vineyard wines of excellence” Join us June 14th at Peach Cliff for a morning hike, brunch & spritzers! More info online at www.MFVwines.com. Watch for details on our summer series Bocce!

New Releases For Spring

Opening the wineshop in the Spring is always an exciting time. Drop by for a taste of our newest vintages. • 2013 Tragically Vidal • 2012 Sauvignon Blanc •2012 Con-Fusion • 2012 Renaissance Merlot Futures Open 11am - 5pm daily 2237 Sunvalley Way, Okanagan Falls • 250-497-6162


Chardonnay in Canada two years in a row and two Pinot Noirs in the top five in Canada two years in a row.” New releases include 2012 Okanagan Valley Pinot Noir, 2012 Reimer Vineyard Pinot Noir, 2012 McLean Creek Road Pinot Noir, 2012 Tribute Series Chardonnay, 2012 McLean Creek Road Chardonnay, 2012 Micro Cuvée Pinot Noir and 2012 Micro Cuvée Chardonnay. Like all of their wines, these releases are born of the Meyer philosophy of focusing on small lot single vineyard wines of excellence in the traditions of Burgundy. Joining the Meyer Family Vineyards Wine Club brings priority access to limited-availability wines and other

benefits. Members are shipped four bottles of fine Meyer wine personally selected by winemaker Chris Carson, with tasting notes. Summer events include the Meyer Family Party in the Barn, Saturday, May 17th to celebration 2012 new releases and the new tank room. This will include complimentary wine tastings, a BBQ buffet and live entertainment. A morning hike up Peach Cliff takes place Saturday, June 14th, followed by brunch and wine tasting. Details on Summer Series Bocce are to come. Visit MFVwines.com for more information or to purchase tickets. ~ Dona Sturmanis

Take a Walk on the Wine Side with Stag’s Hollow Winery


tag’s Hollow is hoping to build allows for a much tighter integraon the momentum of 2013, a tion of its components. The result is year that saw a string of im- a Sauvignon Blanc with more poise, pressive awards including a Lieu- confidence, and personality. tenant Governor’s Award for their The 2013 Riesling comes from a Cachet No. 3. Owner Linda Prueg- vineyard in Osoyoos on the west ger and winemaker Dwight Sick are side of the valley, an area not norwasting no time in getting things mally known for Riesling. The result ready for 2014, their 18th season is a beautifully tropical flavour prowith a series of events and releases. file sure to bring new admirers to On Saturday, May 3rd you can “Take this classic variety. a Walk on the Wine Side” with two Information on tours, current wines, special tours lead by Dwight Sick and awards can be found on their at 11:30am and 1:30pm. The tour website at stagshollowwinery.com will focus on the cellar and the pro~ Luke Whittall cesses that happen there daily as well as at harvest time. A passionate and knowledgeable winemaker, Dwight has a knack for explaining the world of wine, relating the complex decisions that he makes daily to the flavours in the glass. Newly released is perpetually hip Tragically Vidal 2013 along with the Sauvignon Blanc 2012 and Riesling 2013. The Sauvignon Blanc has had extended ageing. With a quarter fermented in barrel with frequent battonage (lees stir- Karin Grosstessner-Hain (L) from Austria and Mike Slegr ring), the extra ageing from Czech Republic helping on the bottling line. B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 33

◆ Okanagan


Wild Goose Vineyards’ Smoke and Oak Bistro opens


Smoke and Oak Bistro’s Chef Sarren Wolfe at Wildgoose Vineyards

ooking for delicious Southern comfort food during your Okanagan wine touring? Look no further, Chef Sarren Wolfe and his team are bringing their best to the brand-new bistro at Okanagan Fall’s Wild Goose Vineyards this

May! “Chef Sarren came highly recommended from a number of channels,” says Roland Kruger, GM of his family winery. “He’s energetic, passionate, and works well with his family – his mom Fran is his baker and chef assistant!” The Kruger’s purchased an intimidating large BBQ/ smoker/rotisserie unit straight from Tennessee to produce their “Southern-style BBQ-themed” dishes. “We looked at what other winery restaurants were doing. We wanted a different angle. This is food you can grab with your hands – something that tastes great in an environment where people can feel at home.” Smoke and Oak is fusion soul food at it’s best, drawing from the Deep South’s rich repertoire and incorporating traditional German elements like spaetzle and rotkohl salat from the Kruger’s time-tested family recipes. “I’m having a lot of fun with the food,” says Chef Sarren. “Ten minutes drive in either direction, I’ve got access to farms, bakers, butchers and sausage-makers... we want to support the community as much as possible.” Chef Sarren is dedicated to providing the best possible

experience. “That’s what hospitality is all about: having a great experience. If you provide that, success follows suit. When people spend their hard-earned money by going out to eat, they need to be taken care of. Otherwise, why not just eat at home? There has to be a real connection between those making the food and those eating it. I like to greet everyone myself. I want people to say, ‘Wow. Everyone needs to come here.’ Then bring all of their friends!” Providing well-priced food was something everyone involved agreed on. “The Krugers said that they were tired of hearing people say that they spent more money on food than wine, yet still left feeling hungry,” explains Chef Sarren. The Bistro’s open 11-5: Wednesday through Sunday from May to late June, then daily during the summer. Smoke and Oak is hosting their Grand Opening “Oh Pretty Woman” BBQ during the Okanagan Spring Wine Festival. Enjoy Chef Sarren’s BBQ buffet featuring local meats and produce paired with hand-selected wines by award-winning winemaker, Hagen Kruger. Tickets are $45, and include lunch, wine pairing, and a live Roy Orbison tribute artist. Contact kate@wildgoosewinery. com or call 250.497.8919. ~ Sarah Willard

Wine Club Members receive free shipping on your first case and 10% off online and in-store purchases.

Restaurant Reservations Call: 1.877.497.8919

2009 Pacific NW Winery of the Year - 2013 Intervin Winery of the Year ~ 8 Lieutenant Governor Awards

Complimentary Tastings Seven Days A Week 10-5

Now Open! Our New

Smoke & Oak Bistro

facebook.com/wildgoosevineyards Page 34 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


2145 Sun Valley Way, OK Falls 250.497.8919 info@wildgoosewinery.com

@wildgoosewines www.winetrails.ca

◆ Oliver

Joy Road Catering Opens Patio Restaurant at Black Hills!


lack Hills Estate Winery opened their beautiful Wine Experience Center on Black Sage Road in 2012 and have been providing enjoyable, sit-down wine tastings on their breathtaking vineyard setting ever since. Their friendly and knowledgeable “Wine Evangelists” guide visitors through the entire portfolio of six Black Hills wines with each wine being served in a varietal specific Riedel glass. This is a wonderful way to taste the progression amongst the varietals and blends from the winery, ending with a tasting of their well-known flagship “Nota Bene” wine. The Nota Bene is a spectacular Bordeaux-style Estate wine produced 100% from grapes growing right beside you. The Wine Experience Center will be open to the public as of April 26, 2014 and will feature 2 for 1 tastings on the first weekend. You can also purchase a limited quantity of the 14th vintage of Nota Bene. New for 2014, Black Hills has partnered with Joy Road Catering, a caterer well known in the area for their use of local products and

delightful winery dinners. On June 15th the new “Joy Road Patio Restaurant” will open at the Wine Experience Center and provide visitors with both lunch and wine pairing options. Joy Road is creating a fresh new menu focused on Okanagan food along with a new selection of flat bread pizzas that have been carefully paired with each of the Black Hills Wines. Joy Road will be based on site creating the food, and crafting the seasonal “Cuisine du Terroir” that they have become famous throughout the Okanagan for. Their food offerings will be a wonderful compliment to the Black Hills wine and will create some experiences that I can’t wait to try! If you are looking for an amazing event to enjoy this spring, then come to Black Hills on Saturday June 21st, 2014 and be part of the 14th Annual Nota Bene release party. Enjoy grazing from an array of food stations carefully placed around the winery showcasing some of the wonderful cuisine from the Joy Road Patio restaurant. Sample all of the different wines from Black Hills Estate being served to you by the different members of the winemaking team. Marvel at the numerous performance artists and

Joy Road’s culinary duo Dana Ewart and Cameron Smith.

musicians that are part of the ambience, rub shoulders with the vineyard manager and take a guided tour of the vineyards if you should be so inclined. Tickets are only $159.00 and can be purchased by calling Black Hills Estate Winery at (250) 498-0666. ~ Cassandra Anderton

Presenting the

Wine Experience Center at Black Hills Estate Winery

Join us for an exceptional tasting experience in our new vineyard lounge. Immerse yourself in our terroir while tasting a full flight of our hand-crafted wines. Tastings are available by Appointment or by drop-in from 10 am to 6 pm daily. Full details on our website.

For details and reservations, please contact (250) 498-0666 or visit

www.blackhillswinery.com www.winetrails.ca

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 35

◆ Oliver Welcome Jenna Pillon to Terrafina’s all girl team!

From the earth Comfortable Old World charm with a New World approach A taste of Tuscany in your own backyard Open for lunch & dinner | 11.30a - 9p | Reservations recommended | +250.498.2229

Terrafina Welcomes Jenna Pillon as Sous Chef


s the season steps into stride, Terrafina at Hester Creek welcomes Jenna Pillon as sous chef to the culinary team led by Chef Natasha Schooten. Says owner April Goldade, “We are excited because Jenna comes to us having already gained great experience and accomplishments for being a relative new-comer to the culinary world.” After completing her Red Seal at Okanagan College in 2011, Jenna entered the Junior Chef of the Year competition and placed first at the Nationals. It was there she was invited to compete in Las Vegas to represent Canada at the “Hans Bueschkens Americas” Competition, July 2013, where she took second place. “Creating and building a likeminded and progressive team allows us to do what we all love at Terrafina. And that is to create a lasting impression with the guests from the dishes they taste and wine they enjoy to the welcoming atmosphere and familiar service,”

says April. The team at Terrafina is so successful in that quest you feel as if transported to Tuscany. As you enter the stunning building through its artisan door, you are immersed in a comfortable Old World charm complete with brick features, wooden pillars and iron chandelier. Whether you dine inside or on the patio adorned with lush vines and surrounded by gardens, the Italian-influenced menu captures the bounty of the Okanagan gardens, orchards and vineyards. Terrafina participates in an amazing roster of events throughout the summer from the Oliver Osoyoos Winery Association “Pig Out” at Covert Farms, music on the patio at Hester Creek to the Similkameen BBQ King at The Grist Mill. April adds, “We look forward to these opportunities to collaborate with our neighbouring restaurants, wineries and producers to showcase all the best the South Okanagan has to offer.”

Page 36 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

~ Roslyne Buchanan

887 Road 8, Oliver, British Columbia


Constellation Laboratories We provide solutions!

Constellation Laboratories is one of Canada’s leading independent testing laboratories, providing wine technology solutions to a diverse client base ranging from small wineries to large scale wine production plants. We offer a wide range of Quality Control services to cover the full range of winery activities: • Preharvest maturity • Fermentation Drop Off Locations: • Ongoing storage Cronie Winery Supplies • Prebottling analysis 200 Ellis St., Penticton • Component packaging testing, Constellation Labs 7857 Tuc-El-Nuit Dr., • Export analysis certificates Oliver • Production Quality Monitoring

7857 Tuc-El-Nuit Dr. , Oliver, BC VOH 1T2 www.cbrands.com


www.constellationlaboratories.com www.winetrails.ca

◆ Oliver

Special Summer Wine, Food & Music at Hester Creek Winery stellar summer wine and food experience on the Okanagan’s Golden Mile Bench awaits visitors at Hester Creek Estate Winery near Oliver. The 95-acre Mediterranean-influenced grounds, winery and guest villas evoke an old-world sense of tranquility. Situated within some of British Columbia’s oldest vineyards in the bountiful Golden Mile region, Hester Creek produces wines that place an emphasis on fresh fruit flavours and the gentle use of oak. This acclaimed, award-winning winery is featuring some fresh, lively releases for summer and invites visitors to come and taste the difference:


''2013 Cabernet Franc Rosé Extremely food-friendly and fun, this Rosé is packed with strawberries and rhubarb and is ideal with charcuterie and cheese. ''2013 Trebbiano The Okanagan’s only Trebbiano is a unique wine experience full of exotic tropical fruit and lively acidity, available predominantly in the Hester Creek wineshop. ''2013 Pinot Blanc One of the Okanagan’s under-appreciated gems, this great value wine is produced from some of the valley’s oldest Pinot Blanc vines, and offers fresh acidity and minerality with peach and melon flavours. This summer, Hester Creek spit-roasted BBQ lunches offer hearty, delectable fare to accompany the lively wines. “We were so pleased with the success of these spit-roasted family-style Friday BBQ lunches on our private Tuscan patio last year that we are offering even more this year,” says director of hospitality Roger Gillespie. See hestercreek.com for the BBQ lunch schedule.


Enjoy live music on the patio at Hester Creek Winery.

An ideal mini-holiday summer experience is to participate in one of Hester Creek’s famous cooking classes. Fabulous chefs from all over the Okanagan teach over 35 classes throughout the year, each with only 14 guests seated at a granite island in a state-of-the-art kitchen. Make a cooking class a gourmand weekend vacation by staying at Hester Creek’s Villa overlooking a spectacular panorama of lush vineyards and orchards. Visitors will enjoy comfortable amenities, a homemade, locally-sourced breakfast and the best sunrise in BC. See hestercreek.com for a complete cooking class schedule. Once again, Hester Creek will be offering complimentary live, local music on the patio every Saturday from 1-4. The music starts June 21st and runs straight to Oct 4th. Relax on the patio with a glass of wine and your family and friends. See hestercreek.com for schedule of artists. ~ Dona Sturmanis

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 37

◆ Oliver

Wines with Longevity at Fairview Cellars


airview Cellars owner Bill Eggert has had a revelation concerning his wines lately; they are proving to be extremely long-lived. Compared to wines from other regions, BC’s young industry has not been around long enough to prove their wines’ longevity. Recent winemaker’s dinners at 6 Degree Bistro at Big White and at Tapenade in Steveston confirmed to Eggert that his wines do great things. One event featured the 2003 Merlot Cabernet, which in subsequent vintages became the

Mad Cap. Even at a decade, this wine was still bursting with the bright fruit flavours usually found in wines half its age. What does Eggert do to get his wines to age so well? “Less,” he replies. “I don’t push the tannins but I don’t hide them either. I don’t do all of the things that winemakers normally do to make their wines ready to drink sooner.” The red wines are vinified with limited cold soaks or extended macerations. Fermentations are simple and usually take about two weeks.

And where might one find the ‘03 Merlot Cabernet today? “It’s only available in your friend’s cellar,” says Eggert with a grin. Of course, future winemakers dinners featuring Fairview Cellars are also a possibility.

FAIRVIEW CELLARS From the Heart For the Heart

''2003 Merlot Cabernet Plums, blackberries, fine herbs, and violets on the nose with a full palate of plums, blackberries, and hints of roasted coffee. Tannins and acidity are softer but still assertive. ~ Luke Whittall

New releases, wineshop & patio at Desert Hills


ong known for their exemplary reds, aromatic whites, and an intensely flavoured Port-style wine, Desert Hills is a destination Oliver winery whose only issue was their small tasting room. Until now. “No more will our loyal fans wait or have to return because the store was overcrowded. We’ve got room for everyone!” exclaims Randy Toor, coproprietor. The Toors have created a welcoming and vastly expanded environment where they can greet their many guests in style. The high-end quality of their new tasting room lives up to the image of Desert Hills’ award-winning wines. A 32-foot U-shaped bar can accommodate many people simultaneously. The Toors decided to splurge on a genuine white marble bar top, a perfect backdrop to experience their flawless wines. From the track lighting to the tile floors, bathrooms to display cases,

everything is new and exceptionally crafted. Doors lead out from the tasting room to the new patio. Their lunch licence allows guests to enjoy a glass of wine and on-site deli items while overlooking their vineyards. Mid-June, Desert Hills will host their annual new release party, featuring their 2009 Syrah and Mirage, as well as their 2013 Gewürztraminer, unoaked Chardonnay, and Pinot Gris. Limited seating, please contact: www. deserthills.ca. ''2013 Un-Oaked Chardonnay $17.90 Winemaker George Phiniotis is very excited about the new vintage. All the grapes sourced from their Black Sage Bench vineyard, it exhibits fresh aromas and flavours of honeydew melon, crisp apple and pear.

notes of violet, black cherry, cassis and Italian plum. Very yummy.


''2009 Mirage $36.90 Amazing complexity, this red blend’s got it all. Bottled last fall, it’s smooth, voluptuous and robust. George says, “this wine takes you on a journey – from the first sip through the last, every mouthful makes you taste something different, something more.”

1pm-5pm Tuesday to Saturday or by Appointment

~ Sarah Willard

www.FairviewCellars.com 989 Cellar Rd., Oliver B.C. Phone: 250-498-2211 Fax: 250-498-2130

check out our new releases and experience our new wine shop!

''2009 Syrah $36.90 Soft and feminine, with beautiful

Winemaker George Phiniotis flanked by two of three Desert Hills’ proprietors, brothers Randy Toor (L) and Dave Toor (R).

Two Time recipienT of The LieuTenanT Governor’s award for exceLLence in winemakinG & winner of canada’s besT red. Wine Shop Open April – Oct., 10am – 5:30 pm, 7 days/wk Desert Hills Estate Winery | 4078 Black Sage Road, Oliver, BC | Phone: 250-498-6664 | www.deserthills.ca Page 38 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014


◆ Oliver

Church & State Winery celebrates 10 years

Church & State Winery, Vancouver Island property.

hroughout this spring and summer, Church & State Wines will be preparing for its 10th anniversary. Started as a Vancouver Island property by owner Kim Pullen, Church & State Wines began with vineyards on the Saanich Peninsula but quickly grew in 2005 to the southern Okanagan Valley with the purchase of Rattlesnake Vineyard. Since then Church & State has acquired two more Okanagan vineyards that give name to its award-winning wines — Coyote Bowl and Bella. Today, the Okanagan winery focuses on still table wines, while the Victoria location produces sparkling and island-grown varietals. Both wineries will be open for tastings daily starting May 1st from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. You’ll be able to taste the highly rated Coyote Bowl Syrah as well as never before seen wines from the 2010, 2011 and 2012 vintages. This will include the 2010 Coyote Bowl Petit Verdot Malbec as well as the recently announced, 2011 Coyote Bowl Malbec. According to Jeff Del Nin, Church & State’s winemaker, the 2011 Malbec is the best wine to ever leave the winery’s cellar. With only 150 cases produced for 2011, you better get your hands on a bottle quick!


The year’s festivities don’t end there. To celebrate its first decade, Church & State will be hosting a party at its Coyote Bowl tasting bar on October 10th, 2014. The event will feature vertical tastings (taste different vintages of the same varietal) of two of the winery’s most popular wines, the Quintessential red blend and the Coyote Bowl Syrah. New releases of both wines will also be unveiled. The night will feature live entertainment and paired plates by the winery’s executive chef, Desiree Perrin. Church & State will also be releasing a special 10th anniversary sparkling wine from its Island Estate Vineyard, which has been on lees for 15 years. Tickets for the “Quintessential Release Party” are $60 and can be purchased at thewinefestivals.com. If you’ve never tasted Church & State wines before, or they are some of your favourites, you’ll want to take advantage of the winery’s promotion on its newly re-launched website. When you order any six bottles of the Coyote Bowl Series wines at retail price, you can buy six bottles of the Church & State series for only $10 per bottle. You can order online at store.churchandstatewines.com or by email through sales@churchandstatewines.com ~ Laura Lushington

Thank you to all our supporters for ten great years. Visit churchandstatewines.com to join the celebration... 10th Anniversary


B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 39

◆ Oliver

Quinta Ferreira - All in the Family


wning a family estate winery was a boyhood dream fulfilled for John Ferreira. Nonetheless the wish granted is proof to Roman poet Horace’s quote, “Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work.” The winery is owned and operated by John and his wife Maria, who both immigrated to Canada with their families as young children. John and his siblings toiled along with his parents converting the land from

sagebrush to orchard. In 1979, he and Maria bought the orchard and operated it for 20 years with their three children before planting the first vineyards. The first grapes were sold to wineries such as Township 7 for its awardwinning wines until John and his winemaker son Michael opened their own winery in 2007. In fact, the basis of the stunning Mediterranean-style winery you find now is the independent packing house they had established for the production

of fruit. The hard-working family connection extends to the art viewed inside the tasting room: resident artist is Maria’s sister Carmen Tomé. Michael trained under distinguished winemaker Michael Bartier and from the beginning there has been a cult following for the big red wines. Today the Chardonnay, Viognier and other whites are gaining traction. The “Canadian Wine with a Portuguese Twist” made in a “true to the fruit”

philosophy available only in small lots results in favourites flying off the shelves. To ensure you don’t miss out, join the mailing list. Learn about wine festival events such as Bifana’s and Wine, 11:30 am to 3 pm, May 4th. For just $15, you get a glass of wine along with a traditional Portuguese sandwich while they last! For information on it and the annual Paella event in July, it’s best to follow Quinta Ferreira on Facebook and Twitter. ~ Roslyne Buchanan

Book a Room at Silver Sage Winery


o South Okanagan wine tour is complete without a visit to Silver Sage Winery. Why not make your tour into a special weekend getaway in one of their three guest suites? The Passion room is their honeymoon suite, and the Sunset and Pearl rooms are also available. With Spring comes new releases. The 2013 Pinot Blanc is crisp and clean with notes of citrus and Granny Smith apples. This wine is great with a variety of dishes. The 2013 Gewürztraminer displays notes of rose on the nose, and tropical fruit flavours. It’s slightly a great match for spicier Asian dishes. Last but not least is the 2013 Sage Grand Reserve. Silver Sage is well known for this distinctive Gewürztraminer fermented with wild sage. The end result is crisp with complementary herbal, spice and floral notes. Their Sunset blush wine is lovely. This blend of Pinot Blanc with cranberry and raspberry is refreshing and invigorating. It pairs best with a lovely twilight scene, good company and warm breezes making it the perfect way to celebrate any sunset. You’ll find more details on their web site: www.silversagewinery.com. The wine shop is open from 10 am to 6 pm daily until October 15th. ~ Courtney Fossett

Experience a tasting at one of the valley’s most enjoyable wineries. Turn east off Highway 97 south of Oliver at Road 9, cross the Okanagan River along 87th Street and look for our entrance.


Open Thurs - Mon. 11am-5pm tel. 250-498-0310 www.silversagewinery.com

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◆ Oliver

New Late Harvest Kerner Released at Oliver Twist


2012 French Embrace Our Chardonnay and Viognier blend is “Like Sunshine in a Glass.”

Double Gold Medal - Wine Press North West Best of the Best Platinum Judging Gold Medal - 2013 All Canadian Wine Championship

Twist Club

Join our and have our award-winning wines delivered right to your door twice a year! Register online or visit our wine shop today.

Open Daily 10 am to 5:30 pm 398 Lupine Lane (Just off Road 9), Oliver, B.C.



ine lovers who have made Kerner the best-selling wine at Oliver Twist Estate Winery are in for a big treat this spring. A late harvest Kerner—the first ever for owner-winemaker Gina Mitchell—is about to be released. Botrytis-affected (the grapes are tinged with “noble rot”, a fungus that desiccates the grapes, intensifying the flavours) wines are something of a rarity, and Gina excitedly describes the flavours—“nutty, roasted caramelized apple, mango, sweet mandarin orange, orange peel, exotic fruit.” As we make our way through a tasting I keep adding exclamation marks beside my notes. Pinot Gris, Patio Passion, Kerner, French Embrace are consistently clean, crisp and flavour packed. On the nose, they are a sensory delight. “I’m really proud of their fruity aromatics,” Gina says. And who would argue? Last year Gina, who co-owns Oliver Twist with her vintage car-loving husband Trevor, made 5,000 cases of wine, ensuring a good supply and variety awaits visitors. Guests will enjoy the added benefit of being able to make a purchase from the deli fridge

and head outside to enjoy them with a glass of wine on the two patios overlooking the vineyards. Fans of Gina’s wines should take the opportunity to sign up for a Twist Club membership, a wine club whose benefits include exclusive access to lim-

ited release and small lot wines, and advance notice of new releases and almost sold out vintages. Why risk missing out on wines like the 2010 Syrah, a Gold Medal winner at the 2012 Canadian Wine Awards and highest scoring red in the InterVin International Wine Awards? Or 2012 French Embrace, a Double Gold medalist at the Best of the Best Platinum in the 2013 Wine Press Northwest awards? Stop by and learn for yourself, from the winemaker who says she has spent her life “playing in the dirt.” ~ Lorne Eckersley

Magic at Burrowing Owl Winery


like on the table, when we’re speaking, the light of a bottle of intelligent wine,” wrote poet Pablo Neruda. He would have loved a visit to Burrowing Owl Estate Winery, where wine made with great care and thought is accompanied by stunning vineyard views and farmfresh dishes served in the Sonora Room Restaurant. Restaurant manager Lynn Coulthard, a recent transplant from the Lower Mainland, carries an eye-opening resume that includes management positions with Vancouver’s Top Table restaurants (Cin Cin among them) and Liberty Wine Merchants. For the last decade she taught Wine & Spirit Education Trust classes at UBC for James Cluer, never thinking at all about leaving the city. But a trip to Vernon to visit her brother last year changed all that. They visited Burrowing Owl and walked into the Sonora Room, where she recognized restaurant operator Dave Keeler. Not long afterward she found herself giving six months notice to Cluer and preparing for a


new adventure in the Okanagan. “I was drawn to Burrowing Owl because of the restaurant and the wine quality,” she says. “It’s a magical combination.” She says an added bonus is the opportunity to work with executive Chef Brock Bowes, a homegrown talent who honed his skills at the side of legendary Chef Bernard Casavant. Chef Brock says he is thrilled to head up the Sonora Room kitchen, and excited by its close proximity to local suppliers. He has made an arrangement with Le Petit Clos a market garden only five minutes away to grow produce exclusively for him. When local produce ripens, a weekly (or even more frequent) Fresh Sheet will complement a menu that includes favorites like Seafood Cioppino and Duck Confit. Brock enjoys pairing food and wine, saying “I love pushing the limits of pairing.” Expect the unexpected, he adds. Unexpected, but always intelligent. ~Lorne Eckersley

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 41

◆ Oliver/Osoyoos

Awards Galore for River Stone Winery


hen Ted Kane says, “Our wines have been really well received,” he is making a bit of an understatement. The good news keeps on rolling in to River Stone Estate Winery. The 2011 Pinot Gris and 2010 Corner Stone were awarded Silver Medals in The Savor Northwest Wine Awards last March, an impressive showing followed up with four awards received for four entries to last fall’s InterVin competition. Taking a break from pruning after what he describes as a good, mild winter, Ted says he is looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, meeting customers and hearing their response to tastings. The River Stone wineshop opens for the season on May 1st and visitors can expect to find some familiar wine friends and some new treats. Available now is the 2012 Cabernet Franc, which will be joined later this spring by the 2012 Stone’s Throw, a Bordeaux blend of Merlot, Malbec

and Cabernet Sauvignon. Another new bottling, 2013 Rosé made with Malbec, is also on the horizon. Still in stock are the Double Gold Medal-winning 2012 Pinot Gris, 2011 Merlot and 2010 Cornerstone. The successful cooking event series continues on May 4th with Bogner’s of Penticton chef Darin Paterson, and Ted says more in the series are being planned for the fall. As a small producer of acclaimed wines (fewer than 2,000 cases are made, all from the River Stone vineyard grapes) Ted recommends that customers check out the Wine Club. Benefits include a 10% discount on all wine purchases. “This is the first spring season for our Wine Club, so it’s really just getting started,” he says. With Ted and Lorraine, enjoying everything about life in the Okanagan, the motto they have adopted for the winery seems especially appropriate—Savour the Journey! ~ Lorne Eckersley



Hand crafted single vineyard wines. Come Savour the Journey.

www.riverstonesstatewinery.ca e/mail: riverstone@eastlink.ca 143 Buchanan Drive., Oliver, BC Ph: 250 498-7798

Springtime Sipping on the New Patio at Adega on 45th


he gang at Adega on 45th is excited about the coming wine touring season. The “gang” of course is Adega owners Maria and Alex Nunes, and Pamala and Fred Farinha. They have Team Adega (L-R) Fred, Pamala, Maria & Alex. reached cruising altitude now with their winery and are popular white blend. Along with their clearly enjoying every moment of it. other whites - Chardonnay, Viognier, But the final piece of the puzzle will and Pinot Gris - the new Felicidade will be right at home on the patio be falling into place this year. That piece is the patio, which will overlooking the vineyards. soon be closer to completion with The much-anticipated release of the tiled floor and a pergola for shade, a Portao da Adega, their fortified Portvaluable commodity during the heat style wine, is scheduled for May. A of summer in Osoyoos. Food items blend of reds aged for approximately will also be available for sale from a 3 years, this wine is available only in new deli fridge in the wineshop. As 375ml bottles. It sold out quickly last visitors to Adega’s wineshop already year so make sure to pick up your know, it’s a beautiful location and the bottle early if you can. addition of the completed patio will The annual Customer Appreciation Day will be taking place again on be the icing on the cake. Of course nothing helps you enjoy Father’s Day, June 15th and will be that patio on a hot day better that featuring food pairings and live music a chilled glass of white wine. Spring on the patio. Ask about the benefits is the time for new releases and of their wine club, “The A-List Club” Adega will be starting out the year while you are there. ~ Luke Whittall with their 2013 Felicidade, their most

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Family and Tradition ... Timeless. Open 7 days a week 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Highway 3 (Osoyoos) turn on 45th St., East Osoyoos, BC

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◆ Oliver

Happy birthday, dear Tinhorn, happy birthday to you!

Perfectly placed to make fine wine and good friends.

Upcoming Events


May 2 - Hops, Grapes, & Grub Dinner May 4 - Farm to Bottle Tour May 24 - The Town Pants Concert June 8 - Crab Feast June 28 - The Boom Booms Visit our website for more events!

Celebrating 20 years!


1994 - 2014 R E S TAU R A N T

inhorn Creek Vineyards turns 20 this year and 2014 promises to be a year of celebration for one of the Okanagan’s most celebrated wineries. There is plenty to draw visitors already—owner/winemaker Sandra Oldfield’s lineup of exceptional wines, the acclaimed Miradoro Restaurant, a wonderful demonstration vineyard, spectacular views and a fabulous tasting room experience. But Tinhorn Creek has also built a reputation among music lovers. Summer concerts consistently draw large crowds. To celebrate the 20th anniversary, the winery is bringing back some of its favourite bands from previous concert series. The Town Pants kick off the season with a concert on May 24th and The Boom Booms (June 28th), Hey Ocean (July 26th) and Odds (August 23rd) will keep the rock rolling through the summer. For the Grand Finale on September 6th, Canadian rock and blues giant Colin James returns, having performed at Tinhorn Creek’s 10th Anniversary. That concert is already sold out. Season passes for the first four concerts are available now and are a steal at only $115—four shows for the price

of three. Purchasers also get a souvenir plastic wine glass that can be used at the concerts. Seafood lovers won’t want to miss the Crab Feast on June 8th. Prepare to get messy and happy when you take your seat in the amphitheatre to enjoy

this Cajun style lunch from the talented team at Miradoro Restaurant. With 20 events for 20 years, Tinhorn Creek has lined up a season of treats that include nighttime movies, starlit dinners and a daylong festival. Be sure to pick up a 20th Anniversary events passport. A minimum of five stamps qualifies you for a chance to win a very special prize—a 3L bottle of wine from the Tinhorn Creek Library. Plan your summer visits now! ~ Lorne Eckersley

Gehringer Brothers - 28 Years of Winemaking on the Golden Mile


or decades the brothers Gehringer have been instrumental in defining the wine industry in the South Okanagan as we know it. The 2013 vintage represents the 28th year making wine on the Golden Mile. When you’ve got an illustrious pedigree like that, you should advertise it. The latest vintage of Gehringer Brothers wines will be wearing a new addition to their usual label of impeccable understated elegance; and all to let people know about the lineage of award winning wines that came before the bottle they hold in their hand. Gehringer Brothers Winery has long been known for their expertise with grapes, but their skill with the Riesling grape in particular must be noted. Their Private Reserve Riesling and their Riesling have been consistently awarded and well reviewed, particularly by the Northwest Wine Press. www.winetrails.ca

As the 2013 whites are being released, it is a good time to pay particular attention to what might be considered the flagship wines for these two winemaking brothers. The 2013 Riesling is a rich honey colour with a caressing, honeyed, floral nose. The palate is soft and sleek with notes of honey, beeswax, Meyer lemon and orange blossom. The finish is long with distinct mineral undertones. The 2013 Private Reserve Riesling is the polar opposite. This wine is much more reserved and austere. Pale gold with a clean, crisp nose; this wine has a firm palate with classic notes of green apple, citrus zest, honey and beeswax. The finish is firm and crisp, making this the ideal food wine. The wineshop at Gehringer Brothers is open year round, and beginning on the May long weekend, it will be open 7 days a week from 9 am to 5:30 pm. ~ Courtney Fossett

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 43

◆ Oliver

All About the Senses at the Vine Glass Renewal Resort Roger Hol with his partner Jyl Chegwin.


ur five senses are featured in The Vine Glass Renewal Resort’s logo because every sense is in motion when you visit this spectacular property in the southern Similkameen Valley. Owners and hosts Jyl Chegwin and Roger Hol have created a truly amazing place to get away and experience rural life. Though only a minute off of highway 3, traffic noise does not intrude on this serene property nestled in the valley. Guest amenities include guest suites, a pool, hot tub, meeting room, billiards room, fire pit, and kayaks, canoes, and bicycles can be rented for more exploring. There is also a full kitchen, outdoor forno

pizza oven, and wood grill, which itself has become a favorite. Roger recommends cooking steak over Cabernet Franc vine wood. “It brings out the flavour the best,” he explains. The site can easily host parties for over 250 people, such as their annual Quest For the Cure fundraiser that also includes live music. The winery produces two wines: The Rejuvenation Red, a co-fermented blend of Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot, and the Why Knot White, made with Viognier. These are the varieties planted on the spectacular river-front vineyard that has the image of a glass of wine. Jyl, inspired by her previous experiences building corn mazes, came up with the idea that is now easily viewable on Google Earth. With Roger’s years of grape growing experience, he’s not afraid of letting the character of the vintage show through. “Each vintage should be as unique as the year it was made,” says Roger. The resort is open 10 months of the year from March to December, booked by phone or email. Wines are available by appointment at the winery. ~ Luke Whittall

Party in the wine cave at Seven Stones


even Stones owner George Hanson is extremely pleased with the way his wines have tasted over the past years. 2013 was an excellent year in the southern Similkameen Valley and the vineyards at Seven Stones took advantage of it. This season will start off with the release of the 2013 Rosé. Made entirely from Pinot Noir, it had just over 30 hours of skin contact before running off, giving it a complex flavour profile and bright colour. “The flavours are unreal for 2013,” says George. “It was a spectacular vintage.” Intense and complex flavours are the hallmark of Seven Stones’ portfolio and are achieved through extremely careful vineyard management. This sometimes means that George must decide to prune off part of the crop before it is ripe (sometimes as much as 60%), a process known as green harvesting. “It’s a tough decision to make,” he explains.

Leading off the season will be the annual Sip Sip Syrah on May 4th held deep in the Wine Caves (often referred to by George as the ultimate Man Cave). Guests will get a preview of the 2012 Syrah straight from the barrel while enjoying a catered luncheon in one of the most unique wine cellars in BC. On May 10th, George will be hosting “Watermark in the Caves Winemaker’s Dinner.” Tickets for these events and any other events held in the caves are available by calling the wineshop. ''2012 Syrah (barrel sample) Dark black plums, blackberries, game meats, vanilla, violets, and perfume give just a hint of the many possible aromas available in this as yet unfinished wine. The palate yields flavours of plums, blackberries, vanilla and baking spices. The finish is long and lingering. It is the ultimate preview for the Syrah lover!

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Renewal Resort

Relax & Explore The Similkameen At VineGlass Renewal Resort, Winery & Event Centre

306 Sumac Rd., Cawston, BC www.VineGlass.ca 888-694-6696


Discover the secrets of the caves in making our award-winning wine.

Open daily from 10:30-5:30 Tours | Tastings Special Events | Weddings Winemaker Dinners Corporate Retreats 1143 Hwy. 3, Cawston

250.499.2144 SevenStones.ca

~ Luke Whittall www.winetrails.ca

◆ Similkameen

Eau Vivre’s Successful Wine Keg Program


he innovation continues at Eau Vivre this spring following on the heels of the winery’s first single-variety Sauvignon Blanc. The new 2013 vintage of Riesling will be joining the Pinot Noir 2012 as part of the wine

keg program available to restaurants including The Mill in Cole Harbour, The Distillery, Rogue, Ca Va Bistro, among others. Why choose Riesling for the keg program? “Sauvignon Blanc is the usual wine for kegs,” explains

Anthony Buchanan, “so we wanted to be a little different by offering a Riesling.” 2012 reds Kyra, the winery dog that will be bottled this spring that are due for a summer release include their Cabernet Franc, the Malbec, and the Buddhafull, which for the first time will feature all five Bordeaux grape varieties - Merlot, Cab Franc, Cab Sauvignon, Petit Verdot and Malbec.

Anthony will be busy showing off many of these new wines at the Bloom BC VQA Spring Release Tastings in both Victoria and Vancouver. As well he will also be appearing at the Neighbourhood Nosh at the BC Wine Museum in Kelowna. If you get to Cawston, the tasting room will be opening for the season at the beginning of May coinciding with the Spring Wine Festival. '' 2013 Cinq Blanc

Aromas of ambrosia apples, fresh citrus, peach, and tropical fruit notes. On the palate, this wine is a total Waldorf Salad of summer fruit flavours with peaches and mangos, all dressed up in a refreshingly clear package. ~ Luke Whitall

Heaven on Earth at Forbidden Fruit Winery

O Open May 1st - October 15th 10:30 - 5:30 daily 250.499.2655 716 Lowe Drive, Cawston www.EauVivreWinery.ca

rganic. Orgasmic. Outof-this-world. These are just a few things I’ve heard people (including myself) say when describing the unbelievably great wines of Forbidden Fruit. Based on a 142-acre certified organic orchard and vineyard along the banks of the Similkameen River, orchardist/ winemaker Steve Venables, artist-wife Kim Brind’Amour and their family have created heaven on earth. In 2007, Steve planted several acres of certified organic vinifera grapes to complement their fabulous fruit wine lineup. To differentiate these ‘traditional’ wines from the rest, they feature the ‘Earth Series’ labels: a lovely picture of our jewel-like planet Earth as seen from space. It reinforces the commitment the family has Steve Venables made to protect our precious world. the epic peach.” Created from 100% 2013 Earth Series SauVidal $20.00 white flesh peaches, it’s floral aromas This unique blend of Sauvignon Blanc complement citrus-peach flavours and Vidal rivals the juiciest fruit-for- with an extraordinarily long finish that ward Ehrenfelser, Viognier or Gewürz- will leave you utterly...speechless. traminer wines. It jumps out of the glass with incredible tropical aromas ''2013 Earth Series SauVidal with flavours to match. Try pairing $25.00 with Asian-fusion, curries, or brie. Attention fans of ‘the heart-break ''2013 Speachless $18.00 First vintage sold out quickly – having one Double Gold/Best of Class at the All Canadian Wine Championships. Expect another winner, as Steve says, “2013 was the year of


grape’. This elegant plum wine made in homage to French Pinot Noir, exhibits a delicate, smoky-earthy-plum character perfect for shellfish, salmon, turkey, creamy cheeses, and more. ~ Sarah Willard

B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 45

◆ Feature/Similkameen

Book review

Okanagan Slow Road Author Bernadette McDonald Illustrated by Artist Karolina Born-Tschümperlin Experience the magic of the Okanagan Valley as author Bernadette McDonald takes you on an intimate odyssey through the diverse culture, landscapes and tastes found in the interior of British Columbia. Artist Karolina Born-Tschümperlin poetically brings the pages to life through her gallery of paintings depicting the beautiful and rich countryside surrounding her. Bernadette and Karolina have created a unique and delicious insider’s guide that will capture the hearts of all. “Eat local, buy local, cook the food yourself, pair dishes with local vintages, and have a lot of fun in the process. Take your time. Slow down. Taste. Smell. Those are the messages of Okanagan Slow Road.” This must-have book for food and wine lovers and for local and visiting Okanagan adventurers is available at most wineshops around the valley and bookstores. For more information go to: http://www.touchwoodeditions.com ~ Jennifer Schell

Bio-dynamic Vineyards at Clos du Soleil


los du Soleil wants you to experience what biodynamic wine grape growing is all about. “We’re really proud of that aspect of the vineyard,” explains managing director Michael Clark. To increase access to that experience, the wineshop will be open for extended hours throughout this season: 10am to 5pm daily except Tuesdays from May 1. There will also be exclusive “wineshop-only” items, including a “special Grower’s Series” among other creative new products. A trio of new releases from 2013 will

kick off the season’s releases. The Rosé, made from 100% Cabernet Sauvignon, has developed a loyal following likely due to the wine’s uniquely deep hue and aromatic profile. According to Clark, this vintage has “more depth and complexity” and is “as aromatic or more” than previous vintages. Fans of the Fumé Blanc will be pleased to see the new vintage available. “It’s got wonderful fruit characteristics this year,” says Clark. “Big and full.” The Grower’s Series “Middle Bench Vineyard” Pinot Blanc - a favourite

since 2010 and the first wine in that series - rounds out the trio of spring releases. Even though the name is different, the grapes are from the same vineyard as previous vintages. Of course their limited-quantity reds, including their flagship Bordeauxblend “Signature”, will be available

for tasting and purchase as well. News of current releases as well as information on wineshop experiences and events are all easily available through their website at closdusoleil. ca or by signing up to their newsletter, Les Amis. ~ Luke Whittall

Tasting Room OPEN


Tasting Room Hours: Wednesday - Monday, 10am-5pm, May 1 to October 31 2568 Upper Bench Road, Keremeos, BC 1-250-499-2831 Michael Clark (L) & Spencer Massie

Page 46 • B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014

Buy Directly From Our Online Store! www.closdusoleil.ca @Closdusoleil www.winetrails.ca

◆ Feature

On the Cover… Karolina Born-Tschümperlin Karolina Born-Tschümperlin was a smile on most people’s faces born in Lucerne, Switzerland, and I never get tired of watching and moved to Canada in 1995. visitors light right up, when they She studied at the University of step on our property. I have Cambridge and at l’Université been doing this for a number of Paris-Sorbonne, and holds years now and always think that a degree in modern foreign I have the scent down pat in my languages from the Translator inner nose. And then, surprise, School “Dolba” in Basel. With spring arrives, the first plants her husband, Doug, and her are coming into bloom, and I dog, Otis, she owns a small stick my winter-stale breather lavender farm in Naramata, BC. into the first freshly cut lavender In her spare time, she paints and bouquet, and the sweetness and plays various instruments with complexity of the scent knocks her band, Slapdog Four plus my socks off again and again.” Joe. Her paintings and images Read more about the Lavender beautifully illustrate Okanagan Farm on page 24. Slow Road. Creating the art for the book Karolina’s creative spirit sparkles was an adventure for Karolina through her colourful canvases as it was a departure of style for reflecting her love of life and of her. “Generally, I like to paint the “bucolic” Okanagan Valley. animals on large canvasses. On her love affair with lavender Domestic and wild ones, DRAFT she muses, “I have many preferably in a semi-cartoonish Wine favourite things about lavender. butterflies andTrails other useful way with expressionistic colours Apart from the fact that it uses insects. It smells fantastic and can2012 that make you really notice Valentinos Directory Ad very little water, which makes it be used for a variety of products, them, their personalities.” She perfect for our semi-arid valley, starting in one’s bathroom all says. “For Okanagan Slow Road it feeds the bees, attracts the the way into the kitchen. It puts however, I was given another

task. Landscapes, still life and some buildings. I had never painted buildings…My favourite painting in this book is “View over Okanagan Lake from the KVR”. It is adapted from a photo that I took on one glorious fall walk up there: Me, Otis and the endless freedom I feel at the end of another successful lavender season behind us!” Visit Karolina at the Farm or online at: www.karolinaborn.com

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B.C. Food & Wine Trails • MAY/JUNE 2014 • Page 47

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