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Radiko por: turnar, turno, turna, turne

Plusa moyeni di la vortifo: la sufixi e la prefixi
+ al = turnala
+ ant = turnanta
+ ebl = turnebla
+ ig = turnigar, turnigo
+ it = turnita
+ iv = turniva
(become) see suffix .esk.ar;
(cause to be) see suffix .ig.ar;
(in gen.) turnar;
(in a lathe) tornar;
(on axis) (intr.) rotacar;
(around an axis) turnar;
(around another body) (intr.) jirar (cf. envolvar, envelopar);
(in a lathe) tornar;
(change) (tr., intr.) chanjar (cf. alterar);
to about turn - (ri-, retro-)turnar (cf. inversigar, retroirar).
to turn about - jirar.
to turn around - turnar.
to turn (something around) - turnar.
to turn aside - deturnar, deviacar; (put aside) eskartar.
to turn away - deturnar.
to turn away the head - deturnar la kapo.
to turn back (feathers, hair) - arufar.
to turn down - ad-infre-turnar; (fold back) rifaldar, retrofaldar;
(decline) refuzar;
(a leaf) faldar l'angulo di folio;
a turn down collar - kolumo jacanta.
to turn in - (go to bed) enlitigar su, sternar su por dormar.
(motion) turnar aden.
to turn in a circle - jirar cirkle.
to turn in (a screw) - visar.
to turn to account - profitar (de, per).
to turn to the right - turnar addextre.
to turn into - chanjar, transformar.
to turn off - (a servant) desengajar; (water, steam) haltigar (la fluo); stopar; supresar; (a cock) klozar; (deviate) deviacar (de);
to turn on - enswichar.
to turn out - turnar adextere; (of events) la fino esis; par venar (ad);
(go out) ekirar, ekirigar;
(diverge) divergar;
(work) facar; (of flowers, etc.) kreskar o matureskar bone o male;
(expel) ejektar, ekpulsar;
(happen) eventar;
(produce) produktar, facar, fabrikar;
(result) resultar (en), havar kom rezultajo;
(on road) turnar adlatere; garar;
turn over - (upset) renversar, inversigar; riturnar;
(tumble) (intr.) kulbutar;
(transfer) transferar; donar;
(leaves of a book) foliumar; (cf. rotacar);
to turn over and over - turnar e riturnar;
to turn around - (ri-)turnar, (on axis) rotacar;
(an outside point) jirar (cirkum); cirkondar;
to turn up - eventar;
(appear) aparar (ad); arivar (ye);
(tuck up, pin up) trusar; rifaldar; orlar;
(become higher) alteskar;
(curve up) kurvigar adsupere;
(curved up) kurvigita adsupere.
to turn upside down - (intr.) kulbutar; (tr.) kulbutigar.
to turn an honest penny - facar profito legitima.
to turn one’s energies (to) - direktar sua energio.
to turn (the palm of the hand) downward or backward - pronacar.
my head turns - me vertijas.
the milk has turned - la lakto koruptesis;
the affair turned out well - l’afero rezultis bone;
the battle turned to his advantage - la kombato rezultis favore ad lu;
turn a compliment - facar komplimento.
turn toward (of houses, etc.) - expozar.

II. (n.)

(on oneself) turno, rotaco;
(winding) jireyo, jiropunto; branchovoyo; deturno;
(change) chanjo;
(curve) kurvo;
(in series) foyo;
(of a rope) volvo.
a turn of a wheel - rototurno.
a turn about - riturno.
it is my turn - esas mea foyo.
in turn - sucedante, alterne, segun ordino.
to give everyone a turn - donar a singlu lua foyo.
turn of the hand - manuostroko (cf. eskamoto).
take turns - alternar.
to take a turn on the road - (intr.) promenar.
to do a good turn to someone - facar granda servo ad ulu.
sudden turn of fortune - peripecio.